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Bej Kerman

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Everything posted by Bej Kerman

  1. Cool. Yeah, I think I half understand. Whaaaaa....?
  2. What I was getting at. Someone managed to retexture Venus' clouds in US2 (https://youtu.be/HYd4BFsGrEI) Yeah, heard of that, but what about a 3rd part program (Like To Boldly Go) that let you set textures and parameters without needing to write configs, and possibly a graphical display of the system. 0.18? or 0.19? I cannot forget those days, all with the bouncy Kerbal helmets and stuff.
  3. probably not very worth, but seriously, there should be some sort of Kopernicus planet maker for noobs like me.
  4. Maybe possible, if pro on the level of being on the Microsoft team enough, with code that converts between US2's sim encryption (or whatever the garbled mess of characters is when you open a sim in notepad) / Kopernicus's simple configs, then simplifies all the gravitational interactions to planet --> biggest gravitational factor on planet, then just take the motion properties of the planet and apply it then? Maybe someone could reverse engineer US2 and KSP if legal. Maybe, if someone with enough patience and obsession, could pull the appearance properties from US2 and apply that to a heightmap. As I said, if I could, I would, and as far as I'm aware, no-one's pulled off any game to game code stuff. Were you on the forums for long enough to know how people reacted to Kopernicus when it first got released?
  5. Yeah, I know it's a long shot but wouldn't it be possible to just ignore the asteroids and N-body stuff, and just convert the bodies and make their biggest gravitational influence the parent object of it? Even if we needed to use N-body calculations, there's still Principia.
  6. Is it possible to make a program that reads US2 simulation files into Kopernicus (Possibly CustomAsteroids?) configs? If so, I'd love to see if this community could pull off this sort of feat. I'm obviously not a programmer and don't know if this is even possible, and if I could I would. Idk if this is the right thread.
  7. This'd greatly reduce space in the editor list required which means that Janitor Closet use will go down.
  8. Can KHI start incorporating old parts as part variants so you can instantly use full classic parts using the variant selector within the advanced parts list? (Icon looks like a drop)
  9. Pah! Once I got 53993 patches, and the last time I loaded, that was 2267.
  10. On to my modded install, I make a massive one-launch mun base, and I accidentally attached the solar panel array to the landing rockets. I now plan on opening my modded game, removing some modded parts and fixing the thing with the solar panels.
  11. Once I made a mun lander, and the outer tanks had asparagus staging set up for them. Little did I know I attached my landing legs to those. To get out of this predicament as I had no torque to keep me upright on the mun on the little, tiny poodle engine, I had to direct all fuel to the outer tanks, transfer fuel back into the core tank and then jettison everything on takeoff. The next version of my rocket moved the legs, added torque wheels and 4 RCS thrusters on the top of the little re-entry pod. This all happened on DMP with me sharing my screenshots to the world to show how dumb I can be on KSP. Shots: The arrows on decouplers indicate which bit they won't stick to and they should be pointing up so they don't stick to the engine and absorb all their thrust. I wasn't using stack separators.
  12. Once I did a mission to Moho, which, oh boy, was a mistake, because back then I was still bad at the game and decouplers had individual textures and models. Do you know what I did? I put a decoupler on backwards. I went all this way and the little nooby upper stage couldn't move. complete utter noob has left the game. I also once left mechjeb to do a manoeuvre and took a dump, when I came back, the engines it was using were out of fuel and MJ wouldn't stage. I can imagine that shameful moment you see the ladder just rise up as the kerbal just waits in his pod to disembark.
  13. The last time I used it, it distracted me doing a Falcon 9 style landing and I had struggled to remove the height warning/add more warnings. Plus, the audio for the alarm doesn't loop properly.
  14. After some research, the mountain is called K2 and is called Mt.WTS is some KSP online comics.
  15. No offence but this mod is pretty bad. Going down at even a snail's pace activates the alarm which is pretty darn annoying when landing boosters and the alarm sound itself is poorly done, you can hear the where the audio loops.
  16. 1. Thought so 2. You seem familiar, did I see you 1.5 microseconds ago?
  17. I use full autostrut, that and a bit of manual strutting between stages where autostrut can't counter wobble.
  18. I thought Softonic is full of spyware and other junk?
  19. Even the mountains in 0.18, they just looked like these big hills in the distance and looked nothing like mountains. I can't remember what the mountains are called, K2? I'm talking about the ones behind the KSC.
  20. Another time I left Valentina on Duna for the majority of 11 years. At least she got to talk to a Mechjeb unit for half that, I also tried to use her as a runway multiple times on the tipped mechjeb craft.
  21. When 1.5 got introduced, I made a massive rocket that would have loads of kerbals in the command seats around a big fuel tank powered by, I think it was a mainsail, and I sailed it proudly straight into the side of the VAB. About half the kerbonauts survived and some managed to get a footing on the sides of the VAB wreckage.
  22. I remember when each part basically only done 1 thing and landing legs were super rigid.
  23. Pro tip: Wolfhound engine is OP and should never be nerfed
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