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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I've slightly revised my mission plans, and they now involve 2 exploratory missions to the Mun before I set up my relay network. Props to @linuxgurugamer who is keeping the Kronal Vessel Viewer mod alive, which lets me take these awesome technical drawing-style screenshots. This isn't really a proper report, but I'm going to put it in the OP table of contents anyway.
  2. Something like 5-10 degrees, Probably too low--I'm a rocket guy, not a spaceplane guy.
  3. To be fair, it is an SSTO, and the idea is to recover all of the parts (which I totally failed at, BTW )
  4. So I built an SSTO. I kinda focused on aesthetics, not functionality, during the build. It got into orbit fine. As I began re-entry, everything was going fine. I turned on the temperature indicators, and realised that the shock cone intake on the front of the craft was getting rather hot. As I began to fly over the ocean separating the desert landmass from the KSC's landmass, the intake exploded due to overheating, followed closely by the Mk1 to Mk2 adapter directly behind it. This sent us into a tumble, and slowed us down to approximately Mach 1.5. We won't reach the KSC on a glide path anymore, I thought, but we still have engines! Despite the un-aerodynamic profile of my unintentionally blunt SSTO, we were just about able to sustain level flight. Unfortunately, as you can probably just about see to the left of the KER window, we had a different problem--fuel. We would now need to find somewhere to land in this conveniently bumpy tract of land, as my blunt aircraft did not want to glide. Trying to turn around to find a better spot lost us too much speed to keep altitude. Luckily the fiery re-entry had spared my nose landing gear. The plane did not want to pitch up, either, so it took a few tries (thank Felipe for quicksave) to actually land at a sane vertical speed (thank the Kraken for KER). And of course, when we landed, the Whiplash engine exploderated. It's going to need a bit of a revision to work properly. The front intake is unnecessary and rather hazardous on re-entry, and an RCS system to properly utilise that inline docking port wouldn't hurt either. In memory of its first flight, I'm thinking of calling this SSTO the 'Blunt Pencil'
  5. Hey! Another chapter of Kerny's Journal! We got some Section 31 info, and Jeb is up to something........ @adsii1970 another awesome chapter
  6. Most likely this. It's a brilliant mod and does everything a more complicated indicator does.
  7. @purpleivan This has got to be the best add-on release OP I've ever read I love the parts too! This seems like a close relative of Bargain Rocket Parts.
  8. 3/10 I've seen you a tiny bit, not much.
  9. I believe Baikerbanur is a fan-made name for the Inland Centre.
  10. Nope. Woomerang is in a different location to the inland space centre (which is the same thing as Baikerbanur). I might do this challenge actually. I just need to build a powerful enough rover.
  11. I don’t know of any mod that adds stuff like that, but I’d certainly like it! Since you can’t have a rainbow without rain, this would probably be a part of a complete weather mod.
  12. I have indeed! TUBM is hyped for 1.6.
  13. During re-entry, the Space Shuttle had its nose pitched up 40 degrees, and it is quite hard to keep a KSP shuttle stable at 40 degree pitch. If you use the 'angled probe core' exploit then you can just control from the probe core and have SAS hold prograde, keeping you pitched up.
  14. Cool craft, @SnacklessKerbal! How exactly do you make those cool infographics? I know you use KVV but not much beyond that. I’d like to make graphics like that for my own mission report thread.
  15. I just found something quite cool in the game files of KSP 0.7.3, and I thought I should share it here. In the folder 'sounds' there are several .mp3 files. Many of these contain sounds that were never added to the game, which is quite interesting. However, the most interesting thing in that folder is a file called 'editorLoop01.ogg' and this is a piece of groovy-sounding music, obviously designed for the editor due to its name, and bearing a definite family resemblance to the music we hear in the VAB/SPH nowadays. EDIT: This elusive piece of music is actually still in the game to this day, under KSP/Gamedata/Squad/sounds. It's very interesting that this has been in the files for so long, but has never been removed or added to the game.
  16. Hey! Welcome, @Interstellar Yeet! You can add images here too, through Imgur. You don’t even need an account, just upload your image and copy and paste the direct link into your post. And stick around, too. I promise we’re all really nice, and I’m willing to bet that you’ll find more friendly support and help here than Discord (No offence to Discord, but you’ll find the most dedicated KSP players here )
  17. Fast rotation, hell yeah! I won't have to use the often-weird-and buggy 'craft inside another craft' method for stock props anymore!
  18. The orange bar is saying that ‘this thread is quite old’. Whatever, this mod should really be stock. Good job @Tyko! I’m going to assume that this’ll work in 1.5.x, as it’s just MM patches, right?
  19. Yep, and the planets are made from neutronium, hence their incredible density.
  20. Ah! Emiko is back! That was a brilliant chapter @Just Jim, and I love the little KSP team references: Should we expect another long wait for the next chapter? Sorry to be nagging, but I love this fanfic way too much!
  21. @Dagger you've done it! Now we can have axial tilt for planets without Principia! Just some speculation...what would happen if I added this to an existing save? Would everything break?
  22. Currently you can’t add new attachment nodes in flight, but you can attach parts to existing nodes in flight by holding down ‘R’ while using the screwdriver.
  23. Try landing on the Mun and Minmus and returning to Kerbin in one launch. As an extra challenge, try to do it without exceeding a launch mass of say, 20 tons.
  24. Great work on this, @SiriusRocketry! I wish I could write my mission reports more frequently. Most of my time in KSP is spent doing whatever takes my fancy in my 'mucking about' save, and I only jump into my 'main' save occasionally when I feel like it.
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