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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. I don't like how overpowered the Wolfhound is in stock. The Poodle is a much more realistic SPS engine, except for the looks. I would recommend @Tyko's Engine Tweaks for Making History, which, among other things, applies the Poodle's stats to the Wolfhound and makes it a much more realistic engine.
  2. Try setting the ejection force on the fairing to maximum (1000 I think?). That should make the fairing leave your radiators alone.
  3. This is a pretty momentous occasion in this report and in my savegame, because it's the first time since Kerbollo 6 that Kerbals have ventured beyond LKO. The Scout 2 spacecraft orbited the Mun three times and collected some pretty good SCIENCE (yes, I know this is a sandbox game, shut up).
  4. Interprobe 6 did a good job, for sure! But now the Punk Rockerr needs a rescue mission.....
  5. HYPE! Will you post a modlist for this series? I notice one of the SSPXR centrifuges by @Nertea, but what else are you using?
  6. I saw the first episode. There were several problems. -If they have a Mars transfer spacecraft in orbit, why do they need an SLS? Seems like a waste if you’re only trying to get to an LEO rendezvous. -Why did the LES fail? In a situation like that the crew should have survived. -The spectators seemed dangerously close to the pad. In conclusion: Meh. Why did they call it ‘The First’, implying that it was about the first crewed mission to Mars, when it’s really about the failure of that mission and the politics/melodrama that ensues? As far as I can see it’s just another drama series, but based around a spacey idea.
  7. Welcome to the forums, @Badb3nd3r!! So you need to test the Kodiak splashed down, right? You're splashed down, so everything is OK in that regard. The problem is that you don't actually have a Kodiak onboard. The small orange ones are 'Twitch' engines, and the large two-nozzled one on the back is a Bobcat. You're looking for this engine: Don't worry, for splashed down tests you don't need to go underwater
  8. Banned for listening to music while sketching.
  9. I think while we're at it we'll also need some of those big-tyred buggy things.
  10. It's literally just sound files. As long as Chatterer itself works on 1.5.x (IIRC it does) this should work fine.
  11. Some people have weak computers and can’t run visual mods. It would make more sense to have them toggleable.
  12. @Waz I'm a little confused as to how I'm supposed to install EVE configs, specifically the Para-Sci atmosphere pack. In the OP, it says to replace the sample 'BoulderCo' config folder with the one from the pack, but as far as I can see there is no 'BoulderCo' folder in the latest release's ZIP file. Am I just being dense? Many thanks
  13. This looks awesome....but I am a bit confused... @The White Guardian is this just for making screenshots look better or is it just visual enhancements for the game in general?
  14. On mobile, often if you tag someone and select their name from the list it sends you all the way back up to the top of the page. It's really annoying
  15. @cybutek is no longer maintaining this mod. Ask @jrbudda instead. And yes, this is a great suggestion!
  16. Not sure what that is, but I'm sure a lovely SUPERNOVA can destroy it.
  17. 5012: You see the Kraken hit Bop at several thousand kilometres per second, before being pulled to the next floor by the USS Enterprise's tractor beam.
  18. 7/10 Quite a lot, but you're not everywhere.
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