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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Two things: It's a testing program. They've literally only tried this landing maneuver twice before. Just because they didn't quite get there on the first two attempts definitely doesn't mean they're not allowed to announce their future plans for the system, especially when they seem confident that they can land successfully on the next attempt, or the one after that. Remember: Falcon 9 was announced while Falcon 1 was still having launch failures. The oil rigs will be heavily modified, so they'll likely have a bigger target than a helipad to aim for. I don't even think a regular helipad could survive the vibrations, heat and sheer mass of a spacecraft landing on it.
  2. You mean Breaking Ground? It's a paid DLC, you can buy it and download it at the same place you bought KSP (eg. Steam, the KSP store, GOG.com).
  3. Back to our regularly scheduled program! SN10 did a static fire, but one of the engines didn't cooperate:
  4. Raptor uses spark ignition so it's not TEA-TEB lighting fluid. It might be some of the copper channels in the nozzle combusting, which isn't good, but that was an early test.
  5. I can't quite tell if you mean 'I want KSP2 to come out' or 'I don't want KSP2 to come out'. We've only seen early development screenshots so far, so the UI is very subject to change. And I'm sure there'll be a 'classic UI' mod at some point.
  6. There's been tons of discussion about the business model for colonising Mars, but that doesn't seem to be what Musk/SpaceX are going for. They want to colonise Mars not for profit but for the future of the human race, so they may well be planning for the possibility of there never being a 'break even' state. Of course, if they can successfully implement a regular and efficient Mars transport system, Musk could become the richest person in history. Also:
  7. They're planning to use them as sea launch platforms. Honestly it seems like a pretty good idea to me - if you want to launch your enormous rocket very frequently, then there's a lot less to worry about out at sea - exclusion zones, regulations and the like.
  8. There were also part texture revamps for the Mainsail, Skipper and BACC booster.
  9. A modified, expendable Starship-Superheavy could *probably* do it without refuelling. I haven't done any calculations so please don't quote me on that
  10. Those sorts of hiccups happen from time to time - you'll get an unresponsive game or a corrupted savefile for no apparent reason. I don't think it's the sort of thing a minor patch could fix, because I haven't found any way to reproduce it reliably. It's likely a side-effect of KSP's years of spaghetti code, and the only thing you can really do is make sure you have a backup of your saves/installations.
  11. Apparently this was fixed in 1.11.1: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/199895-kerbal-space-program-1111-is-live @TimKerbin are you sure you're running the latest version?
  12. Ferram Aerospace Research, an aerodynamics mod.
  13. Probably domes for the new orbital launch pad tank farm. Also, looks like they're prepping a ring stack for a full set of TPS tiles:
  14. Reputation doesn't really affect anything here, other than showing that you're active on the forum.
  15. Looks like just a screenshot from the website. That tweet isn't an official SpaceX announcement anyway.
  16. Well, I figured that by the time walking robots are ready to go we might be close to actually being able to send humans there (and back). Maybe that's a flawed assumption, but a human with the right equipment could potentially do more science in a day than a robot can do in a month or even a year.
  17. @Dr. Kerbal Both the KSP website and Steam are officially supported for KSP downloads. You only run the risk of a virus if you try to download it from a third-party site.
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