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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. This is a Raptor that was removed from SN8 during its test campaign. Interesting.
  2. Unfortunately all of the snacks had already been eaten by a weird-looking cat.
  3. Here's a guide I would recommend for making parts, it guides you through the whole process without any expectation of previous experience: Good luck!
  4. Starship tiles are mechanically attached, not glued like Shuttle tiles. That should help with tiles falling off. But stainless steel is pretty heat resistant on its own. I'm not sure a copper sheet under the tiles would be worth it when the steel should be able to just about handle it on its own.
  5. @Yeepsta There's this mod that allows free movement within spacecraft: Unfortunately, it was last updated almost 2 years ago, so I wouldn't hold out much hope for it to work in a more recent KSP version.
  6. This was actually a study NASA did for a crewed Venus mission. I don't think it got beyond pretty pictures and I have no idea how practical it would have been, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.
  7. Raptor SN50 being prepared for installation on Starship SN10:
  8. Kerbals can carry things, you just have to remove their jetpack and/or EVA chute to do it.
  9. Make sure you're deploying them correctly - you can't deploy them through the new EVA construction mode, you have to put them in your kerbal's inventory and click the tiny white icon at the bottom left of the inventory slot. Also make sure you're deploying the parts with the right Kerbal profession - you need an engineer to deploy the central station and power parts, but you need a scientist for the experiments.
  10. From Elon's tweets it really seemed like the issue was Raptor reliability. One of SN9's engines kept running perfectly up until impact anyway, so if there was something wrong with the propellant supply it would have to be localised to the plumbing for the specific engine that failed, and that seems less likely than an engine issue to me.
  11. I'm pretty sure the drifting issue is much better in 1.11.1. It's not completely fixed but it allows for much better accuracy.
  12. I think his communicator is nonfunctional. Or at least the ship's sensors can't detect it through this ion storm. @DunaManiac
  13. The definition of 'lost' is different in each case. SN9 was destroyed in an unintentional but certainly not unexpected mishap, SN5 is being deliberately scrapped, and SN7.2 is being deliberately tested to destruction. SN7.2 isn't a spacecraft anyway, it's a ground test article. So no, I don't think this would qualify for an obscure world record attempt.
  14. No, they don't really have anywhere they can get a good view from. This view is great though:
  15. Some people suggested that when they started to cut up SN6. What remains of SN6 is now in the scrapyard.
  16. Starhopper is still used as a weather station and camera tower, so it probably won't be scrapped. SN2 may have been modified to be a water tank, so that might stick around too. SN5 and 6 were just laying around, taking up space.
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