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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. Super Heavy will do a boostback burn and return to the launch site. It'll also separate from Starship even earlier into flight than Falcon 9's first stage. So it'll enter the atmosphere slower than the slowest Falcon 9 reentry.
  2. The BN1 thrust dome looks to have 20 holes around its outer skirt. They don't seem to be plumbed for engines but with a full set of 8 on the inner ring that's spots for 28 Raptors!
  3. I feel like this mainly comes down to most of the Making History engines being slightly overpowered, even after the balance patch a few versions ago. You're the one making the configs, so it's up to you whether you base the plumes on the real engines' propellant or on their ingame Isp's. Personally I would prefer the plumes to be accurate to their IRL counterparts, but that's just my two cents.
  4. Yeah, and according to the wiki the Poodle is (loosely) based on the dual RL-10s on the Centaur stage - and the Ariane 5 upper stage engine in the case of the single bell variant - which are both hydrolox engines. So maybe it would make more sense to give the Poodle a hydrolox plume, even if it's technically not as efficient as the Wolfhound might be.
  5. In 1.11.1 they added this ability. Kerbals can assist engineers in lifting heavier parts. It's not quite a full VAB but it's an improvement over only having 1 kerbal for construction.
  6. Gorgeous plumes! Not to nitpick, but aren't the Cheetah and Wolfhound based on Aerozine 50/N2 04 engines? Are you basing the engine plumes off of the engine's specific impulse instead of their historical inspiration? (if so, what you're doing probably makes more sense )
  7. How would they achieve something like that without seams in the heat shield? It seems like they're really trying to avoid that.
  8. I like new features but I'd be comfortable with the next update just being bug fixes and further graphical improvements.
  9. Repacking chutes isn't new, Kerbal engineers have been able to do that for a long time before 1.11.
  10. Not all of the $300m is going to SpaceX, that's just how much it costs to NASA in total.
  11. It's not his, it's from the Restock mod. Though I agree it looks good, something like that for the stock revamp would be good.
  12. Ooh, looks fun! I might try this one. Maybe I'll try and build a realistic Atlas V 541 too.
  13. BN1 thrust dome sleeved. It's plumbed in for 4 Raptors.
  14. Pretty sure that's from the Axel Springer awards event, when the award was given to Elon. It's not an actual design, just a stage prop designed by someone unfamiliar with rockets.
  15. SN10 did what looked like a cryo proof test. It seemed short, not sure if it was successful or not. Also, flight TFRs already:
  16. Not if you're not the OP. @PiezPiedPy took over from @Kobymaru a while back but didn't make a new thread, so he can't change the title.
  17. They must have repaired and/or upgraded it. SN39 was removed after SN8's first static fire, which seemed pretty norminal.
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