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Everything posted by RealKerbal3x

  1. MechJeb? Yeah, that one's a bit controversial. I've never used it. The stock game has been able to show dV, TWR and a bunch of other data for a while, so I haven't used a mod like KER in some time.
  2. Yeah, I'm generally not much of a fan of mods that proclaim that what they do is somehow objectively better than how the stock game does it. Your game, your choice - it's up to the user to decide.
  3. I'm not sure the reason for it is 'silly', but I don't use Restock. I've played around with it in the past and its models and textures are fantastic. However, I don't use it mainly because I dislike its 'we're obviously better than stock' philosophy, but also because it doesn't really touch the DLCs and therefore creates artistic inconsistencies - the very thing it's meant to fix. Plus, I like the stock revamps that have been done recently and, as I generally like keeping my installations as stock as possible, I tend to stick with those
  4. No, I think it was just a visual indication that the throttle was at 100%. It was a bit redundant and was removed in a later version.
  5. But why would they need an unlimited-altitude TFR for static fire testing?
  6. New road closures, matching up with the TFR for Sunday: https://www.cameroncounty.us/spacex/
  7. There's already trees and a few patches of grass if you have terrain scatters enabled, but they're a bit boring.
  8. Dragon 2 is much heavier than Dragon 1, so it must tip the scales enough to make a droneship landing necessary.
  9. Wouldn't have been a problem if SLS had launched on time in 2016, just saying...
  10. I read about this a couple of days back. Isn't it a bit of a design flaw that a critical component like this is so buried inside the vehicle that it takes months to fix? Shouldn't there be access panels that allow easier access to the PDUs?
  11. Wouldn't an RTLS have lower entry velocity and therefore put less stress on the booster? Also, recovery operations are much easier with RTLS as they don't have to operate out at sea.
  12. This mission isn't doing an RTLS, the first stage is landing on OCISLY.
  13. It does only have two fins: And also, it hasn't launched yet, don't worry.
  14. No point in reducing payload mass for a launch escape system on an uncrewed cargo capsule. The SuperDracos aren't used in the course of a normal mission anyway.
  15. I've never used it but as far as I can tell you have to switch between translation and rotation as they both use WASD. I can't see how that's an improvement over simply using WASD for rotation and IJKLHN for translation.
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