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Everything posted by cy4n

  1. SMALL UPDATE Old Craft: Miscellaneous Transfer Stages Improved the blueprint for the Block D Exploration Kerbaled Changed the type of parachute on the MK-1 'Progress' Colonisation Intentional Space Station Improved blueprints Halved the size of the ISS-Power module
  2. BIG UPDATE New Craft: Colonisation Intentional Space Station (0.625-1.25) Added the ISS-Hub module Added the ISS-Power module Added the ISS-Science module Added the ISS-Crew module Added the ISS-Tug module Old Craft: Added autostrut to all craft New category system
  3. Yeah, it takes around a half hour for each one. I'll check out that thread you mentioned, looks cool!
  4. I used Kronal Vessel Viewer to take the pictures, then I drew lines over the picture in Photoshop and added a custom background.
  5. BIG UPDATE New Craft: Miscellaneous Transfer Stages Added Block D, a munar transfer stage. Exploration Kerbaled Added the MK-1 'Progress' orbiter Added the LK-0 'Muna' lander. Probes Added the RS-0 'Octosat' low-tech satellite Added a Remote Tech satellite, the CS-1 'Signal'. Old Craft: Re-drew all blueprints Miscellaneous Launchers SP-0 'Mild' much more aerodynamic Improved parachutes on the SP-1 'Spicy' Exploration Kerbaled Removed launcher from MK-0 'Endeavour' Probes RS-1 'Trailblazer' now simpler and lighter Changed the CS-0 'Wi-Fi' to use Remote Tech
  6. Your main KSP folder should look like this: Inside GameData:
  7. Into the main KSP folder (the one containing GameData, KSP.exe, and all the other stuff)
  8. Same with me. EDIT: Also, strangely, the volume is set to 0 each time I load up the game.
  9. @evileye.x Then I would believe you, because @RangeMachine has done it. https://github.com/RangeMachine/KerbalVisualEnhancements
  10. Change the part of the Jool cfg file where it says unlit = true to false, and then make sure you have the latest Scatterer and Blackrack's modified Kopernicus.
  11. Are you forcing OpenGL on windows? I tried that once and got the exact same problem.
  12. ← Back to Table of Contents Mortimer Kerman, an accountant and pioneer of efficient technology was new at the Kerbal Space Program, and was being showed around the space center by Gene. He’d been hired so he could help with reusable rockets and managing funds. “Apparently, a company was offering a lot of Funds for the location of a weird black thing. Turns out it was right next to KSC. What are the odds? Anyways, the reward was enough to build a completely new tracking station,” said Gene. Gene continued. “And this right here is our launchpad, site of many historic missions. Like the one that’s happening right now. That I should really be helping with.” “Yes, probably,” said Mortimer in a posh British accent. But Gene had already left for Mission Control. “Where have you been?” asked Val. “You missed the whole launch!” “I was showing Mortimer around,” said Gene. “We’re in the middle of a mission!” said Val. High above, the Trailblazer II powered up and prepared for the transfer burn that would send it to the Mun. Soaring past Kerbin, it headed towards the distant Mun, and the Kerbals once again caught a glimpse of their home planet. As the Trailblazer II reached the Mun, it decelerated into a stable orbit, earning thousands of funds and clearing the way for many missions after.
  13. Granted. You are kicked out of school. I wish for wishes to actually work.
  14. Update Launchers have been converted to subassemblies for ease of use. KT-0 'Endeavour' now with antenna and battery.
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