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Everything posted by cy4n

  1. Sorry @KSK, I canceled that story a while ago due to save file problems. However, I have started a new one: Explorers to go in After-action reports.
  2. ← Back to Table of Contents I'm baaaaack! The KSC staff had considered all the options, and Jeb’s had been chosen, mostly because it allowed them to do just as much science with practically no risk at all. As he had suggested the winning strategy, Jeb was selected to fly the mission. The orbital insertion burn had gone beautifully, and down below the pilot of the Trailblazer probe was celebrating. “Yes! I did it!” Jeb cried jubilantly. “Perfect! Nothing can possibly go wrong now! Nothing can distract me from my glorious triumph of superior—” “Something’s wrong the the probe. It’s not generating power,” said Gene. “Are you sure you deployed the solar panels?” "That's absurd!" said Jeb indignantly. "I would never forget to-" Jeb began pressing the button repeatedly at high frequency. Click click click click click! Nothing happened. "It's disappeared out of our line of sight!" said Gene. A few tense minutes later, the Trailblazer swung back around Kerbin and the Kerbal engineers below began frantically working on a solution. Suddenly Wernher dashed into Mission Control. “We have to restart the probe! Otherwise we could risk losing the entire mission!” High up above, the Trailblazer probe began whirring and beeping and its solar panels unfolded from their cases. “We have power!” said Jeb. The room erupted in cheering, and prickleberry cider was sprayed over everyone. "Unfortunately, we missed our Munar transfer window. We’ll have to try again tomorrow." said Gene. Everyone brought in their sleeping bags and settled in for a long night. The next morning… “Perfect! We have a transfer window to the Mun! Wake up everybody!” said Jeb. Gene lifted his head up from the puddle of drool on the console. “Whaa?” he said groggily. “We’re going to the Mun!” Jeb replied. “Full speed ahead!" “Wait, be careful! You might overshoot—” said Wernher. "Well, there goes that stage," said Jeb. "Now we just have to wait and see...maybe do an adjustment burn or two." “Closer... closer... YES! We've passed out of Kerbin’s SOI for the first time!” said Gene. A representative from the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society appeared with a poof, and began distributing funds. Soon, the probe's antenna extended and the KSC staff were viewing the first ever pictures of Kerbin from space. How could their hopes, their dreams, their very world, be so insignificant, just a speck in the endless darkness? After it collected its science, the small light that was the Trailblazer sailed past the Mun and onwards, far beyond Kerbin. And all was silent.
  3. Thanks for the support everyone! I've addded launchers:
  4. Great mod, especially the Duna muns. The height maps look a bit.... pixely?
  5. Skills are free. Fuel is not. All craft are stock unless noted otherwise. Subassemblies Exploration Colonisation
  6. ← Back to Table of Contents The comms network project was coming along nicely, and Wernher was inspecting the blueprints. “Wait a minute!” he cried. “This won’t do at all!” Wernher quickly ran over to the wall, smashing the glass and pressing the big button labeled ‘Emergency Meeting’. Sirens went off all over the KSC, and in no time flat, all of the most important members of the KSP (and Jeb) were sitting around the conference table, drinking koffee. “I’ve discovered a flaw in our plan to take over the Mün!” said Wernher. “The VAB is simply not big enough to launch an entire comms network on one rocket!” The room became abuzz with excitement as everyone attempted to share their solutions at once. “Well, why don’t we just make it bigger?” said Gene. “What?” said Wernher. “Tigger? No, he’s from Minnie the Pooh.” “Make the VAB BIGGER!” said Gene. “Oh, yes. Something that big takes funds,” said Wernher. “It would delay our conquest of the Mun, but we’d have permanent infrastructure, some that we could use to go to Duna and beyond.” “How about an inferior comms network?” suggested Valentina. “It would only have to work until we could think of a better solution, and it would let the Mun program go unhindered.” “Or maybe we could just launch the probes one at a time,” said Wernher. “Let’s make a spreadsheet!” And so a spreadsheet was made, koffee mugs refilled, and blueprints drawn and sprinkled with oil. “Whichever one we choose, it will mean a large delay to the construction process,” said Gene. “Wait.” said Jeb. “I think I have another way.” And, bending down to the whiteboard, he wrote two words.
  7. @Poodmund Are you using @Scatterer_atmosphere { stuff... } in your configs? If so, the reason they don't work without the default configs is that there's no Scatterer_atmosphere to edit.
  8. This isn't a screenshot, but it's a pretty good strategy.
  9. @The White Guardian @Scatterer_planetsList { @scattererCelestialBodies { Item { celestialBodyName = BODY_NAME stuff... } } } and then @Scatterer_atmosphere { BODY_NAME { stuff... } }
  10. Pancakes! They're what I make with my Kerbals.
  11. I only Photoshopped it a little, I swear!
  12. No, I mean, to add them into the code.
  13. ← Back to Table of Contents Val had landed safely, and the next mission, the Endeavour II, was set to greatly surpass the original Endeavour by "bringing a darn antenna this time". As the wind whistled around the rocket, Mission Control prepared for launch. With a thunderous sound, the Endeavour II blasted off, carrying Jeb with it into the sky. Like before, the booster separated easily, its parachutes unfurling behind it. As the Endeavour II reached orbit, Jeb detached stage 2, hurtling into the blackness. “We need you to write a crew report with your observations,” said Wernher. “We seem to be going in circles,” said Jeb. “OTHER observations.” As the tiny orbital engine started up, the Endeavour II reached high orbit, acquiring a bounty of science for transmission. Jeb soared ever higher, leaving his hopes, his dreams, his very world behind. He felt very small. The Endeavour II plunged back into the atmosphere, returning to Kerbin, from which it had been separated for so long. The parachute blossomed outwards, delivering Jeb to the ground, and soon radio contact with the KSC was restored. “Well, you kind of... landed on the wrong continent," said Gene. “♪ We’re going on a road trip! ♪” sang Val.
  14. ← Back to Table of Contents After the success of the KubeSat, Wernher dreamed still bigger, and the KSP had its sights set on sending a Kerbal to orbit. Valentina was chosen for the flight of the Endeavour due to her astronomical experience, and given the best quality spacesuit the KSP could find in a dumpster. “Why are we using a smaller rocket for a bigger payload?” asked Jeb. “Don’t ask silly questions,” said Wernher. "10!" counted Gene. "9!" -Et cetera- "LAUNCH!" With a fwoomp, the Swivel engine fired, pressing Valentina back into her seat. Once the Endeavour was out of the clouds, the first stage decoupled, its separatrons blasting it away from Valentina. Once the second, smaller stage fired, Val began to turn the rocket sideways. “I can see Kerbin out the window,” said Val. “It appears to be round.” “Hah!” cried Wernher jubilantly. “I knew it!” “Copy that. I’m preparing for the orbital insertion b—” said Val. With a kzhht, Val’s signal promptly cut out. “She’s disappeared to the far side of Kerbin,” said Gene. “We won’t know what happened until she comes back around.” On the other side of the planet, an engine started up on the Endeavour, sending out a small plume of fire. A few tense minutes later, and the Endeavour swung back around Kerbin, towards the KSC. “We’ve established radio contact!” said Gene. “I did it!” said Valentina elatedly. “I’m the first Kerbal in space!” Everyone at the KSC cheered loudly, and a representative from the Kerbin World-Firsts Record-Keeping Society arrived immediately to hand out funds and reputation to everyone. And, high above the cheering Kerbals, the Endeavour began its descent towards Kerbin, out of the void.
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