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Everything posted by HansonKerman

  1. hey hey nice. Nice name too probly coincidence but ok
  2. once i accidentally clicked the share post button and accidentally deleted the link and somehow replaced it with “lol”

  3. hm.





    though unfortunate I suppose...

  4. how does an orbit become that lopsided then? Anyway I was under the impression that either the satellite was released that way or the orbiter stayed that way. Thx. but still are you like bad at circularization or smthin
  5. in my experience engineers take most of their time building sentries and eeeeeeeerectin’ dispensers. Anyway, I believe that it can happen. I haven’t read the articles tho. Hmmmmmmnn I read it. Some definite “artistic liberties” were taken. I don’t think that it was really that hard or that many things. I believe that it happened.
  6. nobody knows, round and round we go! It’s chaos! <suddenly, out of nowhere, The World Revolving begins>... why do I hear chaos
  7. EB / MOTHER fans like me can appreciate @Earthbound Spartan and @Little Kerbonaut! (his rank makes me happy). Probably pure coincidence but like
  8. gas giants in KSP are weird. Just sayin’. KSP clearly never meant to handle gas giants realistically. The Sun gets a pass because you’ll burn up before you find the atmosphere. Jool is weird because of its ~-250 Sphere of Death. It’d be fascinating to float above using some spider engines or smthin. Plus you can edit the save to make it so that you can land on Jool and see a funny Easter Egg. Gas giants are weird.
  9. my computer’s so slow nowadays I can’t even go interplanetary. Also, go to Pol. It’s my #1 favorite destination and it’s pretty and also small. It’s nice looking imo. Imagine if those spiky rocks were solid tho
  10. I asked but didn’t get an answer: should I make a (new) discord account? <3

  11. mmm id be down for a can of karbonated cerbonaut

  12. banned for you two posting on the same day
  13. How does this work in KSP? Or is it not below the orbit deletion line of doom?
  14. no lol. still that isn’t a reason to not send a probe in. Especially if you have some Spiders and float just above the Sphere of Death
  15. my sister just asked me a question so I answered “13 minutes” and she said “how long is that” and I said “13 minutes!!” and she said “how long is that” so my dad stepped in and said “it’s a measure of time”



    sometimes I marvel at the human race




  16. hhhhhello and again, welcome to the Aperture science computer aided enrichment center. Your specimen has been processed and we are now ready to begin the test proper. Be advised that although fun, and learning are the primary goals of all enrichment center activity, serious injury may occur. Please refrain from <shorting out and various Spanish words that I don’t feel like translating>
    <beep> the portal will open in 3... 2... 1.

  17. Bah-baaaahhh! Moar sales for everyone!
  18. gets a smol crowbar inserts Dark Elves
  19. Why would you think that you would be able to go inside...? I am currently making a Matt Lowne inspired Jool ship tho. Going inside Jool is pretty fun just for the novelty of it. Plus if you edit the quicksave you can land on Jool and get some funny EVA report text
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