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Everything posted by Demcrew

  1. Agreed , and thanks for your presence, response, and this awesome Mod!! I'm indeed unaware of all the work it requires !
  2. Yeah was thinking doing this, just wanted to share and in case my "expertise" of this mod was insufficient Maybe a little adjustment can be brought by @benjee10 to the vertical module in terms of length to fit its vertical utilisation? Actually this mod is sooo neat, that I was surprised seeing this
  3. Hello Community, Just a quick one. I'm trying to build a base, and desperatly thinking the foundations are note aligned : Given the size and the weight, do you think this could be an issue ? Especialy with the surfing factor on celetial bodies with less gravity...
  4. Yep, Step by Step... oh baby ... lol, that reminds me teen time... Anyway, what you've shown is very promising. I think as a start, not all the parts should be addressed, in order to keep a cruise speed on your development and save you from headache and your faith to the project, you may add a filter on parts which are elligible to be welded. This is crucial for troubleshooting afterwards when you'll submit the beta for testing... Once you're very confortable with this, and really own the code from A to Z, then you can crack on and open the gates to all (possible) parts. This is just a suggestion, up to you of course to follow it Keep up!
  5. Just a quick word to encourage you in this challenge. I know for sure that it will be a massive help given not each and everyone have a Crushing spec Rig at home. So take it as a service to Human - Kerbal - Kind
  6. Very good, had to edit the file before to get it back. The settings window is really and asset here. Suggestion: if RPM or KSI are there, switching to IVA view should make the floating window disappearing. N/A to the settings window which is usefull somehow. Just a QoL thing, else everything is fine and I'm so glad to find this back in my setup! Tested it and seems fine by me, here the folder struct, pretty much neat config.
  7. Gold Star to you guys for reviving this absolutely mandatory mod for any airliner Thank you @linuxgurugamer & @Lisias ! Having multiple runways added is nice, but because you cycle the choice, it becomes tricky if you have plenty, so the order is key here. Mod detection can be an option ? Runways to be populated if that specific mod is installed ? On another hand, could runways in general be made available with a proximity trigger, i.e. Desert Runway may not be available if you're near KSC. This is just a suggestion, not sure if it's feasible. I'll try give it a try soon as I can
  8. A BIG BIG thank you @Nertea for making it possible to carry huge payloads to start a brand new settlement on Mun
  9. Hia @JadeOfMaar, sorry didn't want to bug you more yesterday night... I've indeed realised you were talking about the additional configs, proposed by @Nertea, but far later. Assuming B9PartSwitch is a heavily used one, I'm surprised not seeing anyone reporting this issue.
  10. Hia @Nertea, Finest work, one of my prefered modder I've updated OPT to the latest version and ended up with an issue. I've posted the details here : It seems to be caused caused by System Heat, I should precise here that I didn't install any additional configuration available. Please let me know if I can do something from my end to resolve Thank you !
  11. Thanks for this update @JadeOfMaar I've got the following issue since I've applied it: While not affecting my 'test' install (the one carrying only mods I need to check), I've tried to investigate. I've reinstalled B9PartSwitch (CKAN), with not effect. I can share the log file, but it is around 13Mb, let me know if this is needed. Below is an example of the exception reported: [WRN 12:21:38.473] Warning on PartSubtype Ore on module ModuleB9PartSwitch (moduleID='DarkMassInput') on part engine.darkDrive: Could not find matching module [EXC 12:21:38.480] Exception: Could not find matching module B9PartSwitch.ModuleMatcher.FindModule (Part part) (at <b85eabe067044bcb9aeabe863954a5ce>:0) B9PartSwitch.ModuleModifierInfo+<CreatePartModifiers>d__10.MoveNext () (at <b85eabe067044bcb9aeabe863954a5ce>:0) B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype.Setup (B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch parent, System.Boolean displayWarnings) (at <b85eabe067044bcb9aeabe863954a5ce>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) B9PartSwitch.PartSubtype:Setup(ModuleB9PartSwitch, Boolean) B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch:InitializeSubtypes(Boolean) B9PartSwitch.ModuleB9PartSwitch:GetInfo() PartLoader:CompilePartInfo(AvailablePart, Part) <CompileParts>d__56:MoveNext() UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr) As usual, thanks for your help! D
  12. Hia @JadeOfMaar First of all, thanks again, and again for the amazing work your doing on OPT. Having an issue here with the OPT K Mobile Lab LP4 KSP: 1.11.1 Windows 64bit Problem: Science Generated but not transmitted Mods installed: Reproduction steps: Build a simple craft, get some science Data, and start research to generate some science point. Try Transmit, nothing happens. I've tried the same with a full clean and neat install of KSP with only OPT dependencies installed. Let me know if you want this logged in GH. On another hand, Magpie stuff seems to be failing for some parts : But honestly, this is secondary... Hope you'll be able to help
  13. VS2019 installed, reading about C#
  14. Thank you. I totally get your point, really. I started to read some how tos... maybe I'll come back with something... Hope this would be before the next release.
  15. Thank you for the lesson @goldenpsp I understand this is creating some issues between the community and the modders population. What if someone picks this one and do something... the following day this section will be an gigantic "mod request area". This now closing this topic. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.
  16. @goldenpsp I don't have any knowledge on coding unfortunately, otherwise you would have seen it already advertised
  17. Hello everyone, I am sure that most of you have suffered somewhat tiring setbacks when editing your vessels in the VAB. Generally speaking, two main actions are performed in the VAB/SPH: the placement (and moving) of parts... the configuration of the parts... For the latter, PAWS is a feature that is used systematically, almost every second. But when the gigantic PAW occurs, then another one, then another one... It's just... tiring... I urge you, relentless modders, either to get inspired by the PAWS addon and adjust it, or to create a standalone, with the following functionality : Collapsable items (collapsed by default). It could take the form of a plugin that other modders could add? Honestly, it's just nasty sometimes
  18. @linuxgurugamer - Seems to show conflict in CKAN, should I ignore ? Or should I uninstall the MSP-3000 and use this one as a replacement ? As usual, thank you for your work !!
  19. @TomfooleryYT Best would be to try that with a full vanilla build if you're scare of anything. But this won't be breaking anything in your save. @Skonks Wondering if I'm missing something here, Airplane Plus seems to not have any .cfg, or is it somewhere else ? Thanks for your help !
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