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Without the full KSP.log I can't do anything. Please provide the full KSP.log (and, by the looks of the size of your instalment), the contents of the<KSP>/Logs/ModuleManager directory too.
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We don't know (and probably never will) the whole history. Small companies aren't saints neither, loopholes are exploited by both sides. I know of histories of small companies trying to milk the bigger one's customers "from outside", creating "opportunities" on the development to allow choosen third parties to explore them financially - of course, in exchange of a bit of the revenue. I'm not telling you what I think it happened, I'm telling you things I know it happens. And when things like this are detected, the big company usually answers the worst way it's possible to show its others partners what happens to whom does that. Deterrent. On the other hand, stunts like what Konami did to Kojima are way from being exceptions. And, unfortunately, it's not something that happens only on the videogame industry. There're a lot of horror histories to be told on most big companies that do software (directly or indirectly). The mobile industry from the early 2000 was... Interesting. There's two different things here. What they did on management level was forcing a heavy hand over the company. Far from being nice, but we need more information before being absolutely sure it was an pure evil move. Statistically, it should be however. About hiring the team... Let me tell you something. Do you remember that comment of mine, above, about the mobile industry? Been there, lived that. There was a small pool of big tech companies on the city I used to live, and they had an agreement on not hiring each others employees. The aftermath? I spend almost 10 years of my life underpaid (about 60% of the usual wage where I live now). Do you want your employees to stay? Give them reasons to do not want to leave. Software developers are not properties, they do not belong to the company. If someone with deep pockets are willing to pay more for the job, the developers should be free to take it if they wish so. It's their lives. I think that things gone way worse than intended due COVID19. What happened to Star.Theory was harsh, but yet survivable - they had good chances on the Industry, what happened to them is far from being uncommon - everywhere, not only on video game. But nobody foresaw COVID19 happening just a couple months ahead. Again, what T2 did was harsh and possibly uncalled for, but the aftermath probably got out of control due COVID19. Sony, Universal Pictures, Siemens, Visteon, Ford, Nokia, Samsung, Motorola, Commodore, Microsoft, Google, et all. It's this way everywhere.
This is a new one (kspiIHRMOR7HRMhalf). Please send your full KSP.log, as well the files on <KSP>/Logs/ModuleManager. I will need them in order to diagnose your problem.
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Hi. I recently borked beautifully on naming an Add'On of mine because I didn't knew about the abbreviation adopted for an Add'On, and now I want to prevent this mishap from happening again. So I'm asking for the Forum most used abbreviations for the Add'Ons. This is what I got to this time: AAP Atmospheric Autopilot AAW Arc Aerospace's Wyvern (*) APP Airplane Plus APUS Aerospace Passenger & Utility System ARP Alternate Resource Panel ATM Active Texture Management AVC Addon Version Checker AVP Astronomer's Visual Pack B9PS B9 Part Switch B9PW B9 Procedural Wings BARIS Building A Rocket Isn't Simple BDA BDArmory BDB Bluedog Design Bureau BDBNIC BDB Now In Colors BFS Banana for Scale BH Beyond Home BOMP Bolt-On Mission Probes BOSS Bolt-On Screenshot System BTSM Better Than Starting Manned CA Cormorant Aeronology CC Configurable Containers CCK Community Category Kit CCK Community Category Kit CL Comfortable Landing CLS Connected Living Spaces CNAR Completely Non-Aggressive Rocketry CRE Commonwealth Rocketry Establishment CRP Community Resource Pack CTT Community Tech Tree CTTP Community Terrain Texture Pack CWA Cold War Aerospace CxA CxAerospace (Station Parts) DART D.A.R.T. (Double Asteroid Redirection Test) Range Challenge DMOS DMagic Orbital Science DOE Distant Objects Enhancement DPAI Docking Port Alignment Indicator DRE Deadly Re-Entry DSEV Deep Space Exploration Vessels EER Editor Extensions Redux EL Extraplanetary Launchpads EVE Environmental Visual Enhancements EVS Easy Vessel Switch FAR Ferram Airspace Research FFT Far Future Technologies FMRS Flight Manager for Reusable Stages FS Firespitter FSX Firespitter Extended (*) FTE Fuel Tank Expansion FUR Feline Utility Rovers GAP Give Aircraft a Purpose GC Global Construction GEP Grannus Expansion Pack GPP Galileo's Planet Pack GT Gravity Turn Continued HE Hangar Extender HEE Hangar Extender Extended HGR Home Grown Rockets HLA Hooligan Labs Airships HT Benjee’s HabTech (*) HT Benjee’s HabTech (*) HT2 Benjee’s HabTech 2 (*) HT2 Benjee’s HabTech 2 (*) IFS Interstellar Fuel Switch IL Indicator Lights IR Infernal Robotics IR/N Infernal Robotics/Next (*) IRCS Internal RCS JFA JebFarAway JNSQ JNSQ (Je Ne Sais Quio) Planet Pack KA Kerbal Atomics KAC Kerbal Alarm Clock KAS Kerbal Attachment System KAX Kerbal Aircraft Expansion KCT Kerbal Construction Time KDEX Kerbal Dust EXperiment KEI Kerbal Environmental Institute KER Kerbal Engineer Redux KFS Kerbal Flying Saucers KHI Kerbal Historical Institute KIFA Kerbal Inventory for All KIS Kerbal Inventory System KISS Kerbal Improved Save System KJR Kerbal Joing Reinforcement KK Kerbal Konstructs KKP Capsule Corp. Kerbal Kolonization Program KMP Kerbal Multiplayer KOOSE Kerbal Orbital Operations Safety Equipment KOP Kopernicus KOPEX Kopernicus Expansion KPBS Kerbal Planetary Base Systems KRE Kerbal Reusability Expansion KSOS Kerbin Shuttle Orbiter System KSPRC KSP Renaissance Compilation KSR Kerbinside Remastered KSRSS Kerbal Size Real Solar System KVASS Kerbal Very Simplified Simulation And Planning KVV Kronal Vessel Viewer KW KW Rocketry KWP Kerbal Weather Project KWT Kerbal Wind Tunnel LBPP Large Boat Parts Pack (*) LLL Lack Luster Labs M2X Mk2 Expansion M3X Mk3 Expansion MAS MoarDV Avionics Systems MCE Mission Controller Extended MFI Modular Flight Integrator MFT Modular Fuel Tanks MJ2 Mech Jeb 2 MLP Modular Launch Pads MPE Minor Planets Expansion MPR Moderately Plane Related (*) MRS Modular Rocket Systems MSRC Mini Sample Return Capsule NAP Neist Airliner Parts NFA Near Future Aeronautics NFC Near Future Construction (*) NFE Near Future Electrical (*) NFEX Near Future Exploration (*) NFLV Near Future Launch Vehicles (*) NFPR Near Future Propulsion (*) NFS Near Future Solar (*) NFSC Near Future Spacecraft (*) NFT Near Future Technologies OC Mk1 Open Cockpit OPM Outer Planets Mod OPR Old Parts Redux OPT OPT Space Planes OPx Outer Planets Expansion OSE OSE Workshop OSS Omega's Stockalike Structures (No Textures Required) (==) OSSNTR Omega's Stockalike Structures (No Textures Required) (==) OSUV Omega's Stockalike Utility Vehicles PBC Probes Before Crew PHP Porkjet’s Habitat Pack (*) PKMC Post Kerbin Mining Corporation PN Precise Node PRC Portable Rover Components RE Real Engines REKT Recoverable Emergency Kerbal Transport RO Realism Overhaul RP RealPlume RP-x Realistic Progression RPM Raster Prop Monitor RR Rational Resources RS Restock RS+ Restock+ (==) RSB Real Scale Boosters RSP Restock+ (==) RSS Real Solar System RT Remote Tech RT2 Remote Tech 2 SAE Stockalike Aircraft Expansion SAF Simple Adjustable Fairings SEP Surface Experiment Pack (deprecated in favor of Breaking Ground) SH SystemHeat SK Station Keeping SMCE Spanner Monkey SME Stockalike Mining Extension SMM SM Marine (*) SOCK Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit SSPX Stockalike Station Parts Expansion (Classic) SSPXr Stockalike Station Parts Expansion Redux SSR SSR Microsat SUA Speed Unit Annex SVE Stock Visual Enhancements SVT Stock Visual Terrain SW ShadowWorks (!) SW SunkWorks (!) SWE Stock Waterfall Effects SXT Lack's Stock Extension TAC-LS TAC – Life Support TCA Throttle Controlled Avionics TDAPS TiktaalikDreaming Advanced Propulsion Systems TE Tundra Exploration TIRP Tokamak Industries Refurbished Parts (*) TLA The Life Aquatic TR Texture Replacer TRJ Trajectories (?) TRR Texture Replacer Replaced TS TweakScale TSC Tundra Space Center TSCo TweakScale Companion (*) TST Tarsier Space Tech/Telescopes TU Textures Unlimited (==) TUFX Textures Unlimited FX (==) TURD Textures Unlimited Recolour Depot UDKLD UDK Large Structural Components US Universal Storage (==) US1 Universal Storage (==) US2 Universal Storage II (==) USI Umbra Space Industries USI-LS Umbra Space Industries - Life Support USII Universal Storage II (==) USII Universal Storage II VSR Ven's Stock Revamp WBI Wild Blue Industries (all of them) WF Waterfall x-Sci [x] Science! Continued (?) Entries marked as "*" are suggestions by me, as I had the need to abbreviate these ones. Entries marked as "?" are suggestions from contributors, pending confirmation from 3rd-parties. Entries marked as "!" are collisions, and this need to be arbitrated somehow Entries marked as "==" are synonyms used to designate the same Add’On Is that list accurate? There're more entries to be added for sure, may I ask for suggestions? (better, there's a place where these abbreviations are recorded? At this time, I found this one - but user focused, and I need a more "formalised" technical list) Thanks to: @Tonka Crash @overkill13 @Nightside @Hohmannson @OrdinaryKerman @Caerfinon @antipro @OhioBob @D4RKN3R Consolidated data available on the TweakScale Companion Program's repository, a (WiP) CSV is available here.
Announce Pre Release for TweakScale Companion for Airplane Plus BETA are on the wild. Download on the OP or in https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_APP/releases . This release fixes an issue reported by @xD-FireStriker. Thanks, buddy! TweakScale will be the minimum supported release, and it's working fine on the TweakScale 2.5.0.x Beta, but you can try on TweakScale 2.4.3.x - no guarantees, however: i didn't tested it on 2.4.3. And use S.A.V.E. just in case. This thingy is Beta! Known Issues: Users of All Tweak and TMasterson5's TweakScale patches will probably have serious problems by installing this thing. Please backup everything first before installing, so you can rollback if needed. NOTE: The Companion installation folder was changed to GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/APP to better cope with currently used abbreviations on Forum. If you already installed it, you need to delete GameData/TweakScaleCompanion/APlus .
Wait half an hour. I'm working on it already.
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Whoops. I was writing a helper for it, but then I realised I would not be needed for the beta releases and forgot about it. Fixed. The APUs I completely missed that. They are on the right place because I'm mimicking the target add'on internal structure to easy maintenance, and these parts are defined inside a Utility directory. But the behaviour will be added on the next build. Thx!!!
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No. @OnlyLightMatters authored the ReStock+ ones, and I'm publishing it under the Companion brand. Yep. Since Airplane Plus does not introduce new modules (as KIS, KAS, Firespitter, etc), it's unlikely that a TweakScale patch would do any harm. Rogue patching is the concern here. Classic Add'Ons , obviously, are way more prone to this problem. Lots of personal customisations published in the past, tons of potential toe stomping fest's on the wild! Proceed with caution, I would not risk any ongoing savegame yet. I didn't really tested the thing yet, essentially there're no warnings or errors on MM log but I may had did a mistake on the patches myself and then it would inject problems on the savegame (KSP now shoves new prefab data into living crafts, so a mistake of mine on a patch would mangle everything when the savegame is loaded).
2.4.4.x is work in progress, it lives only on my machine for now. It will be released, ideally, together KSP 1.10 in a few weeks. The beta 2.5.0.x (a development road map where everything is tried first) is working fine with every Companion, but since that thingy is beta, it's risky to use it on long term gaming. BUT, some Companions may work on the current, what's happening is that I don't have the available time to give support for it on 2.4.3.x series (as these ones as EoL and I'm running to finish in time for KSP 1.10), and, frankly, it's the only reason it's still beta. Try it on discardable KSP savegames just in case to wet your feet on it first - if nothing weird happens now, nothing weird will happen on 2.4.4 for sure. I'm just worried a bit about deprecated and unmaintained patches on the wild that could silently break the Companion parches (and vice-versa), a nasty situation where savegames get compromised. That's the reason I need to issue 2.4.4.x, that will provide support for the Companions to detect these incompatible patches and issue a Houston when this happens.
I took some time to understand, at first glance the thing was working - but then I noticed what you mean - an additional chance of recovery ends up being added when you remove and replace a scaled part. I added a new step on your How to Reproduce: if I scale the part back to default, the problem vanishes. So, yeah - TweakScale is the trigger for sure. If Stage Recovery is borking or being borked on the issue, it's still to be determined. I need to study that code first. It's fortunate you raised the issue here, I just found that Stage Recovery had induced some weird issues on a personal fork of an add'on of mine, and I need to diagnose this (unrelated) issue too. I will study the problem as time allows and I will come back to you opportunely. Got it. And I found the problem, it's again our old friend : [LOG 01:19:39.329] Config(@PART[S2Structural]) TweakScale/GameData/TMasterson5TweakscalePatches/AirplanesPlusTweakscale/tweakscaleConfigPatch/@PART[S2Structural There're two problems here: The Add'On is installed wrongly. TMasterson5 is not being recognised by Module Manager as one would expect, so :NEEDS[TMasterson5TweakscalePatches], :AFTER[TMasterson5TweakscalePatches] and :BEFORE[TMasterson5TweakscalePatches] would not work and any attempt of a fix would fail. TMasterson5 itself is terribly outdated and, worst, it's a Non Derivative add'on. I can't fork and fix it (at least legally, but please remember Forum rules on the matter) and he's not around for some time already, so there's no one that can fix the problem. TL;DR: I have my hands tied on the matter, there's nothing I can do to fix it under Forum rules (not to mention Laws) and so I will not. BUT I can at least provide you with some work arounds. The ideal solution would be get rid of TMasteron5, as these set of patches are outdated, unmaintained and unmaintainable. All Tweak may be a better solution for you, as it aims to do something equivalent and it's actively maintained. It's not flawless, now and them something doesn't work as expected, like any other Add'On (TweakScale included, see above) but the maintainer is available and he is fixing the problems as they happens. BUT... Your ongoing savegames will probably resent the change. So perhaps you should migrate to All Tweak only on new savegames. So we need to cope with your current savegames. I modified that patch above to brute-force a correct patch into the part: // // Adding TweakScale by brute force to workaound a messy patch from TMasterson5's // // I suggest to drop this patch on a file on GameData/__LOCAL/TwealScale/WorkArounds/AirplanePlus-kerbalaviator.cfg // so you can easily remember it to be deleted and avoid breaking new patches as you install new Add'Ons @PART[S2Structural]:FINAL { -MODULE[TweakScale], * { } %MODULE[TweakScale] { type = free } } It's the same thing as I said before, copy and paste that "code" on notepad and save the file on the place I suggested (can be anywhere, but that place is better for it, trust me). Just remember to save it using a ".cfg" extension, otherwise KSP will not load it. Let me know if you need further help. Cheers!
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Announce Pre Release for TweakScale Companion for Airplane Plus BETA are on the wild. Download on the OP or in https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_APlus/releases . TweakScale will be the minimum supported release, and it's working fine on the TweakScale 2.5.0.x Beta, but you can try on TweakScale 2.4.3 - no guarantees, however: i didn't tested it on 2.4.3. And use S.A.V.E. just in case. This thingy is Beta! Known Issues: Users of All Tweak and TMasterson5's TweakScale patches will probably have serious problems by installing this thing. Please backup everything first before installing, so up can rollback if needed. Ping @kerbalaviator, @AccidentalDisassembly, @Commodoregamer118, @xD-FireStriker, @Acid_Burn9, @Vectorv12, @Mathrilord, @TranceaddicT! I think you may like this (but, as I said above, proceed with caution , try it on backups!)
Hi, @blackheart612. I'm writing TweakScale support for AirplanePlus, and so ended up reviewing some info on the A+ parts and realised there're two S2 parts with the bulkheadProfile set to size1. Not big deal, this would affect only the part filtering on the Parts Palette, but since some automated tools are seeing the limelight recently, keeping the parts accurate will be of great value: it will allow us to automate some harsh tasks while maintaining the patches as time goes by! I applied a pull request with the fixes here. Cheers.
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Interesting. I swear I wrote something about - but apparently, somewhere else. I will fix this. The Module Manager logs lies on <KSP>/Logs/ModuleManager folder. Zip the whole shebang and sent it do me. Send me also the <KSP>/GameData/ModuleManager.ConfigCache file. I will need them, your KSP.log tells me you have a very spartan instalment, I cloned here easily but didn't found any problems. Open the nodepad, copy and paste that code on it and save the file as GameData/__LOCAL/TwealScale/WorkArounds/AirplanePlus-kerbalaviator.cfg You must remember where you put that file, otherwise you will lose the scaling for that part forever when I fix the problem. The filename must end with .cfg (dot cfg).
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DynamicHeapAllocator Crash
Lisias replied to hendrack's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
ugh, I missed that completely. Well... It's another guess, but this time an educated one: since a pathname for a song was on the stack when the thingy crashed, I think it's a good guess to pinpoint this as a possible trigger for the problem. Remove temporarily SoundtrackEditorForked from your instalment and see what happens. If the problem vanishes, put it back and see if it happens again. Then advise here. -
totm march 2020 So what song is stuck in your head today?
Lisias replied to SmileyTRex's topic in The Lounge
Waked with this music on my head today. Yes, for sure. I used to hear it on my car when autoradios with cd players were a thing. The OST from Mega-CD's Batman Returns was another one - very good too. -
AirplanePlus is not (yet) supported by an "official" TweakScale patch, so its something else stomping your feet for sure. I need the full KSP.log and ModuleManager's logs in order to help you - I will check every single patch that touched this part and will get into the rogue patch in a minute (as long I have the files I'm asking you). See the bottom of the first post (Support), open the Spoiler box and read the instructions about where to find that files! In the mean time, you can use this patch to remove TweakScale from that part and be able to play. But please give me that files first, fixing the problem for good is the best option for everybody: // // Removing TweakScale from a messed up part to allow safe gaming (besides not being able to scale that part) // // I suggest to drop this patch on a file on GameData/__LOCAL/TwealScale/WorkArounds/AirplanePlus-kerbalaviator.cfg // so you can easily remember it to be deleted when I fix the problem @PART[S2Structural]:FINAL { -MODULE[TweakScale], * { } } On a side note, it's the third time this week someone talk about AirplanePlus and TweakScale, so this hinted me that it's time for a new Companion. I will work on it by night (but this will make your games using All Tweak useless, so this may be not for you).
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DynamicHeapAllocator Crash
Lisias replied to hendrack's topic in KSP1 Technical Support (PC, modded installs)
There'n an additional Crash Report on "C:/Users/chris/AppData/Local/Temp/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Crashes", if it's text it would help us to pinpoint the reason and perhaps file a report on Unity's bug track. Crash!!! DynamicHeapAllocator out of memory - Could not get memory for large allocation 14530461! A crash has been intercepted by the crash handler. For call stack and other details, see the latest crash report generated in: * C:/Users/chris/AppData/Local/Temp/Squad/Kerbal Space Program/Crashes Could not allocate memory: System out of memory! Trying to allocate: 14530461B with 16 alignment. MemoryLabel: WebRequest Allocation happened at: Line:77 in C:\buildslave\unity\build\Runtime/Utilities/dynamic_array.h I think this should be a Unity glitch, failing to cope with Windows intrinsics (Unity had born on MacOS a long time ago, a BSD Unix derivative). On the crash report, I found this: [ ALLOC_DEFAULT ] used: 40492695519B | peak: 0B | reserved: 40971792871B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_1_FRAME ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_2_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_4_FRAMES ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 52428800B [ ALLOC_TEMP_JOB_ASYNC ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1048576B [ ALLOC_GFX ] used: 3016644672B | peak: 0B | reserved: 3110942176B [ ALLOC_CACHEOBJECTS ] used: 816440828B | peak: 0B | reserved: 1100832548B [ ALLOC_TYPETREE ] used: 2820120B | peak: 0B | reserved: 5242880B [ ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD ] used: 0B | peak: 0B | reserved: 3047424B The process had died due an attempt to allocate about 14MB of memory, besides still having 456MB available on the current allocated memory pool. However, I'm assuming that WebRequest calls use the ALLOC_DEFAULT pool. It's a terribly wild guess, but the ALLOC_TEMP_THREAD pool has only 3Mb of size. Since the dying call is a WebRequest, I'm guessing this call would use the temporary's thread pool and the request wants about 5 times the available memory for this pool. But, and again, I'm wild guessing. Interesting enough, I'm seeing this a lot on reports about the late Windows Phone (that had an incredibly tight memory constrains, obviously) and one specifically about a crash on WebRequest about downloading a 1GB file on Oculus <something> using Client.GetObjectAsync(). Since the only thing that changed was an update on Spectra, I downloaded it to check it - but I think Spectra was just the Screaming Victim on this, there's no code on it - or perhaps, the straw that broke the camel's back. -- -- POST EDIT -- -- GetObjectAsync appears to be an AWS's library call... I also found a link saying something similar had happened once with someone downloading a flawed JSON object somewhere... -
I think this will be of interest here. Ping @Daniel Prates ! There's a new TweakScale Companion for Firespitter, adding long due support for some parts currently banned from TweakScale (as the floats from SXT). It's still on Alpha status, so please use it with caution (and use S.A.V.E. just in case). Please report any problems (and problems you will find) on the TweakScale Companion Program thread. Also read the Known Issues to avoid reporting things that I am already working on.
Announce Pre Release for TweakScale Companion for Firespitter ALPHA are on the wild. Download on the OP or in https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScaleCompanion_FS/releases . This Companion fixes the long due problem with parts with FSBuoyancy. #hurray This only works with the latest TweakScale 2.5.0.x Beta. TweakScale will handle this Companion correctly. And use S.A.V.E. just in case. This thingy is still Alpha! Known Issues: The original PAW Control giving the raw value for buoyancy had to be deactivated, and a new one using Percentages was added on its place. The raw values (current and max) are displayed below the new Control. When you drop a new part into the craft, the code that initialises the Module is failing and you ended up with a huge negative value on the current Raw Buoyancy. Just manually set it and from this point things appears to work This will be fixed in the next release - I run out of time for this Companion and decided to release it as is in Alpha status so people can test it.
Nice catch - I had some problems when some parts are scaled when they are root - but completely forgot about. https://github.com/net-lisias-ksp/TweakScale/issues/86 Recall will not help, because it doesn't handle attachments, only Resources (at least, by now - I may implement an Attachment Pool on it due this #86 problem, thanks for the heads up!)
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It's a pretty wild guess, but had you tried KSP-Recall? On KSP 1.9.x , you need it to preserve the Resources (Fuel, etc) from being overwritten by the Editor. If you don't have it installed and are on KSP 1.9, you should install it. At least one of the fix works for every Add'On out of the box (TweakScale is only one of the Add'Ons KSP Recall tries to help). Parts with variants also triggers some info overwriting fest, but this one Recall cannot work around because it is logic dependent - to tell you the true, is not a big deal, the Add'On just have to reapply itself every time ir receives a GameEvents.onEditorVariantApplied (see this post for a full disclosure). I expect this to play some havoc on Add'Ons that customise stock parts, as it did on TweakScale - suddenly, a lot of info (attachment nodes, to mention what broke TweakScale) is not there anymore or are bluntly reset and Null Reference Exceptions start to fly on the KSP.log due that.
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Yep. People is used to ask for help here, not only on TweakScale but sometimes to not directly related issues. And they get help most of the time. I have this behaviour when Add'Ons throws exceptions on the Start, Load or Copy KSP handlers. Yes. To publish the KSP.log (and the Player.log) so people can help you diagnosing the problem.
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One sentence you could say to annoy an entire fan base?
Lisias replied to Fr8monkey's topic in Forum Games!
"In Space, no one can hear you farting..." Kerman, Jebediah. -
totm march 2020 So what song is stuck in your head today?
Lisias replied to SmileyTRex's topic in The Lounge
Just watched the most recent release of Within Temptation and, boy... Not sure if it would be allowed here! So I decided to publish this one.