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Everything posted by Lisias

  1. Well... On this installment, things looks fine: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\000_KSPe.dll ^^^^^^^^^^^ And there's no GameData/GameData in this installment neither. This log of yours is pinpoint the KSP managed directly by Steam. So it's almost sure you have another KSP installment in your rig, and CKAN is pinpointing that other one. Open CKAN and check the Title Bar to see exactly what KSP installment CKAN is using at the moment. Look on the screenshot below, it's the top line where the buttons the Red, Orange and Green buttons are - of course, in your Windows this Tittle Bar will be slightly different. I have many diferent KSP installments on my rig, the one below is the on a directory called /Users/lisias/Workspaces/KSP/runtime/1.12.5 where I develop, test and diagnose things (I don't use my "productivity" KSPs for testings, for obvious reasons! ). On yours, it will show exactly where is the KSP CKAN is using. In File / Manage Game Instances (where "instances" is just a fancy name for "copies" ) you will find a place to register and manage different KSP installations. But, at this point, I think it's best to ask for further instructions on the CKAN's thread, as - to be honest - I'm not exactly an expert on it, I'm essentially a command line guy and use it very little. Cheers!
  2. Are you sure you are looking in the right Directory? Do you know where to find the KSP.log? Check this post if don't. Publish it on dropbox or something, and I will give it a peek.
  3. "Helium leaks are not a reason for scrubbing a launch."
  4. Well, if KAX works fine wihout a 3rd party mod installed, and then works bad with that 3rd party, usually the problem is that 3rd party mod. But I can try a quick check, it's probably someone mangling with the propellers textures. Can you send me your KSP.log, the MMPatch.log and the ModuleManager.ConfigCache using DropBox or similar? With a bit of luck I can detect who is doing it without having to install everything and trying myself, what would demand some more time than just checking these logs looking for the KAX textures being mangled. Cheers! --- -- - POST EDIT - -- --- Add a screenshot with the problem too, just be absolutely sure about what I'm going to diagnose!
  5. Just found this Chicas, and boy... These gals are good!!!
  6. A Mexican Band. These gals are great - really.
  7. You see, they are part of the ecosystem I mentioned above, and they have expenses too. I remember someone on their github mentioning they had paid for one more year of a license for a software the project uses before leaving. Someone has to pay for this party.
  8. Blohm & Voss P 192 This is another one of that crafts that someone needs to build on KSP! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blohm_%26_Voss_P_192 (http://www.luft46.com/bv/bvp192.html) I want to know how in hell the pilot would bail out of this death trap... (or in how many pieces...)
  9. Please no Capitalism sucks, but the alternatives suck more. They have a successful business plan (at least, successful enough to had survived all the Studios that were ever involved in KSP development, I suggest to respect at least that). They inspect the packages for known malwares before publishing the zips also, they have a proactive curation of the library - something that we are lacking right now on the current alternatives. And this is really worrying me given the current International Relations in this Pale Blue Dot. I understand their business model distastes some people (advertising is not my favorite entertainment media, to be honest), but - and again - someone needs to pay for this party. There's no free lunch.
  10. IMHO they are intimately related. If there's no one on top, there's a really high probability of having no one paying bills around here, and so we are flying on fumes. Who pays the bill call the shots. If there's no one calling the shots...
  11. There's a lot of missing RESOURCEs from KSPI, but if I understood it correctly, you just want the Interstellar Fuel Switch and the WarpPlugin, I'm right? I'm reproducing your setup here and seeing what's wrong - I don't think you did something wrong, I think we are dealing with some undocumented dependencies. Stay tuned, I will edit this post as soon as I have some answers. --- POST EDIT --- @MixelFan95 Well... It's something you didn't installed. But, granted, there're no instructions about how to install only what you want from that packages. From Kopernicus, you forgot to install ModularFlightIntegrator. You want to use Interstellar Fuel Switch, right? So please download the latest version from SpaceDock here (assuming you didn't did it already) then copy the following directories to your GameData: CommunityResourcePack CommunityTechTree InterstellarFuelSwitch DO NOT copy ModuleManagerWatchDog, TweakScale, neither the others DLLs not inside a directory - they are outdated. I didn't copied PatchManager neither. To get the newest copy of Warp Plugin, download the latest KSPIE, also from SpaceDock, here (assuming you didn't did it already), then copy only the directory WarpPlugin (assuming, again, you didn't did it already), as well the DLL Interstellar_Redist.dll . By doing that, I got a KSP installment similar to yours (except by Parallax, my rig doesn't withhold it) without perceptible issues: Folders and files in GameData: 000_Harmony 000_KSPe 999_KSP-Recall CommunityResourcePack <-- Here! Note this directory! CommunityTechTree <-- Here! Note this directory! InterstellarFuelSwitch Kopernicus ModularFlightIntegrator <-- Here! Note this directory! ModularManagement ModuleManager ModuleManagerWatchDog Stock folder: Squad Stock folder: SquadExpansion TweakScale TweakScaleCompanion WarpPlugin __LOCAL Stock file: .DS_Store 000_KSPe.dll 001_KSPe.dll 666_ModuleManagerWatchDog.dll 999_Scale_Redist.dll Interstellar_Redist.dll <-- Here! Note this file! ModuleManager.4.2.3.dll ModuleManager.ConfigCache ModuleManager.ConfigSHA ModuleManager.Physics ModuleManager.TechTree [LOG 04:22:45.677] Done patching [LOG 04:22:45.677] Saving Cache <-- HERE! MM only saves the cache when everything if fine with the patching! [LOG 04:22:59.214] Done! And, since we are here, how about giving WarpDrive a chance? It looks promising.
  12. Excellent question. Right now, this is going to be our major concern - there's a whole ecosystem (not only Forum) that needs money to keep ongoing, and we don't know where this money will come from. You know, who foots the bill is the one that will call the shots. This is not necessarily evil, but it's not necessarily good neither - uncertainty is a Sun in our Beach. p.s.: I'm afraid that, perhaps, Curseforge would be the only reliable source of mods in a couple years...
  13. Nope, there's nothing illegal on it. Casinos do exactly the same, everything inside a Casino is tweaked to induce you to spend your money. All your money. It's the reason I'm (trying, and failing) to refrain myself from doing judgements of value or pinpointing morality issues - it's not a crime, it's perfectly legal do to that. Caveat emptor, literally. But even Casinos don't entice kids - what these guys gladly do, even if they can't cajole money form them, as they need to keep the servers full of cannon fodders so the paying customers can have a fun on them. I'm libertarian, I believe that everybody have the right to screw their lives the way they want - as long it's an informed decision. Kids are unable of such judgment. Things keep going this way, we will need to rely on Nintendo as a walled garden for our kids be allowed to play videogames.
  14. I need your full KSP.log in order to see who is borking the WarpPlugin. You will find instructions about how to locate it here on the spoiler, also copied & pasted below for convenience: Cheers.
  15. Nope. It's something you forgot to do! You have Kopernicus installed, and it needs a thingy called Harmony2 to work properly. Make sure you are using the latest version, available on this page (here on Forum) And then install Harmony2. You will find it here: https://github.com/KSPModdingLibs/HarmonyKSP/releases I noticed Parallax, and it needs a lot of things, and I didn't checked if you installed them. You will find the complete install instructions here (also here on Forum), I copied and pasted it on the spoiler for convenience: Cheers!
  16. One possible explanation is to prevent people from keeping voting and commenting on that thread once the decision was taken. That thread was about taking a decision, and any further activity after the decision is taken is... Well... Pointless, and a potential source of (more) work for the moderation without any additional benefit.
  17. I would strap some deployable lifting surfaces on it, and then glide her into a nice and smooth splashdown... Oukey, who will start the Thread for this Challenge?
  18. And since MM is a tool to mangle with the GameDatabase, it's the reason I'm claiming MM is a tool to rework the prefab!!
  19. [snip] Again, see the KSP's API: Whatever MM does, it reflects on the AvailablePart.partPrefab . Such data is worked by MM using the GameDatabase helper - so, by inference, the GameDatabase is the tool used to inject data into the Part's Prefab. Logical Conclusion - MM uses Config Nodes to rework the Prefab. [snip]
  20. Pink Floyd, In The Flesh. (couldn't share the video clip - too dark for Forum!) So ya thought ya might Like to go to the show To feel the warm thrill of confusion That space cadet glow Tell me, is something eluding you, sunshine? Is this not what you expected to see? If you wanna find out What's behind these cold eyes You'll just have to Claw your way through this disguise
  21. What are the problem you are getting on it? Perhaps a simple change on the configuration files can help...
  22. I think I found the oldest KSP video on Youtube! Jun 26th. 2011! (Hey, happy 13th birthday, oldest video! It's still June by the time I posted this!)
  23. We are going to ditch a 1 Trillion USD spacecraft called ISS in 2030 because we prefer to spend dozens of Billions USD on failing Companies than use the money to repurpose it.
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