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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. Ariane 1 launch of 1.3 tons payload to GTO in JNSQ 2.7x scale (using WIP Lh2 patch for the upper stage)
  2. The new realplumes for NFP are more or less exact recreations of the "stock" plumes used by NFP as they are built from the same effects provided kindly by Nertea. Custom engine lighting configs would have to be provided by the community, someone did a pull request for a set of configs fairly recently for Kerbal atomics for instance to match the colours of the plumes. The current compatibility patch in fact looks like its designed to remove engine lighting patches after its run? !MODULE[tjs_EngineLight] is in fact deleting the module. https://github.com/ChrisAdderley/NearFuturePropulsion/blob/dev/GameData/NearFuturePropulsion/Patches/NFPropulsionEngineLight.cfg If you would like custom engine lights then thats an opportunity for you or someone else to do a pull request to add custom colours . I suspect the reason the current patch deletes them is that without a custom config, the default engine light catch all for all engines would be overpowering for these electric engines. If NFP is to have custom configs someone will have to take the time to match the colours and tune the intensity to appropriate level. Edit: The reason you're getting a bright glow is that the module name has changed as you said. Its now called MODULE[EngineLightEffect] so NFP isnt removing it correctly.
  3. Lol ok theres a fair bit happening. Ultimately it needs to be fixed within jetsounds. Important highlights 1. The reason why realplume 11.2 broke jetsounds - the way individual effects are named changed. So the way jetsounds own modified realplume is inserted isnt correct anymore. 2. The reason why you cant straight up delete minijet.cfg - although jetsounds inserts a new realplume, it still needs parameters from the PLUME node created in that file. thats what the MM errors are. 3. Suggested course of action for now. Dont delete anything. Keep minijet.cfg and any similar configs where they are. And run the patch I suggested in my previous post, I think that should work.
  4. Actually I just looked at the JetSounds patches, and I was a bit suprised to see that when it detects realplume it actually inserts an entire realplume of its own (meant to overwrite the one made by RealPlume-stock) at the targeted part! Something about the changes made since 11.2 I guess means it doesnt work the way its supposed to anymore. But I can take a closer look a bit later. edit: Untested but I reckon a patch like this would solve your problem @PART[JetEngine]:NEEDS[RealPlume,JetSounds]:BEFORE[zzJetSounds] { !EFFECTS {} } Basically whats happening is that Jetsounds is inserting a realplume but because its doing it "manually" and not using a PLUME node, the catch all patch misses it and doesnt delete the stock sounds (since you deleted minijet.cfg). Why it doesnt work directly with minijet.cfg anymore is what needs a little investigating.
  5. Hmm I took over RealPlume with the 12.0.0 release. But there was a major update to the module manager patching in v11.2. I'll take a look when I have a moment. Would you mind send me your moduleManaher.configcache? Its in the gamedata folder. if the minijet.cfg is removed realplume shouldnt get in the way ideally.
  6. My slow paced science game continues to trundle along. After the exploration program was greatly disrupted by a station building phase, interplanetary exploration resumes. Titan III-E with a 3.125m fairing Why is such a thing needed? Why for a nuclear centaur of course. The Kerbal Atomics Eel with the extended Centaur T tanks burns for 16 minutes. For this helios mission, with a bit of judgement managed to get a decent ejection from a single burn from launch. The second stage got the Centaur to escape velocity and the long 16 minute burn took the Helios into a low solar periapsis. A regular centaur D1T and star 37 is capable of this mission but I wanted to introduce the nuke at this stage. The real helios jettisoned the Star after burnout but it looks kinda cool attached.
  7. Ok so the stock Juno is in fact using the exact same sound effects It just has the pitch turned up to 1.5 as opposed to the default value of 1.0 used by RealPlume. I might include a patch just for the stock engines to tune the pitch similar to the stock part configs for the next update. The reason you're probably running into issue is that you're going into "RealPlume" and deleting the generic plumes. If you dont want realplume to configure specific engines (but still keep realplume for other things) what you need to do is find the config that patches the engine specifically. Go into "RealPlume-Stock/Squad" and find the relevant jet engines and delete the configs.
  8. 1) BDB LDC engine mount in 2x mode. tweakscaled to 2.5x 2) 2x ReStock skipper engine. Restock Skipper model is based on the LE7 model so its accurate. A custom patch to run LH2 using cryotanks. (there is a optional official CryoEngines restock patch too that will make skipper, rhino and vector LH2 but I wanted different stats) 3) ReStock 2.5m rockomax tanks for the core stage. A 1m tall procedural tank with a green texture from Basic Procedural Textures for the intertank. 4) Decoupler shroud for the interstage. 5) Restock 2.5m trank + NFLV fuel containing truss (tweakscaled) + BDB Vega centre tank and engine mount + BDB RL10 engine. 6) 4x BDB Castor 120 for SRB-A. Some Nebula decals with custom textures for the flag and text to finish the look The upper stage needs to go into a fairly high lofted trajectory as a single RL10 is quite weak to push this big spacecraft. So it needs some margin to circularise. The real LE-5 would be about 40% more powerful.
  9. Congrats on this release! It looks fantastic and very unique! Love the crazy LES
  10. Hi someone pointed me towards this comment since I am looking after realplume these days. I'll be honest Im not too familiar with the jet plumes as I dont use them and I havent messed about with them. But it seems like they are using built in squad sounds for the jet plumes "sound_jet_deep" and "sound_jet_low". These configs havent changed in ages but if there have been better jet sounds added to the stock game since then I can update the plumes to reference those sounds effects. (assuming its an unequivocal improvement, I dont want to annoy people who liked the old sounds). Edit: with reference to the mod at hand, Jet Sounds can override the realplume sounds by MM patching the powereffect created by RealPlume after realplume has run. I would suggest at :FOR[zzRealPlume] :AFTER[zzRealPlume] This way you would get the realplume with the jetsounds sound.
  11. I don't quite recall if the existing BDB camera experiment is biome specific in low orbit. I think it is but in any case the MOL one definitely needs to be. I suppose the MOL experiment can have 0 transmission value so that it needs to be recovered by crew or better yet processed in the lab.
  12. This is the entirety of the compatibility patch for the telescope in Coatl probes plus. I dont know the relevance of lookTransformName and baseTransformName but it does look like a dedicated transform is needed to place the camera viewpoint.
  13. UPDATE: RealPlume-Stock v1.6.0 Wasn't planning on a new release so soon but Beale has just published an update to Tantares LV. RealPlume configs have been removed from this update of Tantares (to allow for me to support it from here) and so I decided to quickly make this new release. Essentially this adds back in the same configs that were just deleted from Tantares along with new plumes for Soyuz R7 and Proton. I will have to add missing engines and give new plumes to other engines at a later date. Will also do the same for Tantares spacecraft once an update is published for that too. Spacedock seems down at the moment, will upload there once its up but for now its available on Github and also CKAN (once it refreshes) DOWNLOAD (Github) Changelog - Updated .version file - Initial support for Tantares
  14. @Phos you know what there may be room to add a bit more expansion to some of the nuclear plumes. I will take a look next time I tweak realplume core. But it wont be drastic change and the overall size will still be similar to the current one. Will just be more open at the end. Not sure when this will be though. I took a look, the nerv config seems to be working as intended. The outer plume fits the bell and the core effect emerges from the center.
  15. Yes the new effect is smaller. Its based on the solid core plume used for "stock" Kerbal Atomics solid core nukes. The idea of the overall shape is to convey higher exhaust velocity compared to regular engines. I'll take a look at the positioning again. But note that there are two effects, a faint main plume (that should fit the engine bell diameter) and a brighter core that emerges from the centre.
  16. Oh since you seemed to have taken care of Missing History stuff, I only did a patch for the stock and restock NERV.
  17. Heads Up As discussed earlier. BDB is moving to 25% thrust scaling for all engines. BDB dev branch now has this change committed as of today. (The old balance was 25% of IRL thrust for lower, 50% for upper and 37.5% for engine which have both a vac and sl version like the J2). A couple of exceptions: Apollo engines are unchanged since they have special handling to give them IRL TWR (Gemini lander is also left alone). Also very very low thrust engines like the Athena/Peacekeeper OAM/PBV which had over 100% scaling are left alone. Engines like J2 and LR87 LH2 which used 37.5% are also at 25% now For people who don't like this change, what used to be Blowfish's thrust nerf patch in BDB Extras is now a thrust buff patch that brings you back to stock balance.
  18. Hi @sarbian just wanted to follow up on our earlier discussion about setting decluster/emitOnUpdate. I'm now maintaining RealPlume and so have been looking at a bunch of different plumes and so far I still havent seen emitOnUpdate break any plumes severely. However forcing emitOnUpdate can in a lot of instances cause the apparent position of the plume to change causing plumes to move too far inside the engine bell. Given the number of existing configs out there maybe it might not be such a good idea to force emitOnUpdate on by default in the next update like you said you were planning. I will look through the existing plume prefabs and add it in to those that benefit without affecting the positioning. In addition all the new plumes I added to RealPlume core are using the new features.
  19. UPDATE: RealPlume-Stock v1.5.1 Changelog - Updated .version file - Special handling for Kerbal Atomics multimode patch for the stock and ReStock NERV - remove NEEDS:!ReStock from MH engines - Fix MM patching for plumes modified at FOR:zzRealPlume (affected some aerospike engines in stock and RLA stockalike) No change to the bundled RealPlume. Thats still v12.1.0 DOWNLOAD (Github) DOWNLOAD (Spacedock)
  20. The latest version (v6.x) is a bit broken. WhiteGuardian has identified the fix but he seems busy. So for now I am using the fork by Jrodriguez on which the DX11 shaders for v6 were developed on. This version is DX11 only. https://github.com/jrodrigv/KS3P/releases Im using it with this config. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyqo4qhygzwb9f1/Config6.cfg?dl=0 Of course there is a little special sauce on top of this in photoshop for the aged look (some colour curves, grain and vignette) If you dont want to use DX11, then you need to grab the latest v5.x from spacedock and I would suggest using Orbital Phoenix's config (mine is a modified version of that tuned to my taste and the different rendering in the DX11 fork). https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/181915-orbitalphoenixs-screenshot-settings-and-collection/
  21. Time to pay the screenshot tax again. This time building a stereoscopic MOL observation platform with an additional core module above them. Tweakscaled LDC to make Minerva. The new escape tower is awesome The advanced Gemini with the crew extension uses a 1.875m to 2.5m Universal Storage 2 service module. Looks like the original Gemini at a distance but its quite a bit biiger
  22. Yeah! At least with native restock effects (for parts that have been remade by ReStock) you get plumes that have a prefabricated expanded look for vacuum engines even when RP is not installed. But bone stock plumes are kinda gross. Fix is up on the dev branch. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume-StockConfigs/tree/development
  23. Hehe yes. In v1.4 I added new plumes for the restock wolfhound. In v1.5 I disabled it because the restock wolfhound is actually only in the restock github development. Its not in the current full release but I had the git development version of ReStock installed and forgot about it when doing the configs. If people tried using it with the current release of ReStock with those configs it breaks the plume so I disabled it in v1.5. So once that stuff is fully released I will add back the plume. EDIT: Oh ok you're seeing the stock plume. I should have removed the NEEDS:[!ReStock] from the stock patches too until the restock stuff is added. I'll do that in the upcoming bugfix release EDIT2: I also now realise you're the same person I spoke to earlier about the wolfhound, was little early in the morning when I replied
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