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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. Trying out a couple of the LR87 single mount engines. I think these will have tremendous lego-ing appeal for all sorts of builds.
  2. Thanks! The scanner is from Coatl Probes Plus, solar panel is reStock OX-Stat. Triangular bus, antennas and mini solid rocket motor (Star-10) all from BDB. The probe is in the github dev branch not the full release.
  3. Was away from KSP for a few weeks, was pleasantly surprised to see Minmus had been updated in the meantime. I really loved Minmus is the first release but this update is even better! The slightly "smoother" look is more reminiscent of OG minmus while still looking great. ps. Performance is really smooth on Kerbin with max terrain settings and textures (and my bootleg KSC extended), cant complain.
  4. Comrade, that looks like a very bourgeois descent stage /jk Thats amazing. Love the airlock.
  5. Thanks for that. Used to use a spreadsheet during my rescaled GPP days
  6. Indeed, according to this article while I was researching this, the myth of the green N1 had spread to point that colour photos that looked grey would be tinted/colour balanced to what was assumed to be the "correct" green https://nick-stevens.com/tag/n1-3l/ "Note that there was no green on any of the N-1 variants! This is a widely held misconception, as many museums show it as green, (including the London science museum, and many Russian museums too). Olive green was only used to camouflage missiles, (and green would make lousy camouflage in Baikonur at the best of times). This error has spread to the point where photographs have been tinted to make them look green). And sometimes it was just poor quality film stock."
  7. I think although we may "feel" that the flare is perhaps a bit strong, ironically most IRL space images with the sun tend to have a lot of flaring artifacts (spikes, ghosts, the whole lot) due to cameras often being behind optically poor protective windows. Still its all a matter of taste I guess and options are always welcome. I really love Jade's new flare although I'm torn between that one and importing the Ciro flare from GPP edit: slightly ninja'd *do'h*
  8. Poor digitization and reproductions of faded films has been a constant issue with getting the right colours for Soviet rockets right? Isnt that the reason some people think there was a Green N1 when they were all grey?
  9. I voted Green but in view of the recent posts I'm kinda leaning cream now...
  10. New probe cores look great Cobalt! Like a lot of people, I'm quite taken with the Tryp. Looks v cool.
  11. Haha I understand, Tantares in colours has it place therefore for those of us who lack all restraint. Yup it works now.
  12. Why are you making us choose Beale ps. I think theres an issue with the polls where if you voted on an earlier question you cant respond to newly added ones... I guess if you forced me to choose I would go with green (and then bother Drakenex until he adds Cream to Tantares in colours )
  13. No one is in charge per se, Beale doesnt use RealPlume so it's up to the community to submit pull requests for compatibility on Github. I have opened a PR for the new Soyuz engines although thats not been merged yet. What other engines are missing? If I have time I might see if I can do some configs.
  14. Nice! What a neat little plugin. Those solar panel casings sitting flush with the craft look fantastic! I hope this gets wide adoption in the modding community, it opens up so many possibilities to enhance craft in an aesthetically pleasing way.
  15. Just a little heads up, I wrote a PR for CryoTanks which was merged a couple of weeks ago that makes CryoTanks play nicely with reDirect. Now when CT is installed with reDirect, the reDirect hydrolox tanks will get the CryoTanks switcher (for LH2+Ox, Lh2 only and Ox only) and the CT boiloff module but it will now calculate the volume correctly. ie. when the tank is set to LH2+Ox, it will have the same fuel values as when reDirect is installed without CryoTanks. The older workaround patch floating in this thread to first convert the tanks to LFO and then have CT patch it the way it patches stock tanks is therefore no longer necessary unless you want an LFO option.
  16. You have to be a *slightly* more careful in JNSQ with the flight profile compared to a 2.5x rescale especially on rockets that are suborbital or have little very margin (like Titan Gemini) but I have gotten Mercury Redstone to 90km suborbital, I flew a bit more vertical than I did on my rescale game. IIRC around 7-8 mins in space before re-entering. Mercury Atlas and Titan GLV can get into a reasonable low orbit. For the latter two I was using mechjeb PVG guidance mode (manual staging for Atlas of course) and that turned out ok even though the mode is not optimised for scales smaller than RSS. For Gemini Titan I did have to use about 50 m/s from the spacecraft.
  17. Wow these are looking real nice Cobalt! I think Pappystein has hit upon a very nice idea to make the LH2 vac engine white... I absolutely love the Titan II engines to bits, white is such an unusual colour for an engine bell and it looks damn good.
  18. Everything on that craft except for the truss structure are from Bluedog Design Bureau. It has some nice probe parts (these parts are based on the Ranger probes https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ranger_program ) but mainly contains historical American rockets.
  19. Haha yes JNSQ has finally cured the RSS envy for me. A lot of my favourite mods lack full RO configs so quarter scale is the best choice; well balanced part mods behave pretty close to IRL counterparts at 2.5/2.7x without needing additional adjustments ( via SMURFF etc). Thats as important to me as much as the challenge factor.
  20. Congratulations to all the members of Team Galileo. I've only visited a few bodies but all I can say is that the mod is well named.... truly breathtaking stuff!! And a high quality native 1/4 scale system is something the community desperately needed. Thank you guys so much.
  21. I think Benjees APAS is exactly what you're looking for. I prefer the BDB one because I like the soft docking, but Benjees one works like a stock docking port while having a very nice APAS model. If you didnt want to use the whole reDirect and or habtech mod, its worth noting the docking part is in a very lightweight benjee10_sharedassets folder separate from the main mod folder when you download either of those mods.
  22. Wow amazing work with the new colours @Drakenex, I especially like the half white Skylab Apollo and Blue Gemini. Looks superb in game. Peaceful earth observation and photo processing lab being visited by USAF and Army Gemini "rescue" gemini is kinda fun too.
  23. Knes also has a nice DPAF for Ariane 5 (3.75m). IIRC Knes does not come with tweakscale configs but shouldnt be hard to add a patch yourself to be able to fit it to different rocket sizes. If you're not interested in the looks, its worth noting that all BDB fairing bases support interstage nodes which can be toggled on just like stock fairings to enable multiple payloads mounted on a truss structure. You dont have to attach one sat bus to another.
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