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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. There are issues with RealPlume for some engines (Most are fine). I thought about doing corrections in the realplume configs but I was very impressed by the stock plumes the ReStock team has done. So I just deleted the squad folder inside GameData/RealPlume-Stock so that I get Restock plumes for stock engines and still have RealPlume for my other mod parts. (most of the realplume fixes look quite simple though for anyone motivated to do so)
  2. I lean more. I guess if you add a subtle detail like that you would still want it to be visible at a slight distance rather than only right close up.
  3. Congratulations to everyone who worked on this! Truly outstanding! Look at this filthy gas generator! Poodle is cool now! Am back to actually using stock parts
  4. This is so cool! Do you mind letting me know where the parts are from? I recognise a lot of BDB parts but very curious about that crew module at the top.
  5. Hi, I'm just using Rescale! configs with Sigma Dimensions v 0.10.1 (in GPP but seemed fine in in a test in stock system too) So far no issues in KSP 1.6.1 except with the KSC++ bases in GPP. Buildings end up spread out but I can deal.
  6. Thanks! I also installed reDIRECT but any other LH2 fans looking to do that should be warned that the tanks get incorrect values if installed alongside CryoEngines/Tanks *doh*. A reDIRECT stack in this state can't get a Cormorant shuttle into orbit in 2.5x scale at any rate. That said I found a patch in that thread that supposedly makes it play nice and so am going to check it out in a couple of hours. edit: also thanks for writing the initial LH2 patch.
  7. I've also been messing around with the Cormorant shuttle in 2.5x scale. Because I like Hydrolox craft I also wanted to patch it to run cryogenic. So far so good although I'm still tweaking. Not so sure about real world to KSP balance but it works for me and I've managed to put 11 tons into low orbit in 2.5x (Galileos planet pack but I believe Gael has the same Dv requirements as Kerbin) The existing Cryo patch seems to add an LH2 mode in addition to LF to the Cormorant SSME but it breaks the realplume. It also patches the squad SSME/Vector to run LH2 but that caused a conflict with something else for me. [edit, a MM syntax error was responsible, now fixed in the patch below) So I rolled a custom config for a model from RealEngines. although I doubled monoprop in the OMS pods I still ended up carrying an extra large MP tank to do a station rendezvous. But I will probably keep that mission specific instead of increasing qty yet further. This is the config I used if anyone is interested. It follows the principle of doubling fuel qty as per Paks 2.5x patch. However it also adds LH2Ox (also doubled). Even with double the fuel, the LH20X density seems a bit LESS than stock tanks patched by CryoEngines mod and procedural tanks. So I dont think the balance is very far off; I might actually increase LH2 quantities. It probably needs some tweaks by someone more knowledgeable than me. Make sure to remove the existing CryoEngines patch if trying this.
  8. Thanks a bunch for these! Stage and half Atlas is possibly the most fun rocket in BDB (and therefore the whole game) for me. Usually followed the 30s of fuel left rule but this looks super helpful especially now that I'm trying 2.5x scale. Edit: Charts working beautifully for me! I've unlocked both the lifter engine upgrades so I'm downrating them to 89% when using the SLV and Atlas I series. results seem pretty much spot on in the couple of flights I've tried
  9. Can't help myself, one more Universal/BDB craft. Direct ascent Gemini. Think you might like this @Daishi
  10. @Snark Very cool! I wast just literally just about to launch a GEO constellation. The fine tuning is always such a headache. edit: Can't believe how easy that was!
  11. Always had a bit of fun combining BDB and the larger DMagic parts. revisited the concept today with a MOL "Peaceful civilian station" launched on military Titan III transtage for orbital maneuvering Cargo bay contains life support AND NOTHING ELSE! Large binocular surveillance camera agricultural surveyor takes up most of the equipment. Living space is reduced to a single combined lab/hab. Its ok, the only equipment inside is a photo development kit. Atlas Agena brings up the final piece One more high resolution camera for totally peaceful non nefarious purposes. note: Both DMagic surveillance cameras were tweakscaled to fit.
  12. Thanks! I had seen reDirect but didn't realise it had DCSS parts. I've seen DCSS in another mod but the mod wasn't to my taste, will check this one out.
  13. Hope you do, I would be interested. I'm quite fond of the Delta IV heavy. In my game I used the RS68 from CryoEngines as suggested above. I found it a bit overpowered compared to the BDB real world analogues and so I tweakscaled the engine down to 2.5m (The original size being 3.75m). The balance hasnt been analysed in detail but I'm happy with it. I used procedural tanks with basic procedural textures for the cores. I guess procedural fairings would complete the look but I dont have it in my current modlist. Whats great is that this post is in fact fully on topic as I kitbashed the DCSS upper stage using mostly BDB parts Admittedly the strutwork doesnt look great compared to the 3.75m version of the rocket I first built as that was easier to work with (I tweakscaled up the BDB parts in that version) Parts used. Its mostly Centaur bits with a Vega control block for the top of the lower tank (remember to switch the fuel) and a procedural tank for the top with Centaur T adapter. edit: updated the DCSS pictures, just realised I built this from an imported craft file from an older game back before the single engine Centaur V mount was available.
  14. One more post from me on US2 and BDB synergy. I wanted to build a Gemini with extended life support mission endurance to occasionally send a Gemini out to the moons instead of an Apollo. The tapered fairing is perfect for this of course. I managed to load it up with quite a bit of LS and Monoprop (though I would normally limit qtys to about 2 months for missions). I wanted RCS points so that meant configuring it and locking the bays down. Nothing deployable in there. The cylindrical 0.625m CSM is great for a nose extension for science instruments. Of course the problem is the lack of an orbital maneuvering engine... Coatl/Probes Plus came to the rescue with the "Jib" monoprop engine. Unfortunately 2 engines didnt give me enough oomph so I sacrificed historical accuracy and used 4 of them. Note: The PentaCore makes it a bit hard to balance out the loads to avoid torque which can be annoying especially on a low TWR craft like this. RCS Build aid is quite helpful to eliminate this issue when loading out. Locked down the bays and added the RCS in the proper positions. As configured its about a ton heavier than the BDB csm but only about 100m/s less Delta V (center core is also Monoprop). Not bad given the additional life support supplies and batteries. The US2 tapered fairing looks pretty awesome in action! Also always upgrade your Geminis to X-wings.The Titan II can get this into orbit but I guess a Titan III will be needed for moon missions. Unlike the Apollo size cylindrical fairing the Gemini fairing doesnt seem to detect obstructions so you can actually clip through the solar panels and RCS but I consider this cheating so I keep the bays locked down
  15. Thanks! Personally I'm playing science mode and relying on more of a self directed role play in terms of structuring my space program. The suit textures must be the ones included with GPP. They came up as soon as I installed Sigma replacements as recommended by GPP which I forgot initially.
  16. Some Skylab screenies... I'm trying to avoid getting stuck in the local sphere in this GPP playthrough but stations always distract me from interplanetary. Couldnt help but start tinkering while the first probes are on their way out of the Gael system. Started out as a fairly standard ETS alt history Spacelab with the bigger solar panels and European exploration module but still including the original Skylab solar observatory. After finishing Gael orbital science I boosted it to Iota where I made my recent expansion by adding my first expansion module consisting of a SSPXr Centrifuge, a Universal Storage II and TAC LS enhanced life support module and a new docking adapter with 3 passive Kane ports, a CADS and a clampotron. Accidentally left behind an Apollo block V hab module between the European Science module and the Centrifuge but I guess it makes for a nice lounge next to the centrifuge crew quarters. I feel like the mostly linear design of this expansion still kind of evokes the design spirit of the original Skylab The beautiful science instrumentation is always very satisfying. Parts from Probes Plus and DMagic in addition to BDB. EVA Inspection of new docking module and life support systems
  17. This looks very useful! Just wanted to indicate my interest in case you decide to come back to it.
  18. Back at KSP after a bit of break, at that time US-II was still in development and I'm delighted to see the full release as I started a new GPP game. I usually play with USI life support but all the US-II parts for TAC LS made me try that out instead. Just want to say thank you for the fantastic work to the devs! I think theres already been some discussion about RCS options but I've found some workarounds for good looking Apollo craft. a 3 segment core together with a compact CSM from BDB makes a very proportionate craft with more delta V than a 4 segment US-II only design and with RCS mounting position on the body. Compact CSM from BDB combined with 4 segment USII Core also makes for a very nicely proportioned (modified) AARDVARK Surprise that the small stock radiator fit without clipping, decided to shove one in to pair with the sabatier. Suffice to say I'm thoroughly enjoying this!
  19. Up next was my first ever landing attempt at Eve. The mission was launched atop a TantaresLV Soyuz rocket The lander is from Probes Plus again, the appropriate Venera lander and orbiter I tried to separate the lander on a re-entry trajectory and then correct the orbiter's trajectory to try and enter orbit. Unfortunately I couldn't circularise before the lander entered the atmo and so the orbiter flew off on a sunward trajectory, Stock Visual Enhacements makes Eve look quick beautiful but the dense clouds obscure the surface. Having never visited the planet before I was curious to see what would greet me as the probe descended through the clouds By sheer luck I had managed to send the probe towards a very picturesque area, the shallows near Crater Lake. The lander ended up quite close to the shore with a nice beach view The orbiter ended up making a rather close approach to the Sun I also sent a separate mission to land on Gilly I used the same basic probe design I used for Ike and Dres (based on the IRL Surveyor probes)
  20. So on to the first planetary missions, my first ever landings at Moho and Dres The lander is entirely built on Probes Plus parts I have heard about the Mohole but decided to land in a somewhat more normal area. Chose this crater which was one of the few points of interest. I guess there's not too much to say about it apart from that you get some epic sunflares at Moho The Dres mission: I used an identical lander for this mission. Seen here decoupling from the Centaur transfer stage.I believe the SRB used for deorbit is from BDB (Star 48 equivalent IIRC) and not one of the probes plus ones. Dres has a rep for being a bit boring but I found a valley that I thought would give some nice views Nice safe landing
  21. Final round of Kerbin SOI highlights Returning to the Mun with surface experiments. This is quite satisfying actually, setting up the various experiments instead of just landing. Two totally peaceful non military "civilian" stations pass each other in a "chance" encounter Launching Buran (Cormorant Shuttle with Tantares Energia) Building MIR with Buran instead of Proton Completed MIR replica Some more MIR angles
  22. Not sure, I am still on 1.4.3. I think it should work, just give it a try. If you need any help with configuring it you can always post in the KS3P thread.
  23. You're welcome. From the description and from my own experience KS3P does not have a big effect on performance.
  24. @Catatau_27 The 2nd picture is by me. The depth of field effects and bloom effects you're seeing are from KS3P. The terrrain textures are also not stock they are from SVT (Stock Visual Terrain). I do have EVE and Scatterer of course but they only affect atmospheric bodies so they don't come into play here. I cant speak for Cobalt's banner for certain but lens dust, film grain and depth of field effects are visible and so it looks like KS3P again.
  25. Ah fair enough. Since my earlier post I compared both in greater detail and decided I was happy with SVE.
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