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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. 1. Install realplume together with realplume stock configs normally (you seem to have done this) The github link in the restock OP is for a pull request, which means the fix hasnt been merged into Nhawks RealPlume stock configs master. To grab the actual files for the fix you need to follow the link in the pull request to Vladimir-CSP's fork which is where the fix is. 2. Download Vladmir's fork https://github.com/Vladimir-csp/RealPlume-StockConfigs 3. replace the contents of RealPlume-Stock with whats in 2. 4. ??? 5. Profit
  2. I built mine with reDirect SLS ICPS (basically same as DCSS, in the dev branch), BDB RL10B2 (heh still on topic-ish), Restock tweakscaled tanks for the CBCs, rescaled CryoEngines RS68 (with correct thrust, tweakscale doesnt give the right thrust). Tory Bruno approved (someone tagged him) https://imgur.com/gallery/mzpCeRN I suppose we could do like a triple core Titan LDC but I dont think BDB has a powerful enough Cryo lifter engine. I do run the RD0120 in tantares with an LH2 patch though.
  3. @Pappystein The SRBs are indeed from reDirect as mentioned above. The studs are left over from the shuttle SRB decouplers from Cormorant Aeronology. I did two flights of the MDD Barbarian, I think the picture in question is from the first test flight when I attached the decoupler to I-Beams connected to the centre core in order to nestle the SRBs into the gabs between the outer LRBs. I didnt realise the studs would be left floating there lol. In the actual flight I attached the decoupler to the LRBs directly. I have a more complete gallery here if you're curious https://imgur.com/a/tafllM2
  4. @MaverickSawyer I love it! Since we're talking Delta abominations I did a McDonell Douglas Barbarian build a few weeks ago. Proposed by MDD as a one off vehicle for lifting the Zenith Star space based laser for Reagan's Strategic Defense Intitiative (Star Wars) Stage 1 - 3x Shuttle SRBS Stage 2 - 6x Delta II cores Stage 3 - 1x Delta II core http://www.astronautix.com/b/barbarianmdd.html
  5. If you mean for the ship as a whole instead of individual tanks (which show up on the right click menu) you could try AmpYear. Its intended for overall power management and has calculations for required dark side battery capacity for a given orbit (for solar powered craft) and also adds reserve power features.
  6. A little something for the RealPlume fans. With @CobaltWolf's blessing, I have begun to undertake a little project to convert the standard BDB plumes into RealPlume. Most of BDB's stock plumes now use beautiful particle effects created by @JadeOfMaar and what I've tried to do is to try and preserve the original artistic vision of the BDB plumes as configured by @Jso (Who gave a lot of useful guidance for this too) while providing the plume expansion functionality of RealPlume/Smokescreen. I've tried to be faithful where possible though some creative license has been taken. Jade's particles have very effective animations that means its possible to create epic real plumes with far less particles. For instance all 5 F1s on the Saturn V generate only around 950 particles max and that only decreases throughout the flight profile even as the plume gets bigger. The first run configures Saturn F1, J2, H1D, H1C (not the sea level or aerospike J2 variants), Atlas LR105, LR89, RD180, Titan II LR87-5, LR 91-5 (revamped ones only for now) RL10, RL10A4, RL10B2 These compatibility files are now available in the current BDB Dev branch. More to come over time of course! Saturn V at launch Saturn V towards the end of S1C burn Saturn 1 Atlas V Classic atlas Skirt drop Revamped Titan Shocks and flame effects will fade to give a a translucent hypergolic plume More images here including the vac engines: https://imgur.com/a/fT4eJOK
  7. @Pappystein I play science mode so the cost doesn't really factor into it for me. Was literally just about to boot up my test install to see how it is. If I like it I might add it to the CryoTanks fuel switcher too for more tank options. By the way what do you mean by 83% being the correct fuel load for AZ50? In terms of matching the performance of the real rocket?
  8. Would you mind sharing your config? I've always been interested in fuel differentiation but didnt want to go the real fuels route, I currently have Methalox added to the CryoTanks switcher but curious how much of a difference your AZ50 patch makes vs LFO.
  9. All this Polyus talk made me feel bad about not having tried it out. Decided on a little test flight Jettison fairing and flip 180 degrees to point engines back Select hold prograde for circularisation Guidance computer had different ideas about what prograde was
  10. Thanks! This is Galileo's Planet Pack with high res texture option together with EVE and Scatterer (0.0336 since GPP is not yet updated for the new scatterer). Planetshine is also being used here with a high level of Vacuum light boost. Engine lighting and realplume are also installed. The skybox is Poods deep star skybox. Finally I'm using KS3P with a custom config by Orbital Phoenix. This really makes a huge difference to the look and feel. (I think thats everything!)
  11. UDMH/N2O2 has never looked so delicious. Adding some Russian flavour to my international extended Skylab
  12. Thanks! I admit I have the extras in my download folder but never went through the configs in detail to see what they are. I'll grab the H-2 definitely as well as the patch that removes the F1 and LR89 part upgrades and replaces them with respective parts (I want to restore the full line up of Atlases with correct thrust). I'm looking into a SLV3X+ Fatlas with Centaur II (done some testing already) and an ultimate SLV3X++ Fatlas with Centaur III (2x RL10 I think) so the H-2 will come in handy. Edit: if you do get procedural tanks I recommend getting the Basic Procedural Textures pack for it, thats where the nice silver tank texture is from.
  13. Put together an Atlas SLV3-X Tweakscaled the Atlas Balloon tanks to 2.5m and procedural tanks for custom tapered tanks. H1 engine as a sustainer. Beats the Atlas I and only falls short of the Atlas II no.6 on this list of unbuilt Atlases for more details. https://www.spacelaunchreport.com/atlasnot.html
  14. New to Knes so I'm still getting familiar with the rockets in it but I love the new SuperVulcain B!
  15. I think the Indian PSLV is one of the most Kerbal (of rockets that were built and flown) in the sense that it has the feel of something put together with parts lying around lego style. You have a choice of 3 different types of SRB boosters, ok nothing weird about about that but lets look at the core stack Stage 1 is an HTPB solid motor Stage 2 is N2O2/UDMH hypergolic Stage 3 back to a solid HTPB again Stage 4 switch back to hypergolics again! but this time a different fuel, MMH/MON Lets also not forget the Saturn 1, its first stage was a jupiter tank with 8 redstone tanks slapped around it (presumably because they hadn't unlocked the tech node for a bigger tank )
  16. I also think the decoupler shroud is the most elegant solution. It gives options for the player and can be made to look nice. Definite no to the fairing.
  17. 0.0336, no major issues in my rescaled game so far. I didnt know there was a new dev build available. Will check it out.
  18. Thanks! This is Galileos planet pack (so clouds, terrain etc are all the high res GPP ones) with EVE and Scatterer of course. KS3P with Orbital Phoenix's config. Planet shine with a very high vacuum ambient light level and thats it. The plumes are all from RealPlume, applied by included configs in Tantares.
  19. So i recently learned about the Sodruzhestvo (Alliance) rocket which was an attempt at fostering some collaboration between former soviet republics in the 90s (In particular Khazakh and Ukraine). If I understood the information correctly it was to be an alternative to Angara. http://www.russianspaceweb.com/sodruzhestvo.html It basically consisted of a Zenit central stack and different configurations of liquid boosters that were structurally like Zenit boosters but fitted with RD180 instead of RD171. Of course there is no RD180 in Tantares since it hadnt been used in a Russian rocket so we had to "re-import" it back to Russia courtesy of BDB . The Centre core is powered by a Tantares RD171 Another Beale cross We have a Zenit 3rd stage and the optional Blok D for high energy orbits and interplanetary transfers.
  20. Thanks, please feel free! The KS3P config is Orbital Phoenix's but I think you're already aware of his config Still cant get mine to look as good as his screenshots though
  21. It IS a little tricky to fly but its not too bad. I recommend grabbing the craft file from Cormorant Aeronology. The Petrel craft file includes the Tantares Energia. The boosters have been set up with separation SRBs properly so that it separates cleanly (I've done it with the orbiter on the bottom and craft nearly horizontal). The engines have a good gimbal range though so so long as you're alert and keep control of the throttle if needed you should be OK. Dropping the boosters I find isnt the most critical point, the COM doesnt change too much as both pairs have emptied. I find the close to MECO where the centre tank is nearly empty harder to manage. If you've not found it already heres the link to the patch by Pulsar.
  22. Some time travel here too, launching Salyut... but on Buran I'm using Pulsar's LH2 patch which is working really well at 2.5x scale. Korelov's @Beale's cross Universal storage 2 bays (with porkjet texture) seem to work nicely with Tantares stations though it might throw off the proportion a bit
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