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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. Yup its an amazing looking shuttle for sure! Its the Shuttle Orbiter Construction Kit (SOCK) from Benjee10, the developer of reDirect. SOCK is currently WIP but close to the first full release (dev thread linked below). It also doesnt come with the ET and boosters, that has to be grabbed from reDirect.
  2. Yes BDB works and so does Tantares in colours. However Tantares in colours patches the old Soyuz parts so it doesnt apply alternative textures to the newest Soyuz parts. Drakenex will probably update Tantares in colours in the future. The other alternate skins for stuff like the space station parts, Proton etc all are fine.
  3. So those pictures are from when I was using 1.6.1, KS3P however is working for me right now in 1.7.1. The custom launch pads are from the "AlphaDev" development branch of Modular Launch Pads available on github. I built it using the shuttle launch pad parts and a few extra bits. Download link:
  4. EVE, Scaterrer, KS3P (custom config), Planetshine, Distant Object Enhancement (for dimming the skybox). This was Galileos Planet Pack so no additional visual pack needed as it comes with configs for Scaterrer and EVE and has high res textures. The config used for KS3P is by OrbitalPhoenix and you can get it from here:
  5. You may wish to post pictures or perhaps video of what you're doing. I've used all 3; the one with jettisionable sides, the deployable open one, the deployable enclosed one and never had a problem.
  6. Really quite well. Twin boar tweakscaled to 3.15m gives the right KSP scaled thrust. It's got pretty high TWR on the first stage but with the lower TWR on the second, flew beautifully in JNSQ Kerbin using mechjebs PVG guidance mode.
  7. When reDirect met reStock (twin boar and Jumbo tank tweakscaled to 3.15m)
  8. Just to add to what CobaltWolf said above, these specific towers are available in the "AlphaDev" branch of Modular Launch Pads on github.
  9. 3 guesses whats inside this shuttle... Absolutely love this thing! The only feedback I have is that the interstage could use a bit less decoupler force.
  10. Trying out a couple of the LR87 single mount engines. I think these will have tremendous lego-ing appeal for all sorts of builds.
  11. Thanks! The scanner is from Coatl Probes Plus, solar panel is reStock OX-Stat. Triangular bus, antennas and mini solid rocket motor (Star-10) all from BDB. The probe is in the github dev branch not the full release.
  12. Was away from KSP for a few weeks, was pleasantly surprised to see Minmus had been updated in the meantime. I really loved Minmus is the first release but this update is even better! The slightly "smoother" look is more reminiscent of OG minmus while still looking great. ps. Performance is really smooth on Kerbin with max terrain settings and textures (and my bootleg KSC extended), cant complain.
  13. Comrade, that looks like a very bourgeois descent stage /jk Thats amazing. Love the airlock.
  14. Thanks for that. Used to use a spreadsheet during my rescaled GPP days
  15. Indeed, according to this article while I was researching this, the myth of the green N1 had spread to point that colour photos that looked grey would be tinted/colour balanced to what was assumed to be the "correct" green https://nick-stevens.com/tag/n1-3l/ "Note that there was no green on any of the N-1 variants! This is a widely held misconception, as many museums show it as green, (including the London science museum, and many Russian museums too). Olive green was only used to camouflage missiles, (and green would make lousy camouflage in Baikonur at the best of times). This error has spread to the point where photographs have been tinted to make them look green). And sometimes it was just poor quality film stock."
  16. I think although we may "feel" that the flare is perhaps a bit strong, ironically most IRL space images with the sun tend to have a lot of flaring artifacts (spikes, ghosts, the whole lot) due to cameras often being behind optically poor protective windows. Still its all a matter of taste I guess and options are always welcome. I really love Jade's new flare although I'm torn between that one and importing the Ciro flare from GPP edit: slightly ninja'd *do'h*
  17. Poor digitization and reproductions of faded films has been a constant issue with getting the right colours for Soviet rockets right? Isnt that the reason some people think there was a Green N1 when they were all grey?
  18. I voted Green but in view of the recent posts I'm kinda leaning cream now...
  19. New probe cores look great Cobalt! Like a lot of people, I'm quite taken with the Tryp. Looks v cool.
  20. Haha I understand, Tantares in colours has it place therefore for those of us who lack all restraint. Yup it works now.
  21. Why are you making us choose Beale ps. I think theres an issue with the polls where if you voted on an earlier question you cant respond to newly added ones... I guess if you forced me to choose I would go with green (and then bother Drakenex until he adds Cream to Tantares in colours )
  22. No one is in charge per se, Beale doesnt use RealPlume so it's up to the community to submit pull requests for compatibility on Github. I have opened a PR for the new Soyuz engines although thats not been merged yet. What other engines are missing? If I have time I might see if I can do some configs.
  23. Nice! What a neat little plugin. Those solar panel casings sitting flush with the craft look fantastic! I hope this gets wide adoption in the modding community, it opens up so many possibilities to enhance craft in an aesthetically pleasing way.
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