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Everything posted by Zorg

  1. @Thadeasaurous1 I just checked your earlier post and I strongly suspect you have installed something wrong you dont need to move any files around. I suggest you delete TantaresLV, RealPlume, RealPlume-Stock and SmokeScreen and reinstall those fresh. Download RealPlume-Stock from https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume-StockConfigs/releases/tag/v1.4.0 Inside the zip file will be these Copy them into your GamData directory so it looks like this. Obviously you should also have a TantaresLV folder Do not move any files inside any of these folders or from inside TantaresLV into anything else.
  2. Can you post a screenshot of your game data folder as well as a link to your ModuleManager logs? Its in KerbalSpaceProgram/Logs/ModuleManager There will be a MMPatch.log and ModuleManager.log files Also how many Tantares engines did you try and have the trouble with? Can you let me know which ones?
  3. The picture is 100% KSP. Those are clearly CryoTanks, SSPXr, Near Future Construction, Near Future Solar and ReStock parts. The main reason it looks so much better than a regular Scaterrer and Planetshine install is KS3P with a custom config and a custom Kopernicus sunlight boost for more contrast. The way Orbital Phoenix does this is in the link posted by Friznit above. Yes KSP can look this good if you put in a bit of effort! This is my own recreation of a Copernicus mission following Orbital's settings for KS3P. Maybe not quite as nice as Orbitals screens but its not difficult to achieve this look if you follow his instructions.
  4. Are you getting realplumes on other mods? You have smokescreen installed as well right? As Beale mentioned above, you don't need to move or change anything in a Tantares folder. You just need to install RealPlume and Smokescreen into your /GameData Tantares works fine with RealPlume as you can see Note that not every rocket in Tantares has configs. A couple of the early game rockets Beale made relatively recently don't have configs. The Tantares and TantaresLV RealPlume configs will be removed in the next update and will be supported via RealPlume-stock configs going forward. The missing engines will be covered at that point.
  5. Another update on whats coming in the next release of RealPlume and RealPlume-stock, still WIP: New VASIMIR plumes based on Near Future Propulsion FX. The Vasimir plumes, like the Kerbal Atomics nuclear ones above will look nearly identical to the originals when in vacuum. VASIMIR Xenon VASIMIR Argon The MagnetoPlasmaDynamicThruster (MPDT) plume is also based on the MPDT engines in Near Future but the version I made looks a bit different, its bigger and more expanded. The lithium MPDT drives can stop using old hydrolox plumes soon Another update is that I have added a global parameters to control the saturation and alpha transparency of the plumes. these are new features added in Smokescreen 2.8.5. The alphaMult parameter in particular is very useful to make a plume more transparent without lowering emission. Lowering emission can impact the look of the plume. It is especially handy when configuring an engine with multiple nozzles and helps avoid the situation where you get big bright blob where the plumes overlap. I would encourage anyone else working on configs to try this out. alphaMult = 1 (if not defined in the PLUME node, it will default to 1, ie no change) alphaMult = 0.3 Yes the Porkjet nukes will get the new nuclear plume configs in addition to Kerbal Atomics (via Missing History and Space Tux Industries)
  6. Which picture did you mean? One my pictures Benjee used in the OP? or this one I posted? In this case the Centaur G upper stage is from Bluedog Design Bureau. The Satellite is a custom build mostly with Coatl Probes Plus parts and some ReStock bits. Visuals use Scaterrer, EVE, PlanetShine, Distant Object Enhancement and KS3P This is the best place to start for instructions to get similar visuals:
  7. Thank you so much for the encouragement and for all the work you did previously on this mod!
  8. They are all included with the version of RealPlume bundled in the download link in the OP. Currently they are only applied to ReStock engines. (also similar versions of those plumes are used on Bluedog Design Bureau, Near Future Launch Vehicles and CryoEngines)
  9. Probably going to have another release fairly soon, in a few days time. A few small bugs are being fixed on the RealPlume side and some tweaks on the RealPlume-Stock side (plus the additions above from Rocket Witch). The main thing in the next update will be all new nuclear plume prefabs based on FX from Kerbal Atomics. These prefabs will actually look pretty similar to the "stock" versions of these plumes as they are designed like vacuum plumes. But RealPlume will add the underexpansion you would expect in atmosphere. The plume names are derived from the type of engine the effects were used on in Kerbal Atomics. LH2 solid core Lh2+ LOX augemented solid core Closed cycle gas core open cycle gas core (for engines that are war crimes by their very existence) I will be applying these to Kerbal Atomics so the realplumes will look as good as the stock plumes and also to ReStock NERV and Missing History porkjet nukes. I will try to make the Kerbal Atomics aerospike plumes at some point but it will be quite challenging so no promises. There will also be an update to Near Future Spacecraft coming.
  10. @Rocket Witch continuing the conversation on the new thread, thanks for the below configs, will include them in the next update.
  11. Thought I would preview some of the stuff added to realPlume core and are now being used by RP-stock configs: Cryogenic_LowerSSME_CE, a very transparent SSME plume, barely visible against light backgrounds. Derived from ReStock SSME/Mammoth plumes. Seen here on a SOCK shuttle with ReStock Vectors (with cryoEngines LH2 patch) Hydrolox_LowerBlaze is a rather energetic blue sea level cryo plume. However in the vacuum expanded form it looks about identical to hydrolox_upperBlue Hydrolox_LowerBlaze at sea level. This is based on PlumeParty BlueOrigin FX Kerolox_UpperEagle based on the PlumeParty Eagle plume, a new kerolox upper stage plume Hypergolic_UpperWhite based on ReStock Wolfhound FX, it should be suitable for a lot of pressure fed hypergolic engines such as Apollo SPS If you like a bit of colour, thers also Hypergolic_Upper_Red and Yellow (red seen here). These are all built with PlumeParty FX. we have the SSME plume here again but of note is the flamey looking Kerolox_LowerBlaze and the new kerolox gas generator effects. Both from PlumeParty FX. A wider look at Kerolox_LowerBlaze By bringing plume boundary effects under control, the new kerolox plumes are more resilient against turning into a white blob during expansion when clustered In addition to the plume party based hydrolox upper, we have Cryogenic_UpperBlue which is a slightly different looking one based on FX from CryoEngines Cryogenic_LowerAblative_CE is actually a custom plume I created for the new CryoEngines which I have brought into RealPlume. A orange hydrolox booster plume for engines with ablative nozzles like the Delta IV RS68 Cryogenic_LowerRed_CE is another import from CryoEngines (its now used on ReStock Skipper for instance) and is similar to the SSME plumes but a bit more visible. Has 2 shock cones which fade out one after the other during ascent.
  12. Not at all, thanks for submitting the configs and prefabs. I hadn't made the connection between your github name and forum name, updated the credits
  13. Yes there are! They are built on the "stock" Near Future Launch Vehicles plume FX. They are nice and purple although not an exact match for the Spaceship hopper (maybe a future project, I have an idea). This is the list of newly added plumes https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/issues/47 Still in the process of updating the wiki with previews and sample configs. Havent added the methalox ones there yet. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/wiki/PreFabbed-Plumes-and-Screenshots
  14. Haha you're welcome. Let me know if you spot any issues with reStock engines as these are fresh configs. Yeah its something that confused me the first time I came across this mod a while back. Thought I would try to clear things up. Indeed. This is a direct continuation of the previous version of RealPlume-Stock and comes with all the previous compatibility files. Its even the same repository and not a fork (since its part of the RO organisation). The new plumes in RealPlume core are additions and dont replace anything so old configs are still valid.
  15. Official RealPlume support has been added for ReStock Uses completely new plumes built using FX from ReStock, NearFuture, CryoEngines and PlumeParty Requires RealPlume-Stock v1.4.0 with ( RealPlume v12.0.0)
  16. New thread for updated RealPlume and RealPlume-Stock here:
  17. RealPlume, originally developed for Realism Overhaul enables great looking plumes that display realistic behavior by expanding with lower atmospheric pressure. This mod brings RealPlume to stock parts and to various stock-alike mods. With @Nhawks17 blessing, this is a continuation of RealPlume-Stock. RealPlume-Stock was previously maintained by Nhawks & DerpyFireworks and was originally created by Felger. Since its hosted with the RO organisation this is a direct continuation, not a fork. How to Install: Dependencies: These are REQUIRED in order for RealPlume-Stock to work. These files are included in the download if downloading from spacedock or the packaged github release and do not need to be installed separately. If installing via CKAN these will be selected for you. Module Manager RealPlume SmokeScreen DOWNLOAD HERE (GITHUB)(PRIMARY) SpaceDock (mirror) CKAN-Indexed Licensed under CC-BY-NC-SA Please note that the bundled mods are under their own license and particle libraries by different authors within RealPlume are each under their own license in particular. How it works A brief explanation since its not always clear to everyone what's doing what. 1. Smokescreen is a plugin created by the one and only Sarbian which allows us to replace the stock particle system with the much more flexible shuriken particles. This more advanced system is what enables the expanding plume behaviour. 2. RealPlume. However smokescreen doesnt do anything by itself. Its a plugin. Enter RealPlume which contains a library of particle models and textures (and some cool sound FX too). RealPlume also has a number of "prefabricated" plumes built using these particles which needs to be applied to the desired engines via Module Manager configuration patches. 3. RealPlume-stock. Again, RealPlume although it contains the prefab plumes, it doesnt apply them. Some mods like BluedogDB or CryoEngines carry their own configuration patches and so will get realplumes if you install just 1&2. However most mods, as well as stock parts, get their configuration patches from RealPlume-Stock. That's all RealPlume-Stock is, a set of Module Manager patches to apply the prefabs from RealPlume to various engines. 4. RealPlume also comes with its own library of sounds and will change the engine running sounds. This thread is primarily concerned with RealPlume-Stock although since I am now one of the maintainers for RealPlume we can discuss it here too. Known Issues: Thrust limiting on engines get reset upon install. BEWARE IN THE KSP TUTORIALS Switching to a vessel with an engine as a root part will cause the plume to not show. Due to a stock audio bug, the engine running sound will not reduce when zooming out your view. Does this work with WaterfallFX? Yes RealPlume-stock and Waterfall should work together. RealPlume-Stock now has a patch that detects and removes RealPlume configs from individual parts if a Waterfall plume is detected. Thus Waterfall plumes take priority but RealPlume-stock can still configure parts that dont have waterfall configs. If you see any problems please report them to me and not the Waterfall dev as I am taking the initiative to remove conflicts. Performance: If you are suffering from a FPS drop, set the particle limit in the SmokeScreen settings to a lower number. You will need to use the toolbar mod Toolbar continued and press the smokescreen button (make sure you use the drop down menu to enable the Smokescreen button) or press Alt+P to access the SmokeScreen in game GUI. You can also change it in the configuration file inside the SmokeScreen folder after running the game with SmokeScreen once. Note that plumes will start to look ugly if the particle limit is too low so its about finding a balance that works for you. If you find the defaults make the plumes look too "thin", because you are clustering lots of engines or are using solid rockets, feel free to bump up this value much higher if your GPU can handle it. While KSP in general is CPU bound for performance, RealPlume/Smokescreen does benefit from a good graphics card. Contributing: Contributions from the community to apply plumes to new engines and submit fixes is always appreciated. I certainly dont have the time or inclination to go after everything; RealPlume has always thrived on community support. Please open a pull request on github and target the development branch. See the following wiki pages for how to add plumes to a new engine, its quite simple. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/wiki/Adding-a-Plume-to-an-Engine Check this page for previews and sample configs for the PLUME node. Note that many of the new prefabs I have added to RealPlume v12.0.0 have new parameters for individual effects, so its best to check the sample configs. I am in the process of updating the wiki. https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/wiki/PreFabbed-Plumes-and-Screenshots Changelogs: RealPlume-Stock RealPlume RealPlume-Stock Contributors: Felger - The original maker of the mod @sarbian - Created smokescreen @Nhawks17 - former maintainer DerpyFirework -former maintainer Community contributors to RealPlume-stock configs: @woeller, @Rocket Witch, @Gordon Fecyk. @Scialytic, @coyotesfrontier, Prefab Contributors to RealPlume core @Katniss218, @Scialytic FX (particles and sound) contributors to RealPlume core @Nertea, @JadeOfMaar, @Beale Additonal credits: Nazari1382, ferram4, Dragon01, Kickasskyle, Probus, Svm420, randazzo, nanuschao, amo28, NoMrBond, jsolson, politas, Andrew2448, OhioBob (from the old thread, apologies if I missed anyone). Special thanks to @blowfish for encouraging me to take this on and helping me get set up. UPDATES RealPlume RealPlume has been updated with 17 new prefabs built using new particle FX from @Nertea (orginally from near future launch vehicles, cryoengines & reStock) and @JadeOfMaar (originally from PlumeParty). Huge thanks to both of them for allowing me to upstream them into RealPlume and for providing a few customised effects for my needs. I hope you agree they look nice, some of them are also more particle efficient than many current prefabs for instance some of the new Kerolox plumes. These are all added as new prefabs, it doesnt replace anything so new configs are needed to apply them. Please note that most of these have new adjustment parameters, please follow the link in first post to the wiki to obtain sample configs. I am looking into new NTR plumes built using new Kerbal Atomics FX in the future. List of newly added plumes: https://github.com/KSP-RO/RealPlume/issues/47 RealPlume-Stock What many of you have been waiting for, official support for ReStock! ReStock engines are configured mostly with the new plumes mentioned above. They are seperate from the normal stock engines and the plume type matches the fuel type of the IRL engine they are inspired by so the configs are very different to regular stock. There are also a number of other updates, please see the changelog above.
  18. Some more MOL and Gemini Ferry stuff. Although I need to deorbit these and send up MOL 2 with the new stuff added yesterday! Was using the low profile Agena port here which IRL wouldnt have been able to transfer resources or crew. Guess they had to resupply via EVA
  19. These are some custom edits I did in Photoshop/Lightroom although once the issues with KS3P v6 are sorted out I plan to create a series of KS3P configs in with various colour profiles similar to these. Should be even easier once the curves functionality is implemented. The built in KS3P film grain will always be too harsh compared to these though. edit: I am using KS3P in these pics though, its just the colour corrections and film grain are done on top of it. https://www.dropbox.com/s/iyqo4qhygzwb9f1/Config6.cfg?dl=0 This config is derived from the one Orbital Phoenix posted in his screenshot thread but has been tuned for Jrodriguez's KS3P DX11 fork which Im using while KS3P v6 is being fixed. https://github.com/jrodrigv/KS3P/releases
  20. Finally got a chance to get back to KSP and try out the new MOL stuff. And we're starting with... A mockup made mostly from procedural parts launched on Titan III-C Gotta do this properly. What I anticipate to be the first of many MOL iterations as Cobalt continues to work on new parts. Launched on Titan III-M of course.
  21. Yes the folder you need to get rid of is "Configs" inside of PlumeParty. Thats what I was trying to say with PlumeParty/Configs
  22. Ok couple of things. 1) Benjees Shuttle, ReDirect, reStock and PlumeParty. PlumeParty is not like real plume, the main component of PlumeParty is quite simple, it contains a set of particle FX models and textures for modders to use to make "stock" plumes. PlumeParty is a hard dependency for Benjees mods because his engines use PlumeParty FX in the main part CFG for standard plumes (non real plumes). The version of plume party included with reDirect also has some configs that apply these plumes to the stock engines. They are not compatible with restock as restock changes a few things around with respect to the plume transforms and such. HOWEVER, the patches have a :NEEDS[!Restock] in them. In other words, they will NOT interfere with stock engines if ReStock is detected. "Mutually exclusive" in the sense that PlumeParty is not meant to apply to ReStock engines but there is no conflict. Nothing should break. Put very simply there should not be a problem having ReStock, PlumeParty, reDirect and SOCK all installed together. 2) Everything above is irrelevant when using RealPlume as RealPlume overwrites all of that with its own expanding smokescreen plumes. The problem with RealPlume and ReStock is due to the fact that the differences in plume transforms need to be accounted for in the real plume stock configs. Unfortunately the maintainer of real plume stock configs has been away for a while. However, Vladimir-CSP has made a fix that accounts for these which you can get here. https://github.com/Vladimir-csp/RealPlume-StockConfigs Just install real plume, smokescreen, and get stock configs from that link. Most things should look OK then. 3) I am working on a long term solution for ReStock and RealPlume in coordination with someone who has access to the Realism Overhaul repository (where realPlume stock configs is) but thats still a work in progress and a little while away. Vladimirs fix makes adjustments to existing real plumes so they look right but I am working on bringing All New plumes using all new FX for restock. All of these changes will be done on the RealPlume/RealPlume-StockConfigs side. ps. 4) the warning about plume scaling in PlumeParty applies to all effects using the stock plume system. Not something you as an end user need to worry about unless you are yourself making configs for parts with lots of nozzles. I think @DeltaDizzy has answered some of this already but I hope this post summarises things and puts your mind at ease
  23. Deleting Plume Party entirely would break the plumes for the reDirect/SOCK engines as they use Plume Party FX in the main part CFG. If you didn't want to use Plume Party for the stock engines you can just delete PlumeParty/Configs. Note that reDirect/SOCK engines will still have PlumeParty FX. The only way around that would be for you to personally patch them with standard stock plumes. ( I think Plume party is way better than stock plumes but hey everyone is entitled to their opinion)
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