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Everything posted by DylanSemrau

  1. If you're talking about the most recent post in this, then yes. Those shuttle looking SRBs earlier are from Restock.
  2. Also here's a few screenshots from the other day: Other mods (all of which I highly recommend) : -Near Future (Exploration, Solar, Launch Vehicles) -Bluedog Design Bureau -CryoTanks -JNSQ -Tundra Space Center -Modular Launch Pads
  3. Update: I've gone ahead and fixed a few issues, the fixes are up on the Dev branch on GitHub -Fixed colliders on S1 Engine Mount which made it difficult to place and select engines -Added node symmetry to S1/S2 Engine Mounts -Fixed RCS on the S3 Engines Mount -Fixed BE-3U gimbal struts
  4. Provenance Aerospace v1.0 The launchpad can be found in Tundra Space Center and is not available in Provenance Provenance Aerospace adds stockalike New Glenn parts to the game. Currently, the landing legs for the first stage are not present in the mod. This will change in a later release, however you'll have to use stock legs for now. Join the Discord to follow any progress Dependencies: B9PartSwitch by Blowfish (included in download) CommunityResourcePack by Roverdude (included in download) SimpleAdjustableFairings by Blowfish (included in download) Download: Github Development Branch Roadmap Images: Special thanks to @Superpenguin160 for the amazing BE-4 engine! This mod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
  5. I'm not entirely positive, but mine should work perfectly fine with 1.7.x at the very least, probably even 1.6.x. Same reason why this mod can work in current versions and older versions of the game. Edit: It depends more on the dependencies that I use more than anything, and atm I'm not sure if there really will need to be any. Edit 2: so basically I don't see much reason to keep this alive unless you really absolutely hate anything that resembles stockalike, or really wanna use a starliner right now.
  6. iirc it doesn't work with pre 1.8.x because 1.8 introduced a new ground shader, so your ground texture will just be grey
  7. I'm actually planning on copying squad's mercury capsule iva, but like one for each potential crew member so they all have privacy and personal space. This idea came to me out of pure laziness, and then I also realized that it has social distancing benefits! Innovative, I know!
  8. This is going to be a new part size of 2.75m We found that this is the best size for if you wanted to place it on anything from Atlas V to Delta IV to Vulcan. Since it’s an off part size it will also include adapters for normals sizes so you can fit this on a few things if you want.
  9. The answer appears to be no, however I have just started my own Starliner project.
  10. https://trello.com/b/HN7sjVMG/boring-crew-services-roadmap Here's a roadmap btw
  11. Yes and it really could use an update on its visuals. Who do I look like to you? Someone who can effectively get stuff done? Funny
  12. yeah, there aren't any good stockalike ones unfortunately
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