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Flying dutchman

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Everything posted by Flying dutchman

  1. Yes jet engines would have been better but my new design utilizes them. I did not realise before that when you have the motors engaged on the rotors that this creates a lot of resistance
  2. I agree with that. Without the op propellers this would not have been possible. But i'm glad that it now is! Nice mod btw! Is it still supported? P.s. i'm pretty sure it will fly w.o. infinite fuel on. Albeit not very long.
  3. yes! but i put in the youtube link after you replied apparently, look again
  4. @Azimech Yes! I've achieved flight! but only just. (apparently infinite propellant was on i'm sorry..)
  5. @Azimech what aproach did you take on the deflector plates? (The thing that blocks the thrust when the piston is coming up) I'm currently refining my design and i have made it at lot less complicated and way more efficient. Currently a two cilinder which runs on a total of 4 of the smallest jet engines. Edit: i'm also running into a certain rpm barrier. It seems more than 160 rpm is not achieveable. What could cause this?
  6. Hey, for clarification: the stayputniks can in fact not handle the heat. So this engine does require the temp cheat. @klond I've made the gearing a little different and it's more efficient now. I have propelled a wheel driven vehicle with it and even equipped it with a working clutch.
  7. I will do that. However i'm still working out some reliability issues.
  8. hey everyone. i'm not much of a writer but more of a ksp player so i'll keep this short and if you have any questions i will answer them. what i basically made is a internal combustion piston engine that works in ksp. the great inovation in this one are the interupter plates that block the thrust of the rocket engine when the piston is coming up. that is why you see all of those gears. of course this engine only works when you enable the temp and fuel cheat but i don't think that at least the first one is avoidable. it turns at around 100 rpm. i made 2 versions: a 2 cylinder and a 4 cylinder. however the last one proved to be not much of an improvement. in the pictures you will also see i integrated it into a vehicle ( i basically put some oversized wheels under it and a propellor on the crank pulley.
  9. I got something you might like. I'll try to upload it in a minute.
  10. please help. i'm trying to build a piston engine but this only works if i can make a rocket engine fire at top dead center. i have already tried using the cal1000 computer to make the engine fire a one second intervals but this results in the engine being out of sequence 95% of all strokes. i was wondering if anyone can come up with an idea to either make te engine fire only at tdc (by using the angle of a servo) or to interupt the fuel flow when the piston is not at top dead center.
  11. I will get back to you about this and counter some arguments. I was a little frustrated yesterday due to personal matters. Won't be until tomorrow though since today i'm driving back from my holliday.
  12. I guess you are all right and i am wrong.
  13. In my experience flying on duna isn't the problem. The landing is as stall speeds are very high and the terrain is rough.
  14. Yes but this is all hyphothetical as i stated before.
  15. You already know what's in most of our browers history's.....
  16. Not at all. What if you have gas coming in that is already cooled to 20°c. Why on earth would you heat up that gas to exceed the ambient temperature when the actual heat is dissipated 50km above the base where the ambient tenperature is around 20°c... Yes of course the gas would heat up when running through the base's cooling system. But since the heat is not dissipated at the surface but at 50km altitude why would it ever need to exceed 450°c?
  17. This may sound a bit far fetched. But what if we were able to lift a platform with baloons to an altitude of 40 to 50 km. (30 to 40 from skadi mons) Ancor it with 4 cables so it stays put. Then we use this platform as an heatsink. Insulate hoses that run some sort of gas from sea level up to the heatsink and back again. I don't know if this would be feasable, but if it could possibly be it would be a great way to cool a surface base.
  18. I do wonder if Venus is 450c consistantly. Perhaps it's a bit cooler on a mountain. Maybe not by that much but even if the temp is slightly lower it matters a lot. The highest mountain on venus is 11km or 7mi. It seems this would make a difference of about 20 degrees c.
  19. What do you all think elon has changed about the fin design? It looked like a pretty good design to me.. Edit: really i've been dying to find out more about this.
  20. It still is technically until starship comes along
  21. i did 1 hour and 36 minutes from launch. kerbol escape in 372 days. no cheats were used.
  22. Don't forget that supercomputers and ai continue to develop at a rapid pace. Perhaps in some time a computer can design a working fusion reactor.
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