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Flying dutchman

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Everything posted by Flying dutchman

  1. no it isn't. with me it's kinda funny, i myself have autism and a disharmonic intelligence profile. what that means in my case is that i'm very smart but my brain can't process information very quickly at all. i like to compare myself to the latest version of windows 10 running on a pc that still uses floppy disks..
  2. I'm not a computer expert but i can tell you a little about aspergers autism etc When you have aspergers it is not suprising that you have one particular thing you are very good at and makes complete sense to you while some other parts of (your) life don't. Sad to hear your mom passed away man. Mine too not so long ago. As for cracking windows xp i have no clue
  3. First thing i will do is make a turboprop. One that doesn't explode.
  4. This is a model space shuttle at the ames nasa research centre, i was wondering if this is just a display piece or if this was actually used for glide tests etc?
  5. @totalitor Take a leaf out of the book of goddard. Run your engine fuel rich Or perhaps you could use steel brakeline for cars and coil that around the nozzle and combustion chambre, then you can run your fuel through it. To test this you could pump water through the lines first to prevent explosions.
  6. I wonder if starship alone would be able to land on their current barge.. nearly empty of fuel i wonder if the barge "should" be able to support it's weight?
  7. hello, i'm stuck in my ro career because i can't add oxygen to the servicemodule tank in the ui menu. it just says: no tech for oxygen. but when i go in to sandbox it is available for the same tank. problem is there is no way to research or to unlock this to my knowledge. please help :$
  8. I'm really interested in how the actuating drag fins will work. Will these be on the orbital prototype?
  9. I'd like to help but which planet or moon will this base be build on? Because to me it only seems fair that if i build something (lets say a habitat) for you, that i also provide a means of getting it there and landing it..
  10. With this many rules i don't see much room for creativity..
  11. Love it! Can't imagine what a pain it must have been to get the shape Just right..
  12. I am starting to think that a nerva would be safer than this for an upper stage..
  13. https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=zV8j08mCBEs&event=video_description&redir_token=NC7lEOfujz5jmfsuwala9R5Iz6x8MTU1Njk4ODAxMEAxNTU2OTAxNjEw&q=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.arcaspace.com%2Fdocs%2FARCA_LAS_White_Paper_May_1_2019_Issue_1.pdf performance sheet etc. i like the idea but with an isp of just 50 seconds it seems to me that you might just as well use cold gas engines since cold gas thrusters get an isp of aprox 70 sec
  14. As long as you use a fuel cell that uses only the fuel in the dumpling i don't see why not?
  15. I made it 500 km unmanned but i had to leave 0.5 electric charge in the probe core so that i could start the engine. if that still qualifies i will submit my entry.
  16. Then there should be two categories. I'm currently working on a manned bald design
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