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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  2. TBH I don't like watching anyanimated series, but screw it, I still didn't understand what do you mean by adding to the friends list. I believe that's what the "Follow" is made for? Anyway...
  3. 41 (+) Retracting landing gears... *Still dealing with a business with the enemy units firimg at me*
  4. Granted. You forced DirectX 11 and the graphics went glitchy as it could be. This could have had a much worse answer. What I meant by Starship losing its fins is essentially about design updates; i.e Elon Musk decided to remove the fins altogether. EDIT : Including the key features as well. Propulsive landing for example. I wish everyone on this thread wish me luck on my major exam starting today until Wednesday next week.
  5. I would personally feel fun with a transoceanic route as long as we all can enjoy racing over the same bridge, viaduct or causeway. Or even through a tunnel, but an un-flooded underwater tunnel is still inpossible in KSP atm. But yeah, still fun to do this race, with kOS if one has no patience. I can tolerate both sub-continental routes and transoceanic routes as well. Just some questiond; when will the race start? I'm free throughout this December. Amd how's the fuel managing would be? Will there be 'petrol stations' or we'll be racing using RTG or solar cars? Looks fine, but will be better if any sort of checkpoint is added. That way I'm not gonna get lost. EDIT : Forgot to say I'm new to DAKAR.
  6. Granted. Starship fully lost its fins and left with only grid fins and a parachute touchdown; no propulsive landings. I wish I knew better about octopuses and Japan's climate.
  7. This happened to me a long time ago, back in 1.1. Are you using the latest versions? -[Snip, suggestion moved]-
  8. Floor -32 : You found a metro station. Then you head to Subway and buy some food there.
  9. 39 (+) Vr. Rotaté. *Still shooting Team Negative's units*
  10. IIRC only SXT Continued featured the Heinkel He-111 cockpit. Do you uninstalled it? To be safe, use Janitor's Closet to know from which mod did a particular part came from.
  11. Granted. Upon receiving the patch, it immediately updates to Windows 10. Due to the fact that Windows 10 no longer used MS-DOS (Yes, that's true) and your Millenium Falcon's avionics are built to be only compatible with MS-DOS, your Millenium Falcon still can be flown, but without computer aid, you'll have to fly the inherently unstable craft manually. Good luck. I wish we got a holiday tomorrow since our exam has been postponed for one day.
  12. Hmm... Since recently I frequently use MechJeb for launches, I'll just let my whole launch sequence going while I'm preparing my instant noodles or going for a toilet break. Basically nothing happened. Except when there's a time when I left my airstair truck rolling down a runway of a KSR airport during my prayer break. Ended up splashing the water with some parts lost. (Yes, I've tumbled down a cliff at the end of the runway) But I think just leaving your craft running on autopilot is very useful since you could do anything while your Physics Warp-sensitive jet hydrofoil do an Elkano around Laythe. And that's what I'm planning to do in this year end's holiday. Send RelaySat(s) to Laythe, bring my Hydrafoil (Available on KerbalX) and four fuel tanks, land the payloads, stage the jet, engage MechJeb's Atmo. Autopilot, open up another game (In my case, on a different device since multitasking with KSP open really lagged my laptop out) and let my Elkano mission going.
  13. 39 (+) Imma running outta runway and I'm just below V1. Now what?! Oh, my blade pitch. Dang. *Sets blade pitch to 45 degrees* *Plane accelerates faster beyond V1* Much better.
  14. 38 (+) Not yet Vr. C'mon... *Bullet shots* *Engages tail gun*
  15. 37 (+) *Releases brakes* OK I'm getting shot right now. Now I need the whole team land an ultimate blow.
  16. Granted. It's all about Singaporean Dollar, which US$1=SG$1.38. I wish I can score straight A for all subjects in next week's exam. EDIT: It's a major one. Seriously.
  17. I've carried the whole surface feature down to Kerbin. My surface feature.
  18. No. To keep the plane manufacturer debate fresh, Airbus back again. @GRS
  19. Granted. You got a drumset together with two KFC drumsticks. IIRC I've made it outta the 5-approved-posts in The Lounge. Or did I posted 5 more times outside this? I wish for a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, Galaxy Buds and the Wireless Battery Pack.
  20. 42 (+) Cleared for takeoff, runway 25R. *Engages parking brake* *Extends flaps to takeoff position* *Slowly applies full throttle* *Trims elevator*
  21. Well, mine depends on neceesity. Let's say I have something to do (e.g Challenges, missions, leftover KEA reviews, etc.) in KSP1, hence I'll keep KSP1 in my drive. But if there's something I'd like / need to do, let's say, an Orion Drive-powered ekranoplan, Interstellar SSTO Spaceplane attempts, et centra in KSP2, I'll play it then. Me too. Before, I'm just migrating my mods to newer versions, but after realizing most mods don't work due to that, I have to slowly update my installed mods. Thx for merging.
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