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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. I was supposed to this challenge. Right now. But my laptop recently got its display dead. Tried resolving that according to the video HP Support made (Sijce my laptop is a 2012 HP Pavillion g4), but so far yields nothing but a black screen and a running HDD & fan.
  2. 46 (+) Found a thic, high-explosion missile in my bomb bay. Didn't realise that. Inbound at enemy under one minute. Standby.
  3. Floor 28 : You see a CFM International LEAP-1B, General Electric GE9X, Rolls Royce Trent UltraFan and Pratt & Whitney PW1000G on their test rigs on full power. You almost got sucked in, but you've managed to grab on a nearby door handle. Next to the door is another handle, you've grabbed on it and opened the door. You've made it in and you're finally safe.
  4. I mean, Tsar Bomba has significantly more than twice the power of Little Boy and Fat Man.
  5. Good question. It's a fake Note10, if a counterfeit would ever exist. Why is the Samsung S10e isn't called S10-?
  6. They would never built one. Kerbals supposed to end up in space. Why did Samsung removed the headphone jack on the Note10 & Note10+?
  7. 41 (+) Tower, Whitebear 10K-M95, cleared for takeoff, runway 18R. Will fly runway heading, climbing to 10,000ft.
  8. Can confirm that even my Mom's Note9 displays cursive writing. I think this maybe applies to the mobile version of the forums.
  9. Well I kinda hate reaeing a Comic Sans text but TBH our Standard 1 Science textbook used that! (BTW I saw Comic Sans as a cursive writing on my Samsung Grand Prime. Didn't tried with my Mom's Note9 yet)
  10. Floor 22 : It's what supposed to be a nuclear & disasters shelter during the Great Kerbin War & Black Hole-Kraken-Kerbolar System close pass-by event. EDIT : Can anyone give me more bone-chilling ideas?
  11. I think it'll be better if the Muun didn't replace the stock Mün. I'm thinking of it orbiting somewhere between the stock Mün & Minmus.
  12. 39 (+) Holding short, runway 18R. I believe the ICBM, Satellite, etc. Division is the Space Force already, and there's like one or two peoples in there. But I think you can pull double-duty; both Air & Space Force. Any Fighter SSTO Spaceplanes in development?
  13. Give us a more detailed documentation (e.g Logs, screenshot, gave version, installed mods, etc.).
  14. Banned for having underscores in place of spaces.
  15. 39 (+) Starting up my second Tupolev Tu-95 re-engined with eight Europrop TP400s in place of four Kuznetsov NK-12Ms. Thanks @Ho Lam Kerman for re-engining. (Wait are you the one for the aircraft division? It's been a long time since I've checked the roster)
  16. Well actually earlier this 12 AM (But still counts as today isn't it?) Skylab-M Now in Orbit! And I've performed my first successful docking! To be honest, this is the second flight. The first flight ended up with the station crashed but the ones in the Orion spacecraft (Made using @benjee10's ReDirect) survived. Crash caused by MechJeb'sAScent Guidance shut down in mid flight. And reactivating it only results with a hopeless response that the launch vehicle won't continue circularization. A cluster of 9 Vectors and 36 Rainstorms at its best! Turning around using brief Verniers and small pulses from the first stage engines. Still got some fuel left after raising my Periapsis. Burning the last remnants of the core stage before firing the second stage. Had to use the Explosive Decoupling method since I wrongly staged the engine plate. But still works nonetheless. Fortunately the payload (i.e The whole station & my complete Orion) has a decoupler. Approaching the docking port. Second stage is still visible behind the Greenhouse & Aquaponics modules. Right after the 'magnet' from the docking port pulled me (And Jeb, Bill, Bob, Val and the restof the crews, total of six) towards the station. We've arrived! Darn, I could've done better than this shot. Bob when looking at the big ol' fish tank. He thinks that fishes aren't affected in Zero-G. I've spun the station three times to get the maximum possible sunlight for the solar panels; the first one is to get alligned towards Prograde,the second one is to point the other way around and the third one is to face back Prograde originally to get clear of the solar panels upon departure, but I decided to disable SAS on the station so that the panels will always face Kerbol. After spending like six orbits around Kerbin, the whole crew decided to leave for their respective home; Kerbin. And away they go! At that point, the station ran out of food and the station's solar panels weren't powerful enough to support operations on the stations. After holding up against the fiery reentry. Welcome back home! And hat covers up my today's mission report.
  17. 22 (+) *Flies own captured Tupolev Tu-95 with 4 GE F-404 running alongside 4 Kuznetsov NK-12s*
  18. Finished flight-testing my shuttle & Grandslam-70M. Granslam-70M Grandslam-70M is an overhaul to the bomb bay, making it wider,more versatile and, essentially, look better. Other than fuselage overhauls, the four J-85 Tigers were swapped for two J-404 Panthers; this setup is (Hopefully) more efficient and yields more thrust. So far, only the prototype, which is the cargo version, made flight. The bomber version is still in development. And that's for the first flight, which ended up crashing in water towers in the 2nd picture due to pilot error Second flight is from Top Secret Area 51, one of the bases included with KSR. *[Insert cricket noise]* "Here comes the sun...* More on Imgur To reduce the WiFi strain on loading the pics and to satisfy my gradual laziness and my eagerness to play KSP shortly. Interwing-8 Everything initially went as planned... (Except for during screenshot, I was rushing to get that great shot ) ... except when orbit was targeted at only 100km but those SRBs really packed too much punch and juice that my orbit ended up in 320km orbit even with throttle limit to 25% using MechJeb. My stations are planned to be at 300km orbit, so things were very far off. SRB separation : Which in turn did separated the shuttle as well. Lost some more dVs there. But the shuttle managed to circularize its orbit under its own power, so that's good. Val's out. "Me and the boys and one gal at 8AM." -Jeb- Four orbits were completed before re-entering back into Kerbin. Aiming up for KSC. All the remaining fuel has been used up only to reboost the shuttle to extend its glide range, which ended up with an approach too high that the PAPI lights say "Wait, that's illegal." Graphics : "Wait,that's illegal." PAPI Lights : "Am I a joke to you?" Landed off the centerline although initially touched down at the centerline, but I was rushing to get the touchdown shot. See, this happened. PRE enabled in the process. Much better. PRE turned off. Craft files will be now available on KerbalX shortly. Check my sig!
  19. 19 (+) Anyone would like yo do a military practice? I might wouldn't.
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