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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. 85 (+) Since the end is just around the corner, let's just... UUUUURRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!1!111111Q1QQQ1Q1111!!!!!112!2!2!2!!AAA!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. 81 (+) OK I think we should slow down. The posts aren't responding great.
  3. 77 (+) *TSAR-Bomba blows up* *Fires multiple anti-tank cruise missiles* Fast as ####. Wait did I left anything? Oh, URRRAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!q1qq111!!!!111111!!!!!!!q111!q1!
  4. You knew the game is dead? Cheater! Assumed the wrong thing? Cheater!
  5. 78 (+) *Gradually throttles up to full* Let's see if there's WEP or afterburners on the four N- *Gets pushed to the seat* WOOAAHHHHHH *Engine #1-4 RPM : 1896+ RPM*
  6. Rembau, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia.
  7. 73 (+) Attention to overseers of every units. Make sure our defense budget go Stonks by sending an all-out attack. Pull out even the broken ones. As long as they work, we're fine. @FahmiRBLXian @Ho Lam Kerman @Kerballing (Got Dunked On) @Lokachop @lapis @The_Cat_In_Space @JPGSP @GRS @Yeet_TheDinosaur @The_Arcitect
  8. 73 (+) We got enemy fire! Preparing- *Finds bomb inside cargo bay* [Bomb may be different inside aircraft]
  9. So this thread is mainly targeted towards our venerable Sir @katateochi who made and maintained KerbalX. Just a question, how will KerbalX adapt with KSP2? Will there be a dedicated 'sub-website' for KSP2 crafts or simply a craft filter to display KSP2 crafts only? EDIT : Sorry if there's another thread about this that I didn't read that, but so far as @katateochi said, there didn't seem to be any existing thread discussing about this yet AFAIK.
  10. I was using that LES Tower part while abort-testing my Soyuz and Apollo spacecraft replica. And all aboard indeed survived. And also used a similar system of a cockpit-and-Sepratrons back in 1.1 during abort-testing and the real deal, when I'm about to hit the VAB, Astronaut Complex or the R&D Complex.
  11. 8/10 So have you found the Kerbal Precursors' planet?
  12. 66 (+) Forgot to say that my cruise missile carries a nuclear warhead. Hats off trying to survive that. *Cruise missile hits enemy*
  13. 64 (+) Hmm... let's see what else do I have. *Fires a cruise missile* *Previous missile hits enemy*
  14. My wishlist for Multiplayer includes : 1. Part (Or the whole) of the craft can be controlled by any player whose Kerbal is in any Command Pod of a craft (i.e Not just owner who will be able to take control of the craft). That'll be very useful ince BDAC has been ported to KSP2 and the craft's owner flies a bomber while other players in certain command pods in the plane becomes the gunner. Or air-launching where one will be the launch plane pilot and another one pilots the carried rocket. Or even a player can be dutied to land the first-stage booster and the another one goes ahead with expendable stages. 2. Modlists are available in what might be the 'Multiplayer Lobby'. 3. 15 isn't enough Kerbal shenanigan IMO. 50 at max? 4. Or should multiplayer servers show no modlist, players who don't have certain mods able to see other's modded craft which uses the mod that another particular user didn't have. FSX:SE-style I mean. 5. Multiplayer craft construction. More users can opt to join another user building their rocket. 6. Integrated voice chat system for non-Discord users. Partnership with Discord can be done to achieve this.
  15. 59 (+) Damn Bermuda until the end of the world! You almost killed me! I'll Kurse you if you made anyone including me disappear again!
  16. Granted. Boeing YAL-1 Just grab four engines from a Boeing 747-400F in Tucson, AZ, ask FAA whether it's clear to fly or not then profit. I wish we can use pictures of our Identification Card for tomorrow's speaking test.
  17. The only thing I hoped is that : 1. Crafts made in KSP1 is compatible with the upcoming KSP2. Including savegames. 2. Learning curves aren't much different with the current KSP. (And hopefully most flight sims as well in terms of aviation aerodynamics) 3. This forum will also be for KSP2 as well. Devs, any thoughts? *Tries to prepare hype train*
  18. Granted. You couldn't do any ATC contact (Since you're overly stealth) , got lost even you're flying VFR (Since you're flying really low in thick fog) in the middle of downtown Chicago, IL, almost hit several buildings and when you got outta the fog, you've escorted by another F-22 & two F/A-18 Super Hornets. I wish Lockheed Martin started selling stealth jets to the outside of USA.
  19. Granted. Now people made you feel itchy all the time. I wish my laptop's black screen problem gets resolved. I got my assignment in there!
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