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Everything posted by FahmiRBLX

  1. https://images.app.goo.gl/FkjD6VzDsiw2VWR19
  2. Granted. You'll go into a coma. I wish my parents hitch me back early today. (Got an open day today when teachers meets parents to discuss about students' performance in academics and stuff, and we can go back home afterwards for the weekend)
  3. Granted. You'll get the buggy version of Making History instead. I wish the Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus/Pro retains the earphone jack and not exploding.
  4. Well might be common with Malaysian boarding schools at least where a group sings a random song loudly in the shower room as a form of joke. Basically a grouped singing-in-the-shower. (But if other countries have this awwkward culture that's suprising...) Easy, sing a full song (Or a part thereof). Make sure you mention the song's details; at least title and artist. My post will be under here to kick things off pretty quick. ---------- IIIIII, WANNA SWIIING, FROM THE CHANDELIER, FROM THE CHANDELIEEEEEERRRR... Sia - Chandelier
  6. Banned for accusing decrease in quantities.
  7. Beared that ressemblance. Might anticipate other DJ's photo as opposed to flamethrower-opposings or the smoke.
  8. 25 (+) B-52 major fixing program finished, all battle assets can now be put into ready position while I'll wait for this weekend to get to my laptop and write the whole roster.
  9. Granted. Welcome to West Shores Services Siren Graveyard. I wish I can get my hands on one of the Thunderbolts in the picture. [See spoilers pls]
  10. What do you have for the wings? I believe they didn't came with SXT nor it doesn't look like sandwiched wings.
  11. I might can say, dont forget the A-90 Orlyonok and Antonov An-22 Antheus / Antei. They carry cargo as well. But still the thrust output makes no sense to me, at least IMHO. Anyhow can you make the Pratt & Whitney (X)T57, GE36 UDF & Europrop TP400? As well as a dorsal-opening Mk1 Cargo Fuselage and Size 1.5 Cargo Fuselage with a dorsal door?
  12. Granted. You then built a very Kerbal Whackjob and instrad of being spotted by your sister, it's your parents who spotted you. I wish I have timeto continue YT-ing and finally get some cash rolling in. And I wish I can get my hands on a Samsung Note 10+ by the end of this year.
  13. Banned for accusing passer-by's.
  14. 21 (+) Oh shoot. More unassigned people OK you'll share divisions with Rookie @Elmo's Minion. I'm afraid he's not giving enough hands and eye time for those. And for updated roster : [TBC]
  15. Yes, I mean, with the fact that the beanstalk which became long enough like in the fairy tale, scraping the surface of Earth. To do so you'll need a Lunar orbit station or a Lunar base and a very frequent water-transporting missions using SpaceX's Starship BFR.
  16. The pump includes your standard bicycle pump and car tyre pumps. As you pump air through it, only a minority of air fills in the tyre, while the rest of the air escaped and as the air escapes, the universe expands. Why is a turbofan feels hot when a fan keeps people cool via evaporative cooling?
  17. Though if you'd like to embed thewhole image, you should make sure you're opening a page showing only that image (i.e Right-Click > Open image in new tab). Or if you're in a Wikimedia page, select a picture resolution, open the link then copy the link in the address bar in the image's page.
  18. 20 (+) @Elmo's Minion, you'll go for the Artillery & Mortar division. All your assets include the Atillery guns, 6 M109 tanks and several mortars. We'll bring them to the battlefield via 6th Wing and you'll lead the operation of the division. Got it?
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