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Everything posted by OrbitalManeuvers

  1. I was hoping to be able to contribute to the MM hang conversation. Version 4.1.3 (the one linked a few messages above) works fine on my system. Some particulars: - I have a carefully curated set of mods, which (afaik) are all updated for 1.8.x. I haven't used anything that "works fine anyway" - I've waited for explicit updates from mod authors. - I've been using MM 4.1.0, and only updated to 4.1.3 after reading these posts today. No problems before, no problems after. - if what you guys are seeing is a conflict with another mod, then I'm happy to report that it doesn't happen to me with any of these mods, so maybe you can eliminate these as potential problems: 000_ClickThroughBlocker, 001_ToolbarControl AnimatedDecouplers, B9PartSwitch, CommunityCategoryKit, CommunityResourcePack DMagicOrbitalScience, DMagicScienceAnimate, DynamicBatteryStorage EngineLightRelit, EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements, JanitorsCloset, KerbalEngineer, KrakenScience, KWRocketry ModularLaunchPads NearFutureConstruction, NearFutureLaunchVehicles, NearFutureProps, NearFutureSolar, NearFutureSpacecraft RealPlume, RealPlume-Stock, ReStock, ReStockPlus, RestockRigidLegs scatterer, ScienceAlert, SituationModuleInfo, SmartParts, SmokeScreen Squad, SquadExpansion StationPartsExpansionRedux StockVisualEnhancements SurfaceLights
  2. The file Windows_CopyTextures.bat has the command "pwd" on line 23. Not sure what that is but I don't think it belongs in there?
  3. Hmmm, that would make sense but I'm sure that's not what I was seeing. When I first started it, I had nowhere near 1800 bytes in it, and I was at the higher rate. Then I brought a Minmus mission to the lab and couldn't even fit all the bytes into the lab, and that's when it was running at the slower rate in the low 80's. I de-orbited the lab since I was done with that save, but I'll definitely keep better track of numbers next time, and see how the bytes affect the rate. In any event, sounds like this is stock behavior and not anything BDB custom. Thanks for the input! P.S. Also thanks for the awesome work you do on the Wiki. It gets better every time I look at it. The Saturn V build page is really clear and easy to follow. Very much appreciated!
  4. Couple questions ... My observation is that some (?) BDB engines do not achieve full thrust immediately at start. Have I really just never noticed other mods doing this, or is this a BDB original feature? However this happened it's brilliant, and is another great reason to use launch towers and clamps. - Some of the upper stage engines do not cut off thrust immediately either ... which I'm guessing is also fairly realistic ... but ouch this one is harder to deal with in practice. Basically, I'm incapable of executing precise burns with these engines. How are others using these? Were precise burns back in the day just not a thing? - Do labs lose efficiency over time? I had the Hokulani OWS loaded with 3 scientists and 24/7 power. At first, my sci/day rate was 128. I filled the bytes to almost full and let it run, transmitted science, let it run, rinse, repeat. After 4 or 5 empties of 1200 sci each time, I noticed that the sci/day rate had dropped to 90 something, then eventually 82. No change in crew or power. Sooooo my conclusion is either that I don't understand the rate display, or the lab slowed down over time? Is this anything specific to BDB labs? Now that I'm writing this down I'm wondering if maybe the rate/day is affected by what's actually stored in the lab? - The Hokulani-ALM Airlock Module gave me some EVA fits. I found that if I EVA a Kerbal from inside it, they cling sideways to the outside, but something isn't right because [ B ] Board is the only choice ... space bar does not let go, it does nothing. I've never seen this behavior from KSP before. Any ideas? Screenshot from the VAB: And in use: There's Bob and his big dumb head in that retro helmet, stuck to the airlock. Edited bc [ B ] without spaces is a format code, oops.
  5. Thanks! Knowing there's nothing unusual about its config helps narrow it down to KER, so I'll probably ask over there. Thanks again!
  6. Hi - thanks for updating this mod for 1.8! I don't know how the Snail engine snuck into this mod, but I really like it and want to use it! Are you aware of any issues with this engine and the Kerbal Engineer Redux staging/dV display in the VAB? In this screenshot you can see that KER has no idea what's going on, and amazingly, the built-in tools are getting it right. Just to be clear, there is a Snail attached to the probe core and then a decoupler, the monoprop tanks are also attached to the prob core. On the bottom both Snail engines are attached directly to the monoprop tank. I fully realize this is likely a KER issue ... but since this is the only engine I have that does this to KER, I thought I'd just ask if there was something unexpected and/or special about this engine? I don't know enough about mods to spelunk into the cfgs so here I am hoping for any words of wisdom. Thanks!
  7. Hi. I'm getting a message about incorrect installation. I just unzipped to GameData like I do with all your mods. Error is specifically complaining about ModuleBounce.dll Here's a link to a shared gdrive folder where I've put a picture of the error message, a picture of my GameData folder, and the ksp log file. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1E4p-Vd_57EoPpdgw2nKYs6Dzjw4dCt0- Thanks for any help. Hope I haven't screwed up something obvious ... Also thanks for all your KSP work!! edit: this is SXTContinued-0.3.29.zip from SpaceDock, btw
  8. Skylab replaces the S-IVB and up, so S-II is the upper stage, thus it'll be in a stable orbit quite a bit higher. I will go the probe core route for sure, was just wondering if I'd missed some nuggets in the build process. Ty for the feedback!
  9. Hopefully this is an OK place to ask these Skylab questions: After skylab is placed in orbit, the S-II is meant to separate, correct? Is it meant to somehow de-orbit as well? Is skylab meant to fine tune its orbit? I'm guessing that if so, it should be done before the ATM is repositioned, via RCS? I need help with RCS placement on the lab. The friznit wiki says "2 ACT RCS Unit top and bottom at the rear of the lab" but I don't get what is top or bottom or front or rear. There are no RCS thrusters that I can see in the images. Any hints on their intended location would be super helpful. Also, I'm guessing they're not intended to help with orbit adjustment (if that's meant to be a thing at all) because they don't have any forw/bkwd jets. Also, if there are no hard and fast rules about this stuff that's cool, I'll just make up stuff ... just thought I'd ask! P.S. This whole release is amazing!
  10. Wonder if I've missed something, or if it's just not possible to control the Elara's hatch doors with action groups?
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