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The Dressian Exploder

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Everything posted by The Dressian Exploder

  1. OK guys, I need help on this. I need to install GPO, and I'm pretty sure I don't need scatterer. I heard somewhere that all you need is CTTP & Kopernicus, but that hasn't worked. I would give you a screenshot of my GameData folder as well, but I can't get it to work. Any EVE configs for GPO as well? I've installed the ParaSci EVE config as well, and that's not working either, which is weird, as I've successfully installed it before. This is getting so long-winded and confusing... Help!

  2. So, I don't really know if bunching a butt ton of terrain scatters in one group would be laggier than having them distributed evenly across your load range or what, but I think somebody could perhaps use Kopernicus to create a scatter similar to what I'm describing to give idea a sort of "trial run" I also don't really know how someone would do this but I'm looking at the Beyond Home planet pack's Hydrus and its floating islands as a proof it's possible to make custom terrain scatters
  3. Now, I know a lot of us (including me!) want to see a little more life on kerbin than just the space center. I think this could be achieved by introducing a new terrain scatter: a small neighbourhood, which would spawn on flat ground a bit like the trees but in clusters. I don't know if it'd be possible to make them light up at night? If they did, it'd make some pretty cool city lights from orbit.(perhaps toggle-able for potatoes like my laptop) I have seen the mod Kerbal Cities Pack before, and I think it's a good idea, but I think we need them more spread out, like the terrain scatters, which is what led me to this idea. Other possibilities for new terrain scatters would be farms and forests (basically a massive clump of the tree scatters) to make Kerbin seem like an actually populated planet rather than a space center and some trees. Ok, so I don't really know how this would all work, how hard it is to create terrain scatters or how laggy a terrain scatter as large as the neighbourhood scatter I'm suggesting would be, but that's my idea. Tell me what you guys think! (Also we'd probably need scatters to have colliders for this to work)
  4. Guys, does need 1.3 as well? I really hope I can play it in 1.4/5/6 (they're basically all compatible with each other) Some of these dependencies are starting to tick me off, even if this is one of the most beautiful planet packs I've ever seen...
  5. Is Scatterer really 100% necessary? because I tried downloading it before EVE was available for 1.5 and it crashed my game SO hard. So will GPO work without it? I'd also like to see these mods bundled with GPO, it would have made my life 934937034759387503957309857 times easier. Still this mod looks GORGEOUS. Can't wait to play it!
  6. Oay guys, let's just back up a bit with this thread. Grammar has nothing to do with Mobile versions of KSP. Personally, I think if Squad are clever enough, it should be simple to work out controls. I don't know about any fancy PC-mobile porting stuff, but I have a few ideas for how we could fly a craft. First for orentation, we could use a Nav sphere similar to SimpleRockets 2, which'll be gatting a mobile port sooner or later. Simplerockets Nav thing oh. it doesn't work Also tapping things like SAS, dragging throttle buttons and also holding down your finger on a certain part to bring up the menu you'd normally rightclick to access, and also hold down on a trajectory to open the Add Maneuver/Warp Here part. Oooh! Maneuver nodes! They'd work SOOOOOO well on a mobile device. Dragging out the markers and such. Pretty much all I've got to say. Peace out my fellow spacenerds. *checks grammar intensively*
  7. The Memelord that is planet creations strikes again!!! woot. Memelord Kerman. also kerbals' names can be any language as long as it ends in kerman, but stick to the others kerman
  8. I think this would be a sick addition too. There should probably be different textures for the spacesuits as well. Like, maybe you start with a pretty crappy looking suit, with bits of duct tape everywhere, and maybe no RCS pack on the back. Then as you upgrade your astronaut complex, you get better and better quality suits that you can equip your kerbals with, like more EVA propellant/ RCS pack thrust with a higher upgrade, but the better the suit you give your kerbals, the more they cost. Perhaps the highest upgrade of EVA suit would have 10 EVA propellant and the RCS pack would be powerful enough to lift a kerbal on Kerbin/Tylo.
  9. I think this Idea is awesome, but I think you still should be able to just use the Kerbol system as a "default star system," for if you don't know what is going on or you just want to get playing. One thing I'd like to know, would this appear on starting the game altogether, or would it be on starting a new save. It might also be a possibility to have it as a seperate thing to standard play, a bit like the mission builder, and you could choose which saves used certain solar systems, and if you didn't make a solar system for a particular save, it would use the stock kerbol system.
  10. Ha! maybe that'll be what the chocolatey moon will be called, when it's in a binary orbit of Dres. I hope Galileo sees this and makes it a thing, I already know he has a pair of Binary planets in GPP, so it's doable. If he did this and made it a mod, I would totally download it!
  11. Guys, I've seen the two-kerbal command pod suggestion a LOT now, and surely it's occured to you that there is both a Gemini-style 2-kerbal pod in the 1.875 meter size and a Russian Vostok style pod in the 1.25 size, so no need to worry, actually, quite a few of these suggestions have been added in Making History. I totally agree that we need stock hinges on the base game. Infernal robotics is OK, but my game crashed when I tried to install it, so maybe not. I'd also like to see a Canadarm-style part and possibly an inflatable habitat, like the BEAM on the ISS, and a spinning habitat ring too. If we added stock bearings, stock-props could be made much more easily, and maybe we wouldn't need an electric propeller.
  12. Here are some Kerbals who have never even heard of YouTube, let alone watched the aforementioned video. I'd like a chocolate moon in a binary system with Dres
  13. Woot! I just built a Minmus base (not hotel or casino, matt lowne.)

  14. We don't need Dres, Dres needs US. Dres needs friends! Everyone go and land on it and give it a hug! #PetitionSquadToGiveDresAMoonortwo. While I'm on the subject of moons for Dres, maybe we could add a chocolatey moon to go along with minmus, as Dres is basically the Mun orbiting Kerbol. Maybe Dres and this Chocolatey moon could be a binary system/double planet! That'd certainly give it some attention
  15. This mod looks awesome!!! *Goes to spacedock and downloads, even though his laptop is dying.* The idea of converting an old RTG into a rocket engine sounds awesome, and the nuclear lightbulb just screams "NUCLEAR LAUNCH VEHICLE!!" at me. Two questions: 1. Does this mod support RealPlume? I really like the reddish engine plumes from the nuclear rockets using realplume, and I'd love to see that with these engines. 2. Would it be possible to add an atmoshpere-optimised nuclear rocket engine? Maybe even a salt water nuclear rocket?
  16. Democratic People's Republic of KERea! You can thank me for the spelling correction later Oh you guys are in luck with what I have! I've just been making KSP memes
  17. Stef Morojna Kerman (Named after the crator of the great game spaceflight simulator) Lovin' it mate LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOOLOLOOOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  18. If only I had it though...

    1. HansonKerman


      Why don’t you?

    2. The Dressian Exploder

      The Dressian Exploder

      Correction: I used to. The reason I couldn't is because my laptop didn't have enough memory, I couldn't get onto my computer and the only consoles I have are a Wii U and a Switch


      I now have it! I downloaded it on my computer, which I managed to get onto, and up until Christmas it was pretty laggy, and then I put it on a flashdrive and played it from my laptop, which is running much better and has allowed me to use MOAR BOOSTE-I mean more mods

  19. Is it bad that I have a KSP forum account but I dont play KSP?


  20. One fool's scone coming up sir! I'd like some minmus dessert
  21. granted, but All your fonts are comic sans... I wish to become a kerbal...
  22. Create funny and interesting names for your Kerbals Remember, they all need to end in Kerman!
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