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Everything posted by ILoveStars

  1. oh ok. what, like Aestu? (Kerbal exoplanets) hey adstriduum, what is Landolt a Föld bolygón?
  2. is that a neutron star?

  3. Well, Methus is technically a rogue planet, but it orbits too close to Karkua to be considered a true rogue planet.
  4. Anyone know what the heck is VVV-WIT-07?
  5. Hi ProtoJeb21, just saying I wanted someone to make a mod for me if it was ok with you, no offense.

    I'm only a child, and I don't have a clue to how to make a new solar system, and I don't have any textures.

    1. ILoveStars


      I thought you'd be the best person to ask.:/

  6. Hi, every solar system mod-maker out there, (especially ProtoJeb21) please can I request a new mod to be made (And to persuade KottabosGames to check it out when its done!)? No offense, it's just because I don't know how to make new solar systems. There are 5 new solar systems, but you can add them one by one. Thanks! Also, I'll submit the equatorial radius, to make things easier. Also, this mod is called Interstellar Defense planets rejiggered with moons, because the stars and planets are from a game called Interstellar Defence. I modified each one a bit , placed them with different stars and also added moons. I also modified the stars to be more realistic. Thanks for your consideration, and hope to see these enter KSP soon! The key: No hyphens: star 1 hyphen (-): planet 2 hyphens (--): moon 1. Alpha R24 system 2. Cygnus R10 system (Please add this one first) 3. Kepler R26 system 4. Europa R12 system 5. Fermi R25 system (please do this one after Cygnus R10) These are all the systems Interstellar Defense planets rejiggered with moons should add in! If you like the suggestions, you could start making this mod, and if you do, please let me know, thanks!
  7. oh ok Adstriduum. But there aren't any rogue planets yet and its already 0.8.3. Please read this StarCrusher96. No offense.
  8. Is this about kss? If it isn't then just saying its about kss. and also what i mean about long-perion is AROUND HYPAT'S DISTANCE. (300-5000 KAU)
  9. No offense to the KSS team, but if you want to make KSS as real as possible, here's some things you should consider adding in the next few versions of this mod. 1. Rogue planets (a lot) 2. More brown dwarfs (a lot) 3. More ultracool red dwarfs (At least 1) 4. B-type stars (I might advise changing Nerus into a B-type star) 5. More binary or multiple star systems ( At least 5) 6. Long-period gas giants (At least 2) 7. A few more hot jools 8. A few more Naal-sized planets 9. Pulsar planets (Maybe a gas giant around Neragel) 10. 1 red supergiant star 11. 2 red giants with radii greater than 80 kerbol radii (not karb) 12. Also maybe consider adding a giant nebula with a few protostars in the nova arm. Nela (and possibly Nerus) could be part of it.
  10. Just saying, I loved the old textures for stars, including when this mod was called Kerbol StarSystem
  11. Maybe add a red dwarf system, since there’s loads out there. How about this system: Valenor - Ultracool red dwarf only 7.5 percent the mass of Kerbol. Located quite close to Keldo. Dald - Lava world slightly smaller than Kerbin that orbits Valenor in just 1 Earth day. Phess - Ocean world, orbits Valenor in 2 days. Tidally locked too. Has some small islands with life. Xie - Ice planet. Not tidally locked Imarlou - Cold gas dwarf that takes 3 years on a 27.2 million semi major axis
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