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Everything posted by ILoveStars

  1. nice ok yeah I mean that is an incredible amount of stars. But that's nothing compared to To Boldly Go...
  2. Can you add another gas giant to KSP please?

  3. wanna post something on GU?

  4. hi?

    1. The Minmus Derp
    2. ILoveStars


      I thought you weren't on this forum anymore.

  5. Um no, but just saying, there could be another gas giant. janus and that other gas giant which hosts Kohm seem a bit lonely. :p plus, they're in different systems. no offense to @Gameslinx, they're still awesome. Also, I like the rogue planet idea. Maybe that could be a gas giant. Nevertheless, the Tempus system is very interesting. I like the contrast.
  6. Will there be any more celestial body additions to BH?
  7. but do you need to create .bin files for making planets in KSP?
  8. Which is exactly why i wanna do this!!!!!!!!!!!!! But I can't! ARRRRRRRGH!!
  9. Sure! Wait, do you mind if I put some of my ideas into your mod? As I have no idea how to share sims on US2, plus the gas giants dont look the best. Everything looks so much better in KSP. So, do you mind?
  10. thanks. Is all the adobe thingys required for this? As I don't have them. Plus, the real reason that I'd like someone to help is because a. I can't make .normal files, b. I can't open .bin files.
  11. yeah, but i can't make something on my own. I might ask someone to help me. This can also be an inspiration page for other modmakers. Also, tell me if you want to help me. I'm already considering to ask @Emperor of Ilve.
  12. When I first read about TOI-150, i thought it was HD 23472. HD 23472 b is my fav TESS planet.
  13. Hi guys I'm considering to make a star mod, just like Kerbal Galaxy, and I'd love to have some ideas, as I do not have a lot of ideas for now. You can post system ideas down below, and if you want, you can add textures. My ideas for now: Segit: The black hole in the center of the galaxy. Dalykthen: A blue white dwarf. Eodis: A small red dwarf like VB 10. Kahlos: A T-type brown dwarf. But I don't have planets yet. I'd like some more ideas please. Thank you in advance, and happy posting!
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