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Everything posted by ILoveStars

  1. And dont forget SSAMS! Theres like 20 stars there Btw SSAMS is an upcoming star pack that Me, Smol and 4 others are working on
  2. In current plans, is Tide the only planet in the Luhman 16 system?
  3. Also, is that tiny red dot a brown dwarf or a small red dwarf?
  4. Although this definitely reminds me of Nova Kirbani. It looks like Kespilon Kirilani now orbits Nova Kirbani in a close orbit, and that kerbal is standing Orus and watching the destruction of the star system from afar... It's not stable anymore... See what I mean?
  5. Looks nice Welp, at least we have different kinds of hot planet
  6. shoot, dis was a window of opportunity. now, it's dead...
  7. Elno is gone. Orus is back. Aren is still gone. Dunem is back, although it's bigger and is called Sian.
  8. The new antares is soooo much better! Recommendations for plernert ideas: Charred rocky planet Brown dwarf Asteroids
  9. I have way too many star system ideas. Unless I have somewhere to park them, I'm not gonna get anything done. So I did this. This is all my star system ideas. At one point I might put these into a mod. The systems: T-types M-types K-types This will probably be neverending.
  10. Just wanted to know, when will Kespilon Keridani be released?
  11. Dang I might be able to set this whole frickn moon on fire sounds like a great idea for a video, although KSP could crash.
  12. Will Murph, Klaus and Cooper be the only stars in EventHorizon or will there be another star system? If there will be, I suggest a brown dwarf or a rogue planet.
  13. Cool! Btw I can help writing. Actually, @Dragonking, massive stars don't have as much gravity as you'd think. For example Bellatrix has 3.6 cgs, while the sun has 4.35 cgs. And Rigel A has just 1.75 cgs. In fact, bigger means less gravity.
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