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Everything posted by ILoveStars

  1. THE STARS ARE BEAUTIFUL (especially Carbonia)
  2. or maybe somefink like Gliesd 436b. Also, anyone heard of the candidate super-neptune GJ 143 b?
  3. very nice NickRoss120 can you post a pic of Seker please? Thanks.
  4. Maybe add a brown dwarf to gene's star mod (orbiting gene's star in a very wide orbit)
  5. how about a rogue planet/dwarf planet/asteroid? How about now since kerbol lost mass, Eeloo escapes kerbol and now orbits Fate and Destiny?
  6. Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit! Tau ceti! Transit!
  7. wait u told me in discord Kerbin was gone. It's here?
  8. hello?

    1. Sigma88


      Is there anybody in there?



      Just nod if you can hear me



      Is there anyone at home?

    2. ILoveStars


      where can I download galactic neighborhood?

  9. hello?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. electricpants


      i like, really needed to find out how to use physics warp in space on linux. was using an ion engine, so i had to literally wait for hours at 1x time warp. i guess i just kinda stayed here after that?

    3. ILoveStars


      and so will you stay?

    4. electricpants


      hopefully, not sure though

  10. what? K2-72 e is now the most earth-like planet we know of? that's slightly disturbing.
  11. Cannot wait for galaxies unbound, no offense @StarCrusher96. I have a few questions. You don't have to answer them, if you want to keep secrets, until it comes out. 1. Will the new objects in galaxies unbound have the same naming system as the objects in KSS? 2. Will people be able to suggest? 3. Can people produce textures for it? (I'm very good at star textures) 4. Will there be visuals like in KSS?
  12. really want you to continue it.
  13. oh DAMN IT :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

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