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Everything posted by ILoveStars

  1. Anyone heard of HD 21749 b? Suspecting it's a water world. https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/1542/nasas-tess-rounds-up-its-first-planets-snares-far-flung-supernovae/ HD 21749 b is on here.
  2. yeah. I'm looking forward to RV measurements for LHS 3844 b. I think it's around 2 to 3 earth masses. and also, are you still working on IA-revived? hope you are, it's a great mod.
  3. also, do you think an analogue of Scholz's star would be good? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scholz's_Star
  4. what are the names, and how many stars and planets are there?
  5. oh sorry. Didn't know. Deleted it seriously, what is Landolt a Föld bolygón?
  6. moho eve and kerbin should be there Moho should be desintegrating, eve and kerbin and duna should be scorched. and maybe rename pol to polio. After Vall's trip back to the inner Jool system, it flings out Pol at such a high speed that it acquires a completely new orbit on the new solar system. and this is Trolligi112477-ww (from discord) if you don't recognise me no offense.
  7. Is anyone here? If so, here are some planet ideas: Dawn system Oblivion system Memphis - A massive , dry and dense gas giant that behaves slightly like a brown dwarf. (Analogue of HIP 65426 b) -Detox - A large water-ice moon with a lot of methane lakes and a thick ammonia atmosphere, primarily the reason why Memphis has so little ices. -Hypo - A captured blue asteroid with an extreme orbital eccentricity on the order of 0.97943 and an orbital period of 48 years. Traverse system Ascension system -Maya - A cold rocky planet which used to be in Ascension's habitable zone. It had a past civilisation. There are signs of that civilisation everywhere on the planet. It has a small ring. Wall system Eon system Barrier system -Curiosity - A barren, dry but hellish planet rich in iron and other heavy metals orbiting Barrier in a moderately eccentric orbit. Has a lot of auroras.
  8. Maybe the world beyond or KSS would make another great video.

    1. ILoveStars


      yep hes not comin back

  9. Hey do you know Advanced Space Flight? I could help you a lot. It has the solar system along with all stars with planets within 50 ly. It's an app on app store.
  10. Maybe it's a planet Or maybe it's WISE 0855-0714 passing in front of it.
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