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  1. Ok, it worked. I would suggest adding a mention that this mod changes kerbal traits somewhere more visible on the mod description page, so it's less of a surprise to people installing it, I wouldn't have installed it if I knew in advance.
  2. Discovered too late (after recruiting a few kerbals) that this mod changes the types of kerbals that one gets at the Astronaut Complex, and I do not want that to happen, so I uninstalled the mod. Now I cannot add kerbals to a craft, or remove the kerbals added there automatically before launch. 4 of the newly recruited kerbals disappeared, one was left that looks like this: How can I fix this?
  3. Easiest solution is to install the mod SCANsat, launch satellites with the appropriate instrumentation into polar orbits, let them scan the planet, then you will have large and detailed maps of the surface, with both Altimetry and Biome overlays, and the ability to add waypoints at the precise coordinates you want.
  4. I ended up redesigning one of my own SSTO's for the Laythe mission, as I'm not that good of a pilot and wanted to use a plane with more TWR for the bumpy takeoff from Laythe.
  5. Having a problem with the Sun not shining anymore after leaving the space around Earth, with craft being always in complete darkness in interplanetary space or at other planets. Also, almost all craft parts are transparent. See the Sun as a yellow circle with no shine, and transparent craft in the picture: https://imgur.com/PDN1NgE
  6. Does this mod work with Stock size KSRSS, or only with 2.5x? Also is it included in KSRSS, or does it need to be installed alongside it?
  7. I've performed an M700 scan of Earth and of the Moon, but toggling Resource Overlay from the scanner control window doesn't do anything, doesn't show any overlay. Ore information appears on SCANsat maps of Earth after closing the game and opening the save again, not tested with the Moon yet.
  8. Trying to install KSRSS, and it is stuck on infinite loop. I added each dependency mod manually, and all loaded well until I reached Kopernicus, which causes it to get stuck. I have installed all of Kopernicus's dependencies, and made sure that Kopernicus itself is the last version that was made with KSP version 1.10.1 in mind. My KSP.log is here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1MsEci2FFmxvLmpri8fgQCRcR8L9J8Ptm/view?usp=sharing [Edit: I made the mistake of placing KSRSS folders into the KSRSS-reborn folder they came in. Moved them all directly into GameData, and it worked.]
  9. If it saves all constructions in all the save games, what happens if I uninstall KK after a while, does it break my save games?
  10. Having an error when trying to open Antenna Helper, and it gives an error message that cannot be dismissed: "Antenna Helper isn't ready just yet. Wait..." Message screenshot.
  11. Been on a journey to try and find who made these designs, as a lot of them are not available online anymore for some reason. Someone on the main KSP subreddit pointed me to this thread. I'm very impressed with your designs, they are very elegant - I worked to reproduce your Razorback and my reproduction was less efficient than your craft. I'm now in the process of sending a SP-36 Ranger to test it on Laythe where I've never been before. How come these designs are missing from KerbalX now?
  12. Does reaching as deep as you did require disabling pressure limits when creating the save? Also, does operating your craft allow for planting flags on the bottom of the sea?
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