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Everything posted by therealcrow999

  1. So when a Kerbal take a nap for skipping too many meals and they go to sleep for default 1 minute, when they wake up, how long do they stay away before they nap again for 1 minute? I am thinking about putting this slider up to 1 day nap for missing a lot of meals. But I kind of what to know the answer above before I do that.
  2. It's been updated over here: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/189071-18x-planetshine-0262-oct-19-2019/&tab=comments#comment-3690968
  3. So what do I have to do to get air to work in the mod? Do I copy the Air.txt code and put it on end of Snacks.cfg code? I couldn't find any detail instructions on how to do it, so I ask.
  4. Well this may or may not be an error on your end, but it seems that mods that haven't been updated, when I click on them in toolbar, they completely disappear. I can get them back if I leave scene and come back. The few updated mod ones work fine, I can click on them and click them close, they still show up without disappearing. I hope this isn't the case, then pre-1.8 mods will have to but updated. I think I have some older ones that don't get updated much, like Notes mod. Anyways thanks. I have a Player Log file, some reason I don't have an output log. I just reinstalled KSP. I already ran it a few times.
  5. @prestjaI assume this doesn't show up in CKAN.
  6. Well to add to the Chatterer Extended thing, I can't seem to replicate it myself now. It seems like this errors come and go, maybe it happens when Chatterer tries to run those extra sound files and I have to run the game a bit. Sorry I couldn't help more. here is my log file from my last session with dev version 0.9.97 and Chatterer Extended, I had console up and no issues, even after I had loaded the sound file directories of Chatterer Extended. I did ran game a bit to catch something, but maybe I didn't run it enough. Output Log
  7. Well with dev version 0.9.97 I was able to install Chatterer Extended and load the individual sound files like the mod ask, but then console kicks some hard errors. Something with Unity and GUI exceeding my limit of sound loaded. It is easy to replicate, if you use Chatterer Extended and follow the load instructions. Well at least I can use dev version 0.9.97 with no other sound files, at this point in time. I had limit use with 0.9.96, the mod would work for a while, but if I like quick load a save, Chatterer would be gone. I am sure @Athlonic will get it sorted out, just seems like a pain with the change in Unity, not only with this mod, but with most. ***Edit: quick load cause issues on dev version 0.9.97, so it is best to wait for true update to roll-out.
  8. Yeah I should stated my version is 0.9.96 from CKAN, I didn't know there was a dev version.
  9. Someone a long while back did them and gave them to me on this forum.
  10. Here is two of them, one is dark greyish and other one is yellowish, take your pick, enjoy: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Zr3ixM3D3OQ8DF_-CZQZNi6IOEkwiDW0
  11. Yeah it is strange too. Maybe it will correct itself when Squad rolls out a hotfix for some issues in 1.8, who knows. I found this thread, I don't know if you seen it yet:
  12. Yeah a lot of mods broke because of the change.
  13. Did the test, for some reason Chatterer will work fine without Chatterer Extended. Once I put Chatterer Extended in I get no Chatterer sounds or Icon. I don't understand why, Chatterer Extended is only addition sound files. I am going to remove Chatterer Extended for right now.
  14. Thanks for feedback. I will toy around with some things to see if I can get it working, since you said it works for you.
  15. @AthlonicChatterer is defiantly not working in new update, I guess it is expected with Unity update. I have Chatterer installed with Chatterer Extended, and Chatterer doesn't even show up in game, not even stock toolbar.
  16. I'm getting something weird, the Hud 1 and 2 don't keep their transparency when I set it. Sometimes one works but the other one doesn't. If I set them that way and put each hud in its own area on the screen, if I leave game and come back in they will be jointly together and not transparent anymore.
  17. Well that answers my Reddit post here, Thanks:
  18. I curious to what your going to add. Is there a feature in Docking Camera that I can't find or getting added, that has what Docking Port Alignment mod has with the yellow icon, I don't know name, here is pic: I find that useful to control those green vertical and horizontal lines. It kind of gives me a prediction where things are going to be. I end up now using both mods, this one and that one. I kind of want to replace one and maybe use the Dock Camera mod exclusive.
  19. @linuxgurugamerNice, thanks for updating this and making it better. I probably will wait until you official release it, so I can get it on CKAN. I hope CKAN lets me know its updated to your version, since I am subbed to the old Z-Key version.
  20. Yeah just to disable it. Toolbar Controller is something that tells the icon to go in Stock bar or Blizzy Toolbar or both. https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/169509-151-toolbar-controller-for-modders/
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