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Everything posted by Iodyne

  1. My apologies, I thought I replied to this. If you are somehow still struggling with this here are my thoughts: The "volumetric" effect is a submodule for specific cloud modules, and the clouds I tested on Kerbin were from the 43k clouds config. Those are optional but I reccomend them, and they are likely the ones with the "volumetric" submodule. The sunflare is from JadeOfMaar's Ursa Major. You shouldn't need EVE stock configs. I have installation recommendations in this post: https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/topic/215972-1125-io-assorted-mods-configs/?do=findComment&comment=4282398
  2. Yes. IO Misc should probably not be blanketly installed, but rather exists as an assortment of optional configs that others may appreciate using in specific circumstances or from time to time.
  3. Please note the following. This config may no longer be working properly. Feel free to disable it. It will likely be removed from any future release. The config is located in IO-Visuals.zip\GameData\Iodyne\IO-Visuals\IO-Kopernicus\IO-SunAsteroidRings.cfg.
  4. the gravity models are only there to set up principia to calculate the bodies masses appropriately. it also supplies axial tilt if desired (which is not included in my gravity model for kcalbeloh). to make the orbits work, you need IO-PrincipiaOrbitPatches at a minimum, though I also recommend IO-AlteredOrbits to work as intended with the axial tilts (such as tilting Urlum and the orbits of its moons ~90 degrees akin to Uranus). As for support with Kcalbeloh, please read the ReadMe for IO-PrincipiaOrbitPatches; I believe the owner of the mod has incorporated at least part of my support for Principia though I do not know what he has done as of late.
  5. Please see my post here: I don't see any difference in the files between the different resolutions of AVP Textures (other than resolution of course). As such I do not know if there is anything in my configs that could be causing this, nor how to fix it. Sorry I couldn't be of any more help.
  6. Do you have EVE installed? The mod itself not just my texture pack.
  7. Many of my kerbals frequently abuse the laws of physics (due to mods/glitches); whether being immune to momentum transfer and watching a planet rotate underneath their feet when they jump or spotaneously speeding off at the speed of light. The holidays aren't special for them, though peri-launch explosions are more welcome than usual during this time.
  8. Thanks! Really glad to hear you enjoy it! I don't have the best ability to confirm compatibility at the present moment, and until blackrack's 3D clouds become public, I have no intention of releasing out-of-the-box support. The easiest thing for you to do as a user of both is to delete the "IO-EVE" folder from within "IO-Visuals" (found in "GameData/Iodyne"), or at least deleting the "Stock" folder within that. I can't guarantee if that is all that is necessary. The only other thing I can recall that you'll need to do is that the file "GameData/Iodyne/IO-Visuals/IO-Scatterer/IO-SunflaresOfMaar-UrsaMinor.cfg" has a commented out line of code that needs to be put back in (by deleting the "//" at the start of the line) to get the sunflare working. The other scatterer files have all been tweaked to look ideal both with and without blackrack's 3D clouds (particularly Eve's). Let me know if that works. Sorry I can't be more helpful. This release was more just to put my work out there rather than to maintain it in the coming future, especially with 3D clouds on their way.
  9. Sorry, but at the present moment I do not intend to add any additional support for other planet packs. This may change but don't count on it. I already decided to uninclude the half-worked GEP stuff I had done. Glad to hear it! Sorry if the instructions were unclear. Let me know how I could have worded it better. Thanks for the feedback!
  10. Ah, yes I did take a crack at it but didn't give it more than a cursory look and could not figure it out. Perhaps the author of OPM Parallax would make them. Or you could give it a shot with the parallax tool.
  11. That still remains to be seen. I will be pretty inactive for a while (that's life), but I have made implemented some minor support for volumetric when it releases. I will very likely not be producing unique configs though, but I won't outright deny it. Thank you so much though, I appreciate the feedback I would direct you to OPM Parallax.
  12. No worries! I had a graduation last week so I get that. I think we've all forgotten dependencies before.
  13. I had what I think was a similar issue as well a while back but after reinstalling the mod the issue went away for me. Still not sure what caused or fixed it, and can't remember more details, sorry. But I'd try reinstalling. Make sure to have Kopernicus, OPM, 000_NiakoUtils, and of course NeidonPlus as folders in GameData, as well as other dependencies like Harmony and ModuleManager.
  14. Sorry, but I don't really need to test it again; my change got it working. I changed nothing but the priority value in between installs where it worked and did not work. It works now so that's all I care about. I said I wasn't certain but Principia very well could interfere as Principia directly alters the navball textures. But for you here was my list of installed mods:
  15. Very nice. Just wanted to note for other users that the Slim config sets the priority at 10. This does not work by default for my install (I believe due to Principia?); changing this to 0 works (I didn't test other values).
  16. Okay, IO Visuals has been updated once more (again still v0.9). Added layerVolume clouds to gas giants and preliminary support for the pre-releases of EVE and Scatterer.
  17. Version 0.9 has been updated as of last night. It's still version 0.9. Updates consisted of Eve overhauls, proper file pathing, and other minor changes. The main post has now been updated to refer to post 2. Thank you! It was definitely a lot of time and work so I appreciate every download! IO-Visuals.zip is the configs; that is the mod. IO Visuals requires some/most of the textures from AVP. AVP Textures v1.13 is required. If you have already installed AVP you should have this already. IO-EVE-Textures-WithOPMVO.zip has all the additional textures IO Visuals needs. The only reason there is an IO-EVE-Textures.zip without OPMVO textures is if it turns out (in the foreseeable future) that I am not supposed to distribute them, I already have a package available and can just delete the WithOPMVO zip. If/When this occurs, users will need to download the assets as described in the readme. As of the most recent config update, the OPMVO textures should be optional (as in the configs will check for the folder path and if there isn't one it won't try to load them), but the planets will look a lot better (in my opinion) and as intended with the OPMVO textures. Likewise, the AVP 43k Kerbin cloud textures are now optional as well via the same mechanism. Prior to this, they were still "optional" but the configs themselves had to be deleted or disabled. Lastly, IO-Skybox.zip changes the skybox from that included in AVP to the 60°(Stock)NE_4k skybox by uschi0815 via the same mechanism. tl;dr you need (links are direct downloads): - IO-Visuals.zip - IO-EVE-TexturesWithOPMVO.zip (recommended, or alternatively IO-EVE-Textures.zip) - AVP_8kTextures.zip (you can probably download the lower res textures if you want) - if you are using Extrasolar, the EXVE Textures included in that download is required Optional: - optional_AVP_43kKerbin.zip - IO-Skybox.zip I mainly used it when making IO-PrincipiaOrbitPatches but yeah it can be useful for seeing the farthest stable orbit. It isn't perfect because it depends where the parent body is but orbiting say the Mün, if you keep your apoapsis below the visible SOI then your orbit should be stable inside it. If say Kerbin is exactly opposite to the Mün at apoapsis then it probably wont be perfectly stable. A hill sphere is never a perfect sphere. For example, here in this image I have drawn the green oval as a mostly accurate representation hill sphere of Earth in the Sun-Earth system (ignoring the moon). The pink circle is a reference of a perfect circle for contrast. Edges of the hill "sphere" closer to the parent body terminate closer to the primary body and edges farther away terminate, well, farther away. The SOIs drawn via my config are drawn like the pink circle. So it provides a rough estimate, but rough at best and not pertinent at worst. Also something that may be undesirable is that as a debug tool, the SOI lines are always visible in scaled space view (i.e. map mode and tracking station), I believe even after pressing F2. Lastly, I wanted to inquire whether users would appreciate all textures being included in one download (distributing textures used in AVP Textures via IO-EVE-Textures). This would mean the drag-and-drop override of existing AVP installations would not work, though perhaps standalone and add-on variants of the mod would be desirable? Also whether support for SunflaresOfMaar Ursa Minor should stay as support or if the sunflare should be included in IO Visuals itself? I have yet to finish the gallery for pictures taken in flight mode (non-scaled-space visuals). I'd be happy to take user-submitted photos. Just please take without TUFX.
  18. Thank you! They did take some time so I appreciate the recognition For starters, I began making these configs before AVP even had support for OPM. But even as of now, the AVP visuals for OPM are pretty bare bones. I believe the gas giants only have 1 unique layers of clouds (as opposed to Jool's 7), and not much going for Tekto or Thatmo either. The visuals AVP provides are not bad by any means but do feel less comprehensive. Additionally, IO Visuals uses a selection of AVP configs and textures as a template (for stock system, OPM, extrasolar, and the rest) but also utilizes visuals from Stock Visual Enhancements and Pood's OPM Visual Overhaul due to my personal preference for their aesthetics. Namely, SVE offers thicker-appearing, more substantial, and more classically stylized clouds, whilst Pood's OPMVO offers a unique feel to the outer planets with slight recolours for the gas giants and a polar storm for Sarnus. Additionally (for stock, OPM, and the other packs), IO Visuals modifies existing AVP configs for general improvements (e.g. alpha values for dust, cloud heights) and bug fixes (e.g. removal of glow as it causes visual glitches on non-atmospheric bodies), and adds new configs as well (e.g. haze). Also of note: many of the scatterer files for the planets in AVP are quite fine, and in fact probably match up a bit better with their proper atmospheric heights. However, I made a decision to focus on a more realistic appearance with IO Visuals. How this manifests is that because the planets are 1/10 scale of their real-life counterparts, but this scale is not exactly preserved with the atmospheres; in-game, scatterer atmosphere heights (the HR value in scatterer configs) appear far too tall/large compared to their real-life analogues. The large, hazy glows on bodies do not look like the well-defined, marble-like edges of real planets (see the reference gallery). As for Extrasolar, the scatterer files included in EXVE are outdated and do not function as intended with the new version of scatterer. IO Visuals supplies up-to-date configs for scatterer, and with EVE extends the visual aesthetic of AVP/SVE/Pood'sOPMVO to the Extrasolar bodies. EXVE only supplied some basic clouds to some of the planets, whereas IO-Visuals modifies these and supplies new configs including: AVP-style multilayered clouds for Heba and Lomina, AVP-style auroras, dust, geysers, AVP- and SVE-style lightning, haze, and more. Check out the gallery or install it to try it out! It is designed so you can just install it into GameData and not have to touch your AVP installation at all. Simply delete IO-Visuals if you want to go back to AVP. I'd be happy to help you curate which features you'd be interested in keeping or not (since I see you use both AVP and Spectra). (Also, IO Visuals (optionally, on by default) uses Spectra's bioluminescent clouds for Laythe!)
  19. I've just released my AVP-like visual pack for KSP. Supports stock, OPM, MPE, Extrasolar, and more! This includes up-to-date Scatterer and EVE support for all Extrasolar bodies. https://imgur.com/a/UudrXZE
  20. Your welcome! Thank you for downloading; I really appreciate it! Just FYI I have been making some minor, untagged updates (as in they are still part of the same release, v0.9) such as making the Laythe glow clouds optional (separating into its own config) and adding Tylo support for Realistic Atmospheres, so if interested watch the timestamp of the configs zip in the release. (I also need to include the gallery for surface visuals.) Up as of 5/10/2023 @ 1:30am EST. All the configs are designed for the current public releases of EVE ( and Scatterer (0.0838). I have not used any pre-release versions of either mod. At the present moment I don't intend to support 3D volumetric clouds when they do release but if I need to update the mod for functionality or if the volumetric clouds prove simple enough to write configs for, I will revisit this. Some of the stuff I've seen blackrack post does look incredible so I would love to support it, but there would also have to be a need for a difference in aesthetic from AVP & Spectra if/when they update for an update to even really be warranted. (Personally I think the current "volumetric" clouds provide some pretty good shots) I have tested both with and without Parallax (and OPM Parallax) and there should be minimal artifacting. Let me know if you think or see that some incompatibility exists and I will try to address it.
  21. As I said I'm not 100% sure this is the bug you are having but I experienced a blackness bug which I fixed by deleting them. Yes glow.cfg located in the Stock folder (and there is another in the OPM folder if you are using Outer Planets Mod). You can delete the files themselves or you can open them and edit as so:If you open stock/glow.cfg you will see it starts with "EVE_CLOUDS {" this is telling ModuleManager where the data belongs. next you'll see "OBJECT {"; this is a module, essentially a specific intance (hence different names for each one like Mun-glow and Ike-glow etc.) of a template that EVE_CLOUDS can read. Moho-ablation is including among these modules. Anyway, specifically to avoid the bugs I encountered you will want to delete all the modules ("OBJECT {}") that belong to bodies without atmospheres (all but Duna in this case). You can delete Duna's glow but personally I like it and did not experience a bug with it. OPM/glow.cfg only has a module for slate so just delete the whole file. If you keep Duna's glow then the stock/glow.cfg file should look exactly like this when done (make sure their is no typo or duplicate brackets): Alternatively (or additionally) you can try out my visual pack which deletes these already and makes some visual changes (but still has the same style as AVP and uses AVP textures). You should be able to just install it into your GameData folder and don't need to delete anything from the AVP folder.
  22. Pretty sure this is an issue with the glow (and ablation) modules. they do not work as intended on vacuum bodies. Just delete them. If I'm incorrect let me know.
  23. Hi y'all. I finally released my visual pack for KSP. Supports stock, OPM, MPE, Extrasolar, and more! This follows the same visual aesthetic of AVP, extending it more completely to OPM and to Extrasolar, and adding additional configs as well. As such it uses AVP Textures so I figure it's relevant to post here. https://imgur.com/a/UudrXZE
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