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Everything posted by Iodyne

  1. Do you have an in-dev release we can play around with in the meantime?
  2. Is this okay to distribute? the liscence says All Rights Reserved. If so, I may make some updates for it myself...
  3. Hello! These are all configs I have written to provide various enhancements and support to certain mods, primarily planet packs. Additionally, some configs here are alterations of existing features out of personal preference or for general quality of life. Some of the miscellaneous configs have already been distributed by others. The purpose of their inclusion here is having them in an easily accessible location. Please feel free to contribute configs in the thread. This is by no means supposed to be solely for planet pack or Principia support either. IO Altered Orbits - v0.92 Download: GitHub IO Principia Gravity Models - v0.92 Download: GitHub IO Principia Orbit Patches - v0.92 Download: GitHub IO Misc - v0.1 Download: GitHub Delta-v Map for Stock + OPM - Adds Karen and makes minor alterations to the dark-theme combined stock + OPM delta-v map. Please note that my values for Karen have not been thoroughly tested. I believe this chart (not made by me) to be of higher quality; the different format it uses is my only hesitation and what drove me to still update this chart. - Please note that these values refer to the original orbital parameters of the bodies (whether vanilla or as introduced in OPM). They do not represent any changes made in IO Altered Orbits nor IO Principia Orbit Patches, and nor by Principia itself. However, the values should not be far off, considering all inclinations save the interplanetary variety can be avoided by adjusting that of one's flyby with minimal delta-v. https://imgur.com/a/0484DrE Stock + OPM + Karen Stock + OPM + Karen + Inner Planets Transfer Windows & Insertion Angles IO Visuals - v0.9 Details in the post below! Download: GitHub More to come..? There are no game-breaking dependencies. Principia is a functional dependency for IO Principia Gravity Models, and is the indication for IO Principia Orbit Patches. Respective planet packs (and Kopernicus) are of course indicative for their matching configs here. Kopernicus is a functional dependency for IO Altered Orbits, IO Principia Orbit Patches, and IO Misc. Everything is licensed under MIT unless otherwise noted.
  4. With a config such as the AccretionDisc, how would one go about adjusting its tilt off the ecliptic?
  5. Very impressed with the stability of the Jool trojans/greeks! Tested for long-term (5000 years) stability with Principia. I have implemented some minor tilts to the bodies here:
  6. Hi, just wanted to append my config for Principia compatibility. I noticed Lint-Mikey gets awfully close to Jool sometimes. As such I changed the argumentOfPeriapsis to 122.78. Alternatively the ascending node can be changed. You just want it the two values to be similar to one another so it dips below Jool. There does still appear to be influence by Duna but I think this is acceptable. (I did not test the long-term stability before or after the change.) The Lint-Mikey change, as well as my implementation of axial tilt for MPE bodies in Principia can be found here:
  7. Hi @Interplanet Janet, Always nice to have more celestial bodies, especially when they fill the areas that may be a bit lacking; Neidon really benefits from this! I have linked here my config to make NeidonPlus compatible with Principia (tested to 5,000+ years (5130 to be exact)). Principia doesn't like close orbits, so I had to move Chymere out past Thatmo and I made Tito a retrograde moon of Chymere (I didn't alter its rotation but that's an easy change that can be made, either through Kopernicus or Principia). Nito I made into another asteroid-like object akin to Nissee. Also included is my config that adds axial tilt to these bodies in Principia.
  8. Not sure if you figured this out already, but in my efforts to adjust and combine SVE/AVP/Spectra clouds, I noticed the "glow" objects seem to work. Here is what I have for Duna and it managed to make a nice blue hue for sunset (also slight blue lighting on clouds at night): OBJECT { name = Duna-glow body = Duna altitude = 8500 speed = 0,0,0 settings { _DetailDist = 1E-05 _Color = 10,0,45,50 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/blank } _DetailTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/clear } } layer2D { macroCloudMaterial { _MinLight = 1 _RimDistSub = 1E-05 } } } You can play around with the RGBA values of course but that's what seemed to work for me. You can probably grab the same textures from any visual pack or CTTP.
  9. Beautiful stuff! Is any of this open for download? Some people, myself included, may only care to replace select planets. Also, is this only for the bodies themselves, or would edited rotation & orbital characteristics and/or axial tilt support with principia count as well (because I have a lot of those)?
  10. I told you I'd find another, @linuxgurugamer! This is also missing the .zip from most recent GitHub release.
  11. I see... Well that seems to be for the additional bodies she added. I meant the improvements for MPE. I wasn't sure if they were all merged and not fully listed in the changelog, or just only what was explicitly listed was incorporated.
  12. Hi, I'm getting back into reinstalling my mods and haven't played since before this was taken back up. I don't care about the additional bodies but wanted to inquire whether the work Janet had done was included back into this. I see it mentioned in the changelog that some things were included like the OnDemand textures but what about DOE and PlanetShine support and the updated normals and biome maps. Or, is MPE 2 something that is still planned?
  13. I think OP hasn't finished consolidating it. Last he said it wasn't ready for release but posted the thread for his own use until then. See this post.
  14. Sorry to ping you again @linuxgurugamer, but the same issue here with no .zip in the latest GitHub release. I'll be sure to let you know if I find another!
  15. @linuxgurugamer Just so you know there is no .zip release with the most recent version (3.2.8) on Github. Am I right in assuming I can just grab the "000_FilterExtensions", "000_FilterExtensions_Configs", and "zFinal_FilterExtensions" folders from the source code zip?
  16. Another one down! (How many more to go? ) Thank God 1.12 is the last version; modders can finally have some peace (before KSP2 that is...). Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the packaged release is only available on SpaceDock, and not on GitHub (only the source zip/tar.gz are).
  17. Oh, here's my quick scatterer for ervo I made a while ago; didn't release. I thought I might have made some dust files (like in AVP) but perhaps not because I can't find them. Absolutely!
  18. @zer0Kerbal Look forward to seeing all the mods you've recently adopted finally brought into the most recent version. It seems Jiraiyah is open to bulb being adopted as well:
  19. No there isn't; though I don't reckon this mod will ever get updated, it never really worked in the first place. Personally I haven't seen any noticeable lag with Principia unless I have flight trajectory projection turned all the way to max. I'll leave you to whatever works for you; just figured I'd mention it since not many people know principia adds tilt, and even fewer people (zero in fact) have configs for adding tilt to non-RSS bodies.
  20. There's no reason you can't post instructions for your own patch. I second this; I'm sure I could figure out the patch myself but there's no harm in you posting it @Idolon
  21. Regarding the standalone RemoteTech Antennas, is v0.1.1 really the latest release? It seems there are a few additional antennas in RemoteTech 1.9.12 (namely LongDish1, ShortDish2, & ShortAntenna1). Are these other antennas accessible, unnecessary, or not able to be standalone/used in conjunction with CommNet Antennas Extension?
  22. Doing God's work. Hey I'd love access to those configs/MM patch if you have it P.S. I thought it was pretty clear too.
  23. May I suggest Principia, @Interplanet Janet? It allows for axial tilt. I have some principia configs that have been almost ready for release for a year now that add axial tilt to all stock bodies (save comets/asteroids), as well as OPM, Extrasolar, GEP, and the original MPE bodies. I will try to release that soon Edit: I have finally released said configs!
  24. Did you mean Game Ver: 1.12.2? If not, peteletroll specifically said the mod version is only for 1.12.x KSP. I would recommend trying first.
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