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Everything posted by Heliocentric

  1. NEW FORUM PAGE UP NOW Project Pile turns to Galaxy Mod 8 months ago, I set out to create an ambitious project known as Trilogy, to which I became very burnt out creating. As an escape from working on the same thing daily, I created Flamed Out, which became my first released mod. After that I began creating new projects and announcing them near daily. It began to get repetitive. Start a new project, cancel a project. Everything fell through. I took a break for a couple weeks. And in an attempt to streamline, I present to you; KIP Systems. My take on a GU style mod. *EXTREMELY EARLY WORK IN PROGRESS* Now, you may be wondering; Where did the name Lazarus come from? Many months of motivation getting less and less eventually caused me to quit modding for a while. I eventually came back with this mod, which is comparable to the story of Lazarus, a person who died and came back to life. "First Look"/Teaser: NEW TRAILER: The Roadmap https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Gcio4zoCganeWupOl5CfWUquvX93POIsGKJL4FQ6Wpk/edit?usp=sharing Discord https://discord.gg/RB5WbrGVar
  2. Will return to this project at some point, currently any plans to release the next update within the next 4 weeks are pretty much canceled
  3. Ok basically I decided I'm going to still be working on Flamed Out but just not as often as before, maybe like 1 or 2 changes per month Flamed Out will be completed at some point, just not rapidly or anytime soon
  4. Releasing one last update: V. 1.0.3 Forgot to include the license in the file on the corruption fix
  5. A quick update on Release 1.1 The update of all your dreams, vacuum worlds orbiting atmospheric worlds, scatterer functionality, EVE functionality, has been cancelled. Why, you may ask? I'm not modding planets any further. There is no point if I cant enjoy it. I could keep talking about this for hours but I want to keep this brief. The takeaway for this message: Flamed Out will no longer be maintained once the corrupt files issue is corrected. Will I return? Possibly, this could be an extended break. Do not try and make a "Continued" or "Extended" version of this as I will most likely return and finish my work.
  6. Windows 10 Pro, I just right clicked, hovered over "send to", then sent to a compressed folder Spacedock, check the versions and download the rezip, it worked fine for me when I downloaded it
  7. I just did the usual "Send to zip file", It might have screwed up somehow in the process I'll try rezipping a new version and reupload, I'll message here when it's ready to be tested
  8. I don't think its a problem with the file itself, otherwise I would've had other people reporting the same issue either through discord or here
  9. Maybe try reinstalling it? Spacedock sometimes messes up with downloads
  10. Release 1.0.1 out NOW Changelog - Fixed seam issue on Ardus
  11. Release 1.0.1 will be releasing later TODAY, If you have already installed the mod and would like Ardus to not have a huge seam, please keep your eyes out
  12. I've already worked with the Kopernicus server and used what I already know to figure it out, apparently the mod deletes Jool and does not create a replacement, which breaks most orbits It's the mod's problem, not mine Also the mod listing on SpaceDock says it's for 1.11.2..
  13. Going to release a quick fix for a seam issue - stay tuned
  14. My second greatest creation to date. Welcome to Flamed Out. What is Flamed Out? What planets does this add? Screenshots Future plans Known bugs REQUIRES: Kopernicus: KopernicusExpansion: EVE (WORK IN PROGRESS, MAY BE BUGGY FOR RELEASE 1.0): Singularity: This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
  15. Keep forgetting to comment on this but this is one of the more classic feeling mods ive seen, so new yet so vintage, 1.11 but 1.3, its great quality but has that rare stockalike feel that can only be created with older mods
  16. Mod release may be much sooner than expected, I challenged myself to make a heightmap as fast as possible and made a pretty good quality one in only 2.5 hours
  17. This planet was meant to have oceans, I just didn't install them until after I knew the planet was working
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