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Everything posted by HansAcker

  1. When it's MiniAVC-V2. KIS/KAS include a new version of MiniAVC which ZeroMiniAVC does not prune (yet).
  2. If possible, I opt for a "skycrane" style landing (no cables & winches). In this example, MechJeb does the landing but it's easy to land manually, too:
  3. It appears to be the "Utilities" window with options for autostaging, thrust-limiter, etc.
  4. Variety in which way? There's Texture Replacer to vary your Kerbals' appearance: Modular Kolonization System adds more professions instead of the ol' Pilot/Engineer/Scientist career choice:
  5. It already does, if you ignore the warning message. The docking autopilot tries to bring the positions of the controlling part and the target together, looking at each other. Neither of them necessarily have to be docking ports. Indeed, the autopilot currently does not allow targeting positions (if an asteroid CoM target isn't even another kind of target), only docking-port-alikes, vessel CoM and celestial bodies, apparently. I'm not convinced, though, that using the docking autopilot in this way would lead to a good connection to the asteroid. It would not consider the asteroid surface normal and just try and stick the claw in at any angle, as long as it points to a fixed "face" of the CoM.
  6. Well, I didn't answer because I couldn't verify what I remembered. I'd have to start a clean new save Have you opened MechJeb's Landing Guidance window? The button in the SCANsat map is supposed to set it as target, so all you'd need to do is push the "land at target" button (and hope MJ gets it right
  7. You have parts defined in multiple files, all ending in " 2.cfg", e.g. "HeatShield1p5.cfg" and "HeatShield1p5 2.cfg". These define parts with the same names which then leads to duplicate TweakScale properties. There seem to be some copied directories, too, e.g. "SquadExpansion/MakingHistory/Thermal 2", ".../Thermal 3", ".../Thermal 4" etc. Removing those additional (backup?) files should clean it up, I guess.
  8. It did for my Eve probe (on a ~400x100km polar orbit). I'll know in 2 years game-time if it works ;)
  9. When you righ-click a command pod or probe core on that craft, does the window have a "MechJeb enabled/disabled" button or none at all?
  10. Because Kerbalism uses a formula to determine the number of ignitions. Engines that perform well at both sea level and vacuum with high thrust only get one or two ignitions. You could add MM patches to increase the "rated_ignitions" value. If the Rhino is based on the J-2X that would probably be four ignitions and 2000s "rated_operation_duration" (or *4?) (tbh, I disabled engine reliability since the first time I tried Kerbalism and engines blew up just too often. that's been fixed, as far as I know, but I never went back. my engines fire all the time every time ) I didn't check, I admit, but "reused" does not also mean "restartable". An engineer can restore the number of available ignitions (unless the engine blew up), so reusing the Vector is possible in Kerbalism.
  11. Exactly that. As I recall, AMP requires installation of the "Soundtrack Editor" mod and that one installs Music and Playlist directories next to GameData, not within it.
  12. An engineer is needed if someone forgot to add a JS-1 socket to a new craft. The resource transfer station can be used by any Kerbal. The valid point remains that with two Kerbals, one can go on EVA without interrupting the magic.
  13. The non-code solution could add a dependency on the Community Category Kit mod and ship a custom filter config file. If you'd like to go it yourself, PartCategorizer.AddCustomSubcategoryFilter() looks promising, e.g. used like this: https://github.com/allista/AT_Utils/blob/master/Addons/SimplePartFilter.cs https://github.com/allista/GroundConstruction/blob/master/GCFilterManager.cs
  14. One option is to change the biome option of the EVA and crew reports, so you'd only need to EVA in space high/low and can run the biome reports from the safety of the capsule: Not fully automatic (you'd still need to EVA and board manually) as I understand it. I haven't tried this one:
  15. Ohi, I've been on vacation and haven't checked the forum much, so you probably already found your answer :) labSub.science looks like the field you want. This is how [x] Science does it: CompletedScience = ScienceSubject.science * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Career.ScienceGainMultiplier; TotalScience = ScienceSubject.scienceCap * HighLogic.CurrentGame.Parameters.Career.ScienceGainMultiplier;
  16. That's the spirit! :) In my experience, precision landings require a TWR that's not too high (neither too low, of course) and responsive attitude control. More or less balanced RCS thrusters help, too. If MJ starts pulsing the throttle or roasts the engines on a slow brake burn, I reduce engine thrust.
  17. About that option, is there a reason why it can't be set in the editor? I changed it and have not noticed any ill behaviour yet. It helps me not forget to set it before sending a new rover off :) I often root a rover in a structural plate, so "up" is usual the right one.
  18. At higher time-warp rates, Kerbalism stops modelling a proper day/night cycle and switches to "analytic mode". The solar panels receive an averaged amount of energy over the whole cycle and the shadow/sunlight automation won't trigger. I have seen it happening at 1000x and up, although it's supposed to trigger above ~6000x. My biggest gripe in a current attempt at Kerbalism is that dump-valves don't keep their settings and a whole converter chain thus stops when switching to another vessel. I had to jiggle the decimal points in ISRU recipes a fair bit to produce fuel in a subjectively playable amount of time
  19. In addition to what jimmymcgoochie said: What kind of shadows? Only sunlight throws shade, other lights like the Illuminators shine right through any part.
  20. If any, I'd expect to see it in this mod but it hasn't been updated in a few years:
  21. Do the tracks react to wheel steering controls? Try setting the "Traction Brake Limit" in the rover settings (Waypoints -> Settings) to 0. The stability control won't provide power-steering but the heading control should work. The KSPWheelBase differs from the stock wheel base module, so MechJeb does not "see" it in its ground contact check. Both could be improved, I guess.
  22. I think these are just normal debug messages that appear on scene changes and the like and refer to the lifecycle of vessel objects in game memory. To be honest, I have no real clue why your satellites drop out of orbit. It could be some mod interaction or an infection with the NaN Kraken. Maybe post a save file for download but I'm not sure if there would be some obvious clue in there.
  23. As far as I understand it, it does not. The support profile can add rules, supplies and processes with new names but not remove or change existing definitions. I'm locally testing a patch that allows overriding definitions, yet it still does not allow removing nodes completely as I haven't found a neat way to signal deletions. Eventually I'd like to have a way to replace and remove some converter processes, too, so mods like RR and others could define their own set of recipes without cluttering up the selection.
  24. You cannot change Kerbalism's Profile with MM. Kerbalism reads it before MM can patch it. Kerbalism reads a profile named "KerbalismSupport" where you could define additional processes and configs. You cannot overwrite or delete processes defined in the default.
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