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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. For example if you're about to land, don't need the excessive fuel, and want to reduce the mass of your craft to break speed more easily.
  2. Hey @nightingale, I don't know if this of interest for you, but @severedsolo's Clever Sats contract pack still works fine KSP 1.10.1 with these two little changes: A MM patch made by @4x4cheesecake: plus correcting line 19 from CleverSatRandomShift.cfg (a closing bracket too much). EDIT 10.03.2021: @4x4cheesecake found, that for Korpernicus version 1.8+, the line partModule = KopernicusSolarPanel needs to be changed to partModule = KopernicusSolarPanels
  3. Please don't post full log files directly here, it makes posts very difficult to read, but upload them to a site like Dropbox and post a link here instead. From what I can see, you're using MiniAVC, which is known to cause crashes.
  4. Oh man... as we say in German, this is like "carrying water to the Rhine river"
  5. Then, doesn't say my linked post (signature) say where to find the logs, clearly, or does it? And: asking kindly for help is one thing, making demands like "So what do you do then to solve my problem?" is something different, imo.
  6. Yepp. And the part of my signature "Read this before asking for support" is always ignored. Why do I have that mentioned at all, stupid me, nobody cares.
  7. Bah... Baaaahhh... I could puke. Entitled KSP noobs: "So what do you do then to solve my problem?" <what do expect me to do? change any fundamental game mechanics then? Change how the planets move?> Next: place it somewhere in your GameData folder - Not the game Dir, the GameData directory <now you got a couple of times clear, very clear, suggestions what and how to do. What is unclear about the term "GameData" directory/folder?. With all due respect (counting...), I've no idea how to phrase it in more "easy to comprehend" terms. Reminds me of a former colleague of mine: customer called, having a problem. She explained to him THREE times what to do. Nope, guy was too dense. Finally, she said "Excuse me, Sir, are you stupid", and did hang up. Out of my wits. What is wrong with these people? If this is the "new normal", I really don't know if/why I would waste any energy anymore trying to help people.
  8. - deleted - Fighting against windmills is a lost cause from the beginning.
  9. Well, at least we have, in contrast to RL space flights, the option to accelerate time. And 123 Kerbal days isn't that long time to pass, or is it?
  10. Take a look here: If you want to have unlocked all MJ features right from the start, simply create a text file with a .cfg ending (e.g. "MJUnlocked.cfg") and this context and place it somewhere in your GameData folder. You'll also need Module Manager which you can get via CKAN.
  11. Well, yes, it's occasionally a bit buggy, in particular with time warp, I admit. That's why I'm using this mod here: In general though: if you're more than 2.5 km away for any given vessel, physics, incl. EC, won't be calculated at all. Easy proof: Have a vessel with a negative EC rate. Switch to another vessel (or the KSC) being far away. Time warp some hours, switch back: the vessel will have exactly the EC it had when you switched away from it, i.e. EC won't be drained any more than the very moment you left it.
  12. Yes, that's normal KSP behaviour. Physics are only calculated if your flying the particular vessel, or are in close range. Reason: performance.
  13. Couple of times, yes. Tying now, hold a moment please... ...and right you are, after uninstalling, the description looks properly
  14. Pity, but then, better safe than sorry and have whomever feel offended by a funny remark At any rate: I wish you a good time here, it is really a very unique and friendly and welcoming community here, @SovietKerbal. Fly safe (The Cosmos is ours!)
  15. Hey and welcome, comrade [snip]
  16. Hey there @linuxgurugamer, Not really important or urgent, but the CKAN description of this mod looks a bit odd:
  17. Please provide some more details as lined out here:
  18. You could also use the MJ dev version (which I do use), CKAN gives you the URI for this repository as well. Just saying
  19. See here https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/SENTINEL_Infrared_Telescope#:~:text=When activated%2C it will scan,to the Sun) than Kerbin. and here The search engine of your choice will help Basically, a Sentinel will scan for objects in the next outer orbit. Hope this does make sense.
  20. Hey @JakGamingKSP, You should have a couple of auto backups into your \saves\<career name>\backup folder, did you try to copy those back to the save games folder and load any of those? Else I don't see how I could help you, I'm sorry. Just an advise for the future, make regularly backups of your whole KSP folder to avoid such situations.
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