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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Works fine here with KSP 1.10.1 Did you configure Trajectories correctly? Did you check if the "use cache" setting has been enabled? Disabling cache causes a huge fps drop, that's known.
  2. Hey there @nightingale, Seriously: what you did and do for the KSP community, namely CC - I doubt I'd still be here, still playing KSP without that. So please accept my heartfelt Thanks (even if it sounds odd to write such flat and direct words).
  3. Thank you for the update, @nightingale, I was already wondering about some weird new contracts about surface based comet science experiments on Minmus
  4. What @Boyster and @jimmymcgoochie said. In addition to that, two mods are coming to my mind: can show you which mod are non-stock parts of a vessel are from. And can show you unavailable parts used in a craft, usually not available yet in the tech tree.
  5. KER let's you display the actual acceleration, quite useful for situations other than LKO
  6. Never seen this before, freaking odd... wish I could reproduce it and help. I'm sorry.
  7. Hmpf... I can load your game, but there a no ships at all, probably due to mod parts I don't have. Can you try something else maybe: select the other vessel as target, set SAS to Target Prograde mode, and make a screenshot?
  8. For an unknown reason, I'm not able to download anything (bad swearing words at Google) Do me a favor, mind to upload the save game to anything but Google drive (e.g. dropbox)? I'll check tomorrow, bed time here now, gn o/
  9. Signed, that's the very moment KSP won't play you but you will play KSP What I can offer you: drop me a line when you might be on twitch (weekend preferred, and times please in GMT/UTC) , and I'll torture you with old man's wisdom what and how to do
  10. You could upload a save game file (.sfs), nothing illegal about that
  11. what? That not odd, but very freaking odd. I'm playing KSP for a couple of years, never had that. You have a save game available (don't know which mods you're using though)? I'd like to check, if you don't mind, ok?
  12. Next question, this is not a scenario you're playing, but a normal career/sandbox? Scenarios are prone to strange issues.
  13. Now that's odd... you're on the sunny side of the respective CB? As per my experience, I, more often than not, had difficulties to see the other vessel when on the dark side. And tried to set target and set SAS to orient to target, so you know what direction to look at?
  14. Iirc, those labels do show up at a distance between a few km and 100m, below that distance, you need to rely on your own eyes. Setting SAS to "Target" helped me a couple of times to get my orientation. I also suggest to read twice before making an unfriendly reply to someone who just tries to help, apology accepted though.
  15. That wasn't a joke at all. F4 toggles the display of ship labels, see here https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Key_bindings Have a good time then and make jokes about yourself.
  16. Left of the Navball, these are the things your pilot (or pod) can do, depends on experience of the pilot / particular pod (i.e., an Okto is less capable than a HECS2, a 1-star pilot is less capable than a 3-star pilot). Also, if you enable "Advanced Tweakables" and "Extended Burn Indicator" in the settings, KSP will provide you more options and information.
  17. Hey and welcome to the KSP forums, @DennisK91 One particular good way to improve is if you'd go to Twitch and start streaming, with a stream title similar to "KSP beginner needs help". Usually there are always experienced fellow players around happy to coach you (including yours truly), and due to the interactivity of the platform, I think this is an excellent fast track to learn. What exactly do you mean?
  18. You're right, @Carrot ! I have to admit, I never tried to launch one of my old ScanSat rockets since version 20. Out of curiosity, I replaced the respective 20.x folders of the old parts folders (BTDT, MapTraq, MULTI, RADAR, SAR) with the 18.14 version, and now I can launch the rocket. In the end, I think modifying the cfg files should do it (my experiment was just brute force), in particular the entries "TechRequired" and "category".
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