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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Looks like this confirmed bug, doesn't it? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25762
  2. Huge memory consumption and memory leaks, my modded KSP starts with 13 GB and within 2h goes to 20 GB.
  3. Did you select the other craft as target? Did you use F4 = toggle ship labels?
  4. For me the actual acceleration value m/s² is more important than the TWR, a vessel in LKO might have a low TWR there, in a 1000 km Mun orbit the TWR would be way greater, the actual acceleration though remains the same. For nuclear powered stages, I'm quite happy with some 2.5 m/s².
  5. I don't know... the idea(s) here: start with cheap boosters up to approx. 12km / 400-450 m/s vertical velocity. Let the skipper bring the rocket close to circularization (avoiding space junk). From there on, two stages with nuclear engines, having 8300 and 8900 m/s, respectively, following the old guideline of stage dv equals roughly ten times the numerical ISP of the engine (800 m/s here, both), thus having an acceptable thrust while at the same time giving a good amount of dv. And this was a more or less quick build, back the days of 1.7.3, didn't put too much efforts into further optimization / even more dv, just did this for a contract. Yeah, this would be probably what I'd do for even more dv, avoiding to carry the weight of big half-empty tanks.
  6. Totally depends on the payload, doesn't it? This little one has 20k m/s vac. dv, payload 330 kg (probe core, antenna, RTG), costs 182k
  7. Hey @Jim DiGriz, I tried to calculate an advanced transfer from an equatorial LKO to capture a comet (elliptical sun orbit) but unfortunately MJ dev #1000 always throws "an error occured while creating the node", the logfile says: [LOG 12:35:42.630] [MechJeb] porkchop scanning found DVminsqr = 28293504.5198571 DVmaxsqr = 2.23409310460492E+15 [EXC 12:35:48.102] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object MuMech.OperationAdvancedTransfer.MakeNodesImpl (Orbit o, System.Double UT, MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController target) (at <bd2f44b018644269bf2013ae8c705cdf>:0) MuMech.Operation.MakeNodes (Orbit o, System.Double universalTime, MuMech.MechJebModuleTargetController target) (at <bd2f44b018644269bf2013ae8c705cdf>:0) UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) ModuleManager.UnityLogHandle.InterceptLogHandler:LogException(Exception, Object) UnityEngine.Debug:LogException(Exception) MuMech.Operation:MakeNodes(Orbit, Double, MechJebModuleTargetController) MuMech.MechJebModuleManeuverPlanner:WindowGUI(Int32) MuMech.DisplayModule:ProfiledWindowGUI(Int32) UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle) Any idea what's going on here, that DVmaxsqr looks pretty big?
  8. Pardon my ignorance, but what is the setting "drop solids early" for, how does it work, what's the purpose?
  9. As a complement to the RCS to Translate Only patch I made a patch that disables the RCS for command pods (currently the Mk1-3 Command Pod and the Munar Excursion Module): @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],@MODULE[ModuleRCSFX]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleRCSFX] { rcsEnabled = false } }
  10. I'm trying to write a MM patch that disables all RCS functionality in any command pod (currently it's only the Mk1-3, afaik) having this functionality. Would this work? @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],@MODULE[ModuleRCS]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleRCS] { %moduleIsEnabled = false } } I'd like to have the ability to enable it again during flight, i.e. I don't want to completely remove the functionality, just disable it by default in the VAB. Thanks in advance for your input. EDIT: after some try and error, this works as intended: @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],@MODULE[ModuleRCSFX]]:FINAL { @MODULE[ModuleRCSFX] { rcsEnabled = false } }
  11. I think this is the problem here, the Communotron HG-55 is a direct antenna, not a relay antenna. https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Parts#Communication
  12. Very true. My crafts tough always have more than enough fuel, (I start with some 7400+ m/s from KSC for a Mun or Minmus landing), I've no need to fly that much efficient. Always better safe than sorry, and the extra fuel gives me that
  13. I'd think this is pretty good: What I do usually: Start with a (more or less) circular orbit of 20-25 km. Burn retro for some 50-60m/s until the trajectory is a bit behind the spot where I want to land. Maneuver node directly above the planned landing spot (6-8 km above ground), reducing the horizontal velocity to zero. Falling slowly down, I have enough time for fine corrections where exactly I want to land. Retrograde, keeping the vertical velocity roughly 1/10th of the numerical value of the altitude above ground. At about 20-30 m above ground, I switch to Radial Out and then soon have a smooth touch down at approx. 1m/s.
  14. Sent way too expensive rockets to Moho and Dres with the new ScanSat parts, to get rid of the new offered missions about visual scans. Boring.
  15. Yeah, that sounds very familiar, but fortunately there's solution for this: From your screenshot, I strongly agree with what @Bej Kerman already said, KER's default is to display vacuum values (which are what one is usually interested, e.g. the magic "3400 m/s to orbit" is referring to vac. dv), not ASL. You could cross check with the stock display (lower right corner, the delta v symbol), I'd bet your ASL TWR is below one. Or just click the Atmospheric button in KER, that should give you the ASL values as well.
  16. I'm aware that this issue is filed under unmodded installs, nevertheless, a mod like this will probably resolve this issues, at least, until it will be hopefully be fixed in the next update.
  17. Known bug https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25675 Workaround:
  18. I'm doing this for years, zero issues, incl. KSP 1.10, my last save before quitting is always from the KSC.
  19. I could load your save game file, but when trying to switch to a vessel, I do see the vessel after ESC, then nothing works, kind of freeze. Some flickering going on maybe once a second, but that's all. I think the save game file is corrupt.
  20. You should move your KSP installation to a folder outside "program files" or "program files (x86)", e.g. to "C:\KSP", as these are OS-protected areas.
  21. Hi there and welcome to the forums @TheXGamer449, to help you solving the problem, some more information is needed as outlined here:
  22. I checked the crash.dmp, unfortunately not much to see there, nothing point to a particular culprit. This result is turn is typically for mod issues, I don't see any other way but to say remove half of your mods, see if the issue persists, if yes: must be at least one of the remaining mods, if no: must be at least one of the removed mods. Continuing this way, it shouldn't take long to find the mod(s) causing this issue.
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