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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. KSP does make a backup of the last 5 auto saves, you can find them in this subfolder under your current career path "...\saves\<your career name>\Backup". Copy one from before the crash into your "...\saves\<your career name>" directory and see it that works. Generally, making frequent and regular backups can help to avoid such situations.
  2. My KSP installation starts with using some 12-13 GB, it usually takes 1.5-2h until it the memory use goes up to short of 20GB, so that's quite normal for me. To reduce RAM consumption, you could, as @linuxgurugamer already suggested, remove some mods, and/or reduce the texture quality to medium (the latter saved me me about 2-3 GB). More RAM might help, but my experience is that as soon as it goes close 20 GB, even if I have some free RAM left, it becomes laggy and unstable, hence I restart usually at 18 GB.
  3. Maybe you mean this confirmed bug? https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25666
  4. Excellent, glad the issue is gone
  5. That's pretty weird, never seen this myself or heard about this exact issue. I do have (say after a mod update) to purchase parts again I did purchase earlier, but having to buy the very same part over and over again, to no effect? No. I assume something is wrong with your KSP installation. What happens if you change if the entry costs setting as described here?
  6. Hmm... depending on your game settings, if they are like mine, you need not only to research a particular node but also have make a one-time purchase of the respective parts. When you buy the parts, do you have to buy them over and over again, i.e. a part isn't available in the VAB or SPH after purchasing it? If yes, I'd assume something is wrong with your KSP installation, a Steam file verification might help.
  7. Are you using the Click Through Blocker by @linuxgurugamer maybe? The latest version has a toolbar icon which allows you to clear any input locks.
  8. Discord: too many rules for my taste.
  9. Dear DMagic, Since the very last update from 20.1. to 20.2, I can't see any Ground Tracks anymore (KSP 1.10), any idea what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for your help! EDIT: it seems only the old parts don't give the tracks anymore, the visual scanner I placed recently around Mun does show the track.
  10. Need any logs? Let me know if I can help in any way, yes? EDIT: regarding changes in 1.10, I found this (you're probably aware of, nevertheless, doesn't hurt that I mention it, I think): "One additional configuration is that the base mesh must be named Mesh." I'd assume this is causing the issue still present despite the changed lines you gave me the other day.
  11. Hey @linuxgurugamer, sorry to bother you (again), but once again I'd like to ask for your help: The 0.625m fairing from this mod doesn't work anymore in 1.10, I'm having exactly the same issue as described here https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25673 , but I don't have any Restock mod. What MM patch would be required for this mod to fix this issue? Thanks in advance for your help
  12. Hey @Jim DiGriz, As promised, while late, some more feedback about the advanced transfer planner (KSP 1.9.1, stock system, MJ #956) Unfortunately the issues of unreasonable calculations still occurs sometimes, MJ is either unable at all to calculate a transfer (an error occurred while creating the node), or it calculates nonsense. Example (equatorial prograde Duna orbit with 0.5 deg. incl., return to Kerbin): And the actual planned maneuver looks like this: The calculations vary between some 2300 m/s and this. I also tried with different inclinations up to 15 degrees, same result. What DID work perfectly were the transfers Kerbin-Duna, Kerbin-Moho and Moho-Kerbin, and also Kerbin-Dres. After a couple of tries, finally KSP crashes. Zooming in into the PC graph: Let me know how I can help to further tracking down the issue and if you might need any log files. For now, I've to revert to #942, unfortunately. Thanks in advance for your reply
  13. Hey @DMagic, with much regret I had to uninstall the Basic dv mod, as I can't move parts between stages. Steps to reproduce (KSP 1.9.1, Bdv 6.0): Imagine a lander just landed at Duna, now all stageable parts - chutes, engines - are in stage zero. After my engineer repacked the chutes, I thought to make separate stages again with the engines being stage one, the chutes stage zero. While I could create, though not delete, another stage, I could not move any parts to the new create stage. Any idea what's wrong? Thanks again for your many great mods and the endless hours of work, hope to hear from you soon .
  14. Hey @Jim DiGriz, some feedback as promised: I finally found the time to do some real testing with the new transfer planner, in general the plots are good, no more wacky stuff. A few things though I'd like to mention: 1. Calculating the 2nd (i.e. circularization) burn, imo, makes no sense as the execution of the initial transfer burn never leads to exactly the projected trajectory, we're talking here about fractions of m/s with a huge effect. 2. Don't know if this is on purpose, but MJ still calculates the target Pe with any inclination, why not try to calculate an equatorial trajectory in respect to the target CB if it is possible? 3. I still miss the option to set a time frame for the pork chop calculation by just entering dates numerically. Thanks, and regards
  15. For the better Thank you, @Snark, I do appreciate this.
  16. And still the raven remains in my roomNo matter how much I imploreNo words can soothe himNo prayer remove himAnd I must hear for evermore Embracing the raven Wisdom and eternity Singularity
  17. Thanks man. I won't go that far with my wishes, regarding my little world (wife, family), just surviving another day is a good thing
  18. For me: Pink Floyd: Wish You Were here CCR: Chronicle, Vol. 1
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