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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. That's exactly why I use RA-100 for all relay satellites Because I can, and in case of doubt: moar booster
  2. If you don't already use CKAN for managing your mods, I'd strongly recommend you get it. I also recommend you copy your whole KSP folder to a different location, Steam's auto update feature can easily mess up your KSP installation. Might be worth your while to remove all your mods and re-add them via CKAN, that way no double Module Manager DLLs, you'll automatically get the most recent mod versions for your KSP version, and automatically fulfill all mod dependencies.
  3. As I said, and I can see that from your log too, you're running three different versions of Module Manager, that's a recipe for disaster. You log says MM 2.8.1, that's a very old version, current version is 4.1.3 Also, you're still using MiniAvc which is broken. I mentioned those issue earlier, you didn't clean up your installation?
  4. Granted! People will remember you as one of the most successful KSP modders. I wish people would have more common sense.
  5. Yes, you can do that in the difficulty settings menu (I'm playing another career game, and this is one of my "immersion" settings). I did set up my relay network as per this guide (though I used RA-100 antennas for everything): https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Setting_up_a_CommNet_system
  6. -55 (-) "...and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us..." Just thought about the old musical, and how our team slowly but surely conquers this thread
  7. I'd get the Module Manager in any case, it's a requirement for the majority of mods. Now, let's try to get to the root of your problem. You say I assume you followed the instructions on the first page of this thread, and checked the common issues and how to resolve those? If that doesn't help, can you please provide log files as outlines in this thread?
  8. I'm sorry, @GutwPC, but I asked you twice for more information, more details, I gave you twice the link what information is required at minimum and where to find it, and how to share it. Until you follow the steps outlined, I can not help you.
  9. @maru0729 There are a few mods that allow you to change the fuel type of tanks, I'd recommend @Snark's as it is very lightweight and easy to use.
  10. -99 (-) Ooopsy, wrong thread Maybe @Curveball Anders then?
  11. Log files, mod list incl. versions (you can export that list from CKAN), crash dumps.
  12. Have you tried these mods? and "QuickSearch"
  13. As per the second video, I can't see MJ being involved here at all, might be an issue with your craft, your save game, or KSP itself. What KSP version are you using, what part mods? maybe you can share the .craft file?
  14. Three different MM DLLs, that a very good recipe for getting problems. Next, MiniAVC is broken since 1.8.x, you should get rid of it, either manually or using this mod: Also, can you please provide some more information as outlined here: From your post, I can't see even the basics, like what KSP version you're using, and what mod versions.
  15. You could use a MJ dev version, the latest ones are marked as compatible up to KSP 1.9.99, just add "MechJeb2-dev | https://ksp.sarbian.com/ckan/MechJeb2-ci.tar.gz" to the CKAN repository list. Be aware though that MJ #948 still has some issues with Porkchop Transfers, Jim DiGriz is working on this.
  16. I don't want to go into any details here about specific countries, politicians, parties etc., sufficient to say that most of them imo have lost contact to the real world, to the things that ordinary people care or worry about. There are good reasons that discussions about politics and religion are not allowed here, it always ends bad.
  17. Hi there @Fergrim, That makes things a lot easier For starters, I'd delete the four MM cache files directly under GameData to force MM to rebuilt them. Also make sure you don't have any MiniAVC anymore, can be easily done by the ZeroMiniAVC mod from @linuxgurugamer And just to be sure, all your mods are good for 1.8.1, and there are no conflicts?
  18. Once upon a time... 1984 was a warning, not an instruction manual. Brave new world.
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