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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. No idea atm, sorry, but a suggestion: delete (or better rename) your settings.cfg, this should create a new default one, and you can see it that works.
  2. -4 (-) Nah, @Dirkidirk made a little oopsy-plus, I just went from there
  3. Oh? Ohkay... I remember placing my relays in my old career before 1.7., and placing my relays in 1.8.1, never noticed any difference. Weird.
  4. -89 (-) I might be wrong, probably are, but this could be trap. Those devious rebel plus guys, you know...
  5. Oh well, according to the current mainstream narrative, I'm either a communist, a pedant, a denier, a racists, a conspiracy theorist and what not. I can live with that
  6. Musk, yeah, smelly, thought so Muskox (Ovibos moschatus)
  7. That smells pretty strong, doesn't it?
  8. Just saying, there's already a thread for testing fonts, formatting etc.
  9. You're welcome Still puzzled, why would that file appended instead of generated new each time? Odd... The other option: it's actually growing that fast. Mind to check that?
  10. Wow... that's crazy. Usually the player.log would be created new with every start of the game, and it's size would be below 50 MB (mine right now has 26 MB). I'd delete it, yes.
  11. Well, question is what does virtualization change? This is our company's main business, virtual servers for our customers. Before, they had their IT on premises, now they're working on the virtual servers in our Datacenters. The users still go everyday in their office, virtualization doesn't change a bit here. And a lot of things are just physical, food for starters.
  12. I think so too, yes, but at least for me the fact remains that MJ tends to overburn slightly. I compared transfer burns done manually and via MJ, and the manual burns, when started at the correct moment (I follow KER here), often are less off in terms of final trajectory, than the MJ burns. I asked Jim DiGriz some time ago, and he told me MJ has a different method to calculate when to start a burn than stock or KER.
  13. I can't remember it being different than it is now, and how would I put the three relay satellites into a triangular formation if they wouldn't be attached to the interstage nodes after the fairing has been opened? You can see the decouplers too in my screenshot, plus the little Okto directly put on the fairing below the decoupler there. Together with the two batteries, it allows me, after deploying the relay satellites, to let the carrier rocket crash into the CB, avoiding any space junk.
  14. MJ, as per my experience, tends to start burns a bit late (Jim DiGriz and sarbian would heavily disagree here, lol), hence the PE after a burn tends to be too low. I learned to live with it, me being lazy, I prefer to do a little correction burn shorty after.
  15. Form follows function, or: KISS (Keep It Simple and Stupid) I'm not known for building any elegant designed rockets, I just want it to work
  16. Three sat units (probe core, RA-100, solar panels, reaction wheel, tank, engine) do fit fine in a 3.75m fairing
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