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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. To be expected, your = Kerbin's and the target's orbit are too close, too similar. Leave Kerbin's SOI, change the orbit significantly (a few hundred dv are usually good), then try to let MJ calculate a Hohmann transfer.
  2. Hi @I likeOxidizerrfuel, you'll find details where to find and how to upload logs here: And when is that exactly? If you have a crash.dmp (location %USERPROFILE%\AppData\LocalLow\\Squad\Kerbal Space Program\Crashes), I'd like to check that with a debugger.
  3. Hey @linuxgurugamer, just installed the mod and was curious how it would report on some vessels I've built earlier. As soon as I select stage asc. or desc. mode, some lines are displayed on to op each other, flickering like crazy (I'd say 10 or 15 Hertz). This seems only to affect part groups having symmetry (e.g. a radial decoupler plus drop tank in 2x symmetry, the lines for the decouplers and tanks are flickering as if fast changing position with each other), and only happens with vessels built before I installed this mod, not while building new vessels or loading a vessel built with this mod active. Is that a known issue? KSP 1.8.1, PW 1.3.8, I also use EEX 3.4.1, KER and Basic dv 1.8.8, thinking of any mods active in VAB Thanks and I'm curious for your reply
  4. That looks like very useful and interesting mod, but not so easy to learn how to use it.
  5. ...who are already defining the political agenda. Better keep my mouth shut, else we're going into a political discussion, which - for good reasons - isn't allowed here.
  6. Even if, it's not that I have 160+ hours overtime... plus 5 weeks payed holidays, taken none so far. Someone might think I don't love boss from the bottom of my heart
  7. Learned today the reason why my boss is against us doing home office: he always has the feeling, we (as in: his employees) are cheating him. Reminds me of the day he decided to introduce an attendance recorder: turned out, he lost big, we never did request even two thirds of the hours we worked overtime. And no, he still is in denial. I've not decided yet if I'll go to the office on Monday or not (health wise, I should, I do have a higher than average risk), I know though that several customers have a home-office policy already by now. If any company is suited for home office, it's our's: working remotely is our core business. Between rock and a hard place
  8. What is anime? Your avatar then: some like it hot
  9. On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.
  10. I was afraid of such an answer. (Actually, I'd have given the same answer if I'd knew a bit more about this stuff). I was puzzled when I tried to look it up: what might be the difference between IsEnabled and moduleIsEnabled ? Still don't know this. Guess it's try and error One question remains though:
  11. Wow... thanks! That's an answer I was hoping for, informative, comprehensive, and with useful links. Much appreciated!
  12. I envy you. I just saw several websites with such conspiracy theories, that doesn't imply that believe in them
  13. Hmm... doesn't sound familiar then. Checked / tried out different graphics settings?
  14. Hi folks, short question: will the following lines disable (not remove, just disable) the RCS thrusters for command pods (Mk3-1 and possibly mod pods)? // Disable RCS thrusters for new pods/cockpits // @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleCommand],@MODULE[ModuleRCSFX]]:Final { @MODULE[ModuleRCSFX] { %moduleIsEnabled = false } } Are both conditions - ModuleCommand and Module RCSFX - AND or OR? Or is there a syntax error maybe? Thanks in advance
  15. 1st infection confirmed in our town (pop. 6000)
  16. ...which already fuel some conspiracy theories, how can they have a vaccine this fast, when it usually takes two years?
  17. Not sure if I really understand your problem here, but have you checked out this guide? I don't understand why you'd change the active vessel in the process, the target should keep it's orientation constant, but that's about it. And you don't need both vessel's docking ports to target each other.
  18. You're welcome, and thanks to @5thHorseman for this mod
  19. Pretty sure it is, I'm using this very mod in the same version for a couple of years, from KSP 1.3.1 to 1.8.1 now, and I can truly say, I love this mod: it simply works
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