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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. [snip]ing depression, it just sucks. Hate it so much. But thanks to Valentina, Jeb, and some good old music, I'll get over it. Again. Again. And function. I had better times. Isn't life a wonderful thing?
  2. Some more (irrelevant? not for me me though) thoughts (and, hey, this is MY thread about "this and that", isn't it) Been up at around 4 am. Birds are singing, back, winter is over. Human affairs? That important? The world still goes on, doesn't it. I'll be gone in the not so far future. What will be left? I can only hope the world will not be worse off than if I've never had been. As long as I'm still here: please, people, save those nasty, snarky comments when you have an issue and don't like my answer. I simply try to help, if that's not good enough for you, then just move on. My time is too precious for such a nonsense. Do not insult people who just try to help. Thanks. Don't we, as humans, have way more important things to worry about but going after each other? Making your next (fellow) human's life miserable? Obviously not, it seems. What a pity.
  3. Now that's real the question then Or does it at all?
  4. Not for me. Have to go to office tomorrow. Who cares that I'm in the risk group (preconditions). How can I not love him?
  5. Him being crazy? Ignoring that he twice had a heart attack, the last one just 2 weeks ago? Then: perfect madness.
  6. You tell my boss, who's still in state of denial. No, you can't work from home, as you're trying to cheat me. what I'm doing here... ? Madness squared. Who [snip] is Musk?
  7. So I'm not imaging things? Thanks As I said, low importance, no worries
  8. I got the feeling you might be living in the US? Things are a bit different here, old Europe (as Rumsfeld said). Mars and Venus.
  9. Yoghurt. Yuck. You wanna kill me? Dunno, can't get any potatoes here atm? As I said earlier, back when I was a kid, the black market currency were cigarettes. Now it's TP. Go figure, civilization advances, no?
  10. Another time, back then. This: Just brilliant. Unfortunately, this totally ignored the nature of men.
  11. Unsorted thoughts: It's just dawn here, I hear the birds signing. The world did not stop spinning, doesn't care about our insignificant affairs. TP: Quite funny, isn't it? When I was a kid and learned about the black markets after WW2, THE currency was cigarettes. Now it's TP. Times are changing. Yes, we will have to live with SARS-CoV-2. Same as with HIV. Both endemic. Mankind still is, will be. We'll adapt. Always had. Will this be enough for a true wake-up call? I doubt. It's always the principle of the smallest denominator.
  12. Hi there, As you may know, occasionally I try to help other fellow KSP players having problems, and quite often I link this in the hope to get something to work with to analyze the problem. This very thread though says "NOTE: These logs are not the same as KSP.log, which lacks valuable data. Do not upload KSP.log; do upload output_log.txt / Player.log" while, as per my experience, the ksp.log does contain valuable information like installed mods incl. their versions that I can not find in the player.log. My question: would you mind to change that "How to get support" post to include the ksp.log as well as the crash dumps to provide for analysis? Would make it easier for me to help other fellow Kerbonauts (e.g. how often it turned out to be an outdated mod causing the problem)
  13. I truly hope so, personally, having Scatterer working, for me is much more important than to upgrade to 1.9.1 just for the sake of it
  14. It's not that important, but thanks anyway, looking forward for your reply
  15. Hey @Klapaucius, This reminds me of the discussions how to get to Moho, with its inclined orbit, this discussion here It's not that different, imo. Basically (and yes, it does cost you some dv) you try to make a Hohmann transfer being in the Sun's SOI in a way that you start your burn from Eeloo's AN or DN, and end at Eeloo's AN or DN, minimizing the dv needed for any plane change, ignoring the transfer windows. Sounds a bit cryptic maybe, but that's how it worked for me.
  16. I'm curious, could you reproduce the issue? Or is it just my installation here going bonkers?
  17. I'm using 1.8.1 as some of my important mods are not updated for 1.9.1 yet, and MJ dev #948 at the moment. In my last career, I visited all CBs with the help of the advanced transfer planner. By the way, you can use that planner too to make transfers between moons within the same SOI of a planet, e.g. Mun and Minmus, it's the same math here as a transfer between different planets: transfer between bodies that are orbiting the same central CB. Regarding that asteroid capture: I did encounter the same issue as you did, @Alexoff, when trying to capture an asteroid that had an orbit only slightly different from Kerbin's, the advanced transfer planner was unable to find a solution. Then I left Kerbin's SOI in the hope that that a Hohmann transfer would work, but no, same result, no node could be computed. Finally I made a prograde burn of some 400 m/s, resulting in an epileptic orbit around Sun that was different enough from the asteroid's, and MJ was able to calculate a Hohmann transfer. So yes, I did experience the same issue you have, and could resolve it. The problem with doing transfers between too similar orbits is kind of similar to calculate where two lines cross each other: if the angle between the two lines is large, it's very easy to see (or calculate) where they cross. But if the angle is quite small, you get a fuzzy area where they are crossing. Pens do have a width, where it mathematically is infinitesimal thin, and math-wise, you're dealing with functions of almost equal magnitudes in the numerator and denominator, and here the limits of a computer's floating point calculations come into effect. On a personal note: your comment did sound a bit snarky to me, hence my a-bit.snarky reply. I understand your frustration, but I just tried to help, not ridiculing you, ok? And while I think your question here was a rhetorical one, I'd like to answer it anyway: MJ for me a very useful tool, but still a tool, nothing magic. Yes, I can do say ascends or calculating and executing maneuver nodes manually (which I had to in my current career before completing the tech tree). For me, it's like in RL: use a computer to offload some boring/repetitive/time consuming tasks, but be able to do them by hand if required. At times, MJ doesn't just do what I want, that's when I do it manually, landings in particular.
  18. Thank you soooo very much for your kind words, @Alexoff I did capture several asteroids using MJ to calculate the Hohmann transfers and related maneuvers. Also to make a rendezvous with other vessels.
  19. Sent you a PM with a link, example craft, stock. Here all the parts of "2" are affected. And hovering the mouse over any of lines in "2" makes a wonderful green and yellow stroboscopic light of that stage In the stage overview on the bottom right I can see the focus fast switching between the decoupler and the Terrier.
  20. Same here. Been shopping for groceries, at 8.10 am we've been at the supermarket (opens 8 am). Potatoes already sold out, noodles, flour, only a few packages left. As you said: idiots.
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