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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Won't change anything -> /me out of here.
  2. Confirmed bug, see here: https://bugs.kerbalspaceprogram.com/issues/25680
  3. I don't have to like the new UI, do I?
  4. Take a look here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qIgFB8OXnlgpPCGsxv7JYUYQq5O671IcZXpumVaStek
  5. That would describe me as well then Basic idea behind harvesting ore and making fuel from it: I only need to have enough fuel to reach my destination CB from Kerbin. Land, refuel, fly back. Huge, no HUGE saving mass this way, starting with say 1000 tons instead of 1800. Physics range is 2.5km, stupid typos again, I'm sorry.
  6. Doing ore harvesting as well as producing fuel with an ISRU unit produces a lot of heat, therefore requires adequate cooling As soon as you switch to anything more away than 2.5 km, physics (incl. thermals and EC consumption/production) aren't calculated anymore. Hence, for example, your relay sats work w/o consuming any EC as soon as you switch away.
  7. Please check this post, without more data it's almost impossible to provide help. Right now it's just guesswork, based on experience. I'd think you either installed an incompatible version, or didn't install it properly.
  8. Life isn't fair, we all know it. Lost a very beloved family member today, she just was in in early 30s. Black hole, emptiness. Darkness.
  9. Thank you both, @Geonovast and @Deddly, appreciated
  10. Hey guys o/ I'm curious, a question please, if I may: How do you select the "Threads of the month"? Can ordinary users like me make suggestions? If so: where, how? Or what are your criteria?
  11. This thread is a true gem. @moderators I'd like to propose this for a thread of the month.
  12. @Superfluous J @RealKerbal3x Quick and "dirty" test done: from 32 science, I got 21.88 doing partial w/ no initial stored EC = 68% As the solar panels do continuous charging (I removed all EC using Hyper Edit, but I can click only so fast), I'd think it's just two thirds. So: I stand (actually sit) corrected, the penalty IS hefty.
  13. Thing is, the tech tree is complete, and I've gone for 100% patent licensing. And there are almost no experiments left to conduct at Kerbin, Mun, Minmus. I might see if I find a very old save game to test, hopefully not resulting in a mess with all the mods changed in the mean time. Or maybe start a science career, just for purpose of testing.
  14. Interesting... unfortunately I don't have a career save game at hand right now to test this. I won't think the "transmitting partial punishment" is that bad though.
  15. Kind of: it will transmit until the EC is used up, then stop until sufficient EC is there for the next data package, transmit that, and so on. While the warning when enabling partial says that you actually might lose a bit science this way, I never found that to be true (or I might not have looked too closely, lol).
  16. For managing fuel, I can recommend this mod, allows dumping fuel too:
  17. Umh... yes? Just a thread I made to let of some steam, if things are going too crazy for me.
  18. Ah, I see. Unfortunately, we as ordinary users can't do that, only moderators can.
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