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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Hey @linuxgurugamer, I found an (probably not so-much-important) issue with this mod: with any but 1R symmetry active, I was unable to attach anything to both nodes (top and bottom) of Dr. Jet's Chop Shop's Small Inline Chute. With and without pressing <Mod> key (which usually helps). I could place that chute, but attaching say an antenna on top of it: no way, KSP gave me just kind of a double click sound and that's all. Quite odd... Not a biggie anyway as I already found a workaround, just thought to let you know.
  2. Awww... now you perfectly hit my soft spot - what can I do for her?
  3. Hairsplitting again, (I'm good at that, hehe): but you said, "Better Time Warp", not "Better Time Warp Continued", I had just quoted you Kidding aside, I'm happy you found the culprit of your issues plus notified the mod creator about the issue. Time Control, hmm? Tbh, never heard about that mod. When I started KSP some years ago, I found Warp Everywhere and still stick with it as is does exactly what I want. Again, I'm happy you could resolve the issue, let me know if I can help with anything else.
  4. You mentioned which is a different mod than Better Time Warp Continued (Yeah, me again, splitting hairs, lol) I've seen you already did post in LGG's mod thread, good For my part, I've never used that mod but I stick with the good ol' Warp Everywhere, fits my play style perfectly.
  5. I don't know if I understand your question correctly, but naturally you'd want to go with the latest KSP version that is compatible with all your mods. Easiest way is to use CKAN as most mods are listed there. In general, part mods and pure MM config mods are usually compatible with various KSP versions, while dll-based mods need to be compiled against specific KSP versions, i.e. there have to be different mod versions for KSP 1.7.x and 1.8.x
  6. See this thread: I don't know though what the oldest versions are that Steam provides.
  7. This part mods still works fine and has large landing legs CKAN wrongly states it needs Firespitter while it actually does not.
  8. Better Time Warp has been been adopted by @linuxgurugamer a while ago, it's now called Better Time Warp Continued, latest version is good for KSP 1.8.1, see here As an alternative you could also use this mod, while not recompiled it works fine with 1.8.1, confirmed myself and the author confirmed it to me too
  9. With Christmas time approaching fast, anyone knows of some silly (the sillier, the better ) mods for KSP? E.g. a Santa costume for Jeb, or a rocket parts looking like a fir tree (with lights, ofc),?
  10. I'm not any good at drawing as well, you'd end up with a drawing similar to this, best case (found this one on the NASA website https://www.jpl.nasa.gov/nmp/ds1/img/top.jpg).
  11. See my example above or that from @AHHans he posted a few minutes ago. Long story short: be as precise as possible, and the shorter the orbital period is, the more important becomes precision. It costs you only a few minutes, which is way less time than you'll need to rebuild a constellation every few Kerbin years.
  12. Well, think about it: let's assume you play 10 years Kerbal time. The orbital period from my example is 4h:0m:18.1s. Let's assume that satellite's orbit is off by 5 seconds. 10 Years = 4260 days = 25560 hours = 6390 Orbits. So, after 10 years that one satellite's orbit would be off by 31950 seconds, or 8.8 hours or more than 2 whole orbits... not good. I try to be meticulously precise up to the very last digit with the orbital periods, with the result that even after more than 30 years after deployment all my relay sat constellation still look like proper equilateral triangles.
  13. Stock game does since 1.7, iirc, check the display in the lower left corner, there are a couple of buttons to change between different data to display. But if you're already using KER, you're more than fine, have all data at your fingertips. You're welcome, happy to help.
  14. Well, if you want to have a perfect relay sat network, that's the way to go Save for the math, what I do step by step: 1. Decide what orbit altitude you want to go for, and if it should be a polar or equatorial orbit. Let's for example say, you want a 500km triangular polar orbit constellation around Mun. 2. Build your rocket with three deployable relay antenna modules, which each should have a probe core, a battery, solar panels, a small fuel tank, and a small engine. Launch it, and bring it into a 500km polar orbit around Mun. 3. Check the resonant orbit values at https://meyerweb.com/eric/ksp/resonant-orbits/ , the important data here are the orbital period of 4h:0m:18.1s, and the altitude of the apoapsis of that resonant orbit which is 795.979km. 4. Deploy your first antenna module, immediately go prograde with your main rocket and raise the apoapsis to 795.979km. I strongly suggest you orient your rocket to normal before deploying the antenna module to avoid potential collisions when raising the apoapsis after deployment. 5. Switch to the antenna module, enable the engine, and check the orbital period, which should be close to 4h:0m:18.1s. If the orbital period is longer, go retrograde and burn slightly to adjust, if the orbital period is shorter, go prograde and burn slightly to adjust. What is important here is to achieve the exact orbital period as close as possible, the actual values for apoapsis and periapsis are not that important (if you, for example, end up with a 505x492km orbit, that's perfectly fine). 6. Switch to your main rocket and circularize at the next periapsis (which is 500km, of course). 7. Continue with your 2nd antenna, same procedure as point 4 to 6 8. Continue with your 3rd antenna, same procedure as point 4 to 5 9. Enjoy your triangular relay setup Btw, another useful link I followed: https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Tutorial:Setting_up_a_CommNet_system
  15. I followed this tutorial and got my relay network just perfect: Making sure the orbital period is exactly the same for all satellites is quite important to have a stable configuration, the individual altitudes can vary a bit, doesn't matter.
  16. Well, only thing I can say is is Big Thanks to you!
  17. I can test later today as well, you want Commit/WS/Private/Sharable or any other counters too, @linuxgurugamer? If other counters, which? Process Explorer offers these:
  18. Maybe you remember me being very happy that I had found this mod: I had to uninstall Kopernicus due to the issues with the BG surface features, and all and every craft (almost 200) lost all of it's AG settings due to that. AGMR saved me a bit amount of time and hassle to reenable the actions, so I gave you a big Thank You for this.
  19. Nope, I found the mod after you revived it, just been checking your activity Now that would be nice, looking forward to it.
  20. Selfish me, but I wish this mod would be updated for 1.8.x. The GUI is so much more logical, intuitive, convenient and accessible, plus I could for example configure an action for parts hidden under a fairing. Oh well...
  21. Pretty sure it's me just being a bit dense (VoidSquids are not famous to be known as the universe's smartest creatures), but: what is the benefit of this mod when I'm using CapCom - Mission Control On The Go already?
  22. Thanks for the update, @whale_2, much appreciated! Question: I can't see the 0.9.7 release in CKAN yet?
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