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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. Hi there, @SpaceFaringOrBust to be able to help you, we'll need some more information as outlined here:
  2. Hmm... does anyone know if this mod is still good for 1.8.1? I tried some other fuel cell mods, but this one still wins due to its functionality and simplicity.
  3. Hi there, @RickyOri, to be able to help you, we'll need some more information as outlined here:
  4. Ah, I see. Well, it would be a convenience mod, not a critical important one. Thought I just ask as I've so many "quality of life" mods from you, from Action Group Manager to Too Many Orbits and many more. Thanks anyway, and Merry Christmas
  5. Hi there, @linuxgurugamer, I've found this thread via a question from another player. If I understand the description quoted above correctly, this mod includes a parachute calculator? I've been looking for such a mod where you simply could calculate the third of the three parameters mass, chute config (number and type), and touch down velocity for Kerbin, Duna, Laythe. This mod provides that functionality?
  6. Hi there, @shaw, I still need to apply both, the old shader.windows, and the tinted visor fix EVAvisor.dds, as per @Gordon Dry's post here https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/96851-18x-texturereplacer-401-24122019/page/91/&tab=comments#comment-3712209 The current shader.windows causes the lips to twitch almost constantly, the EVAvisor.dds provides the visors to be tinted.
  7. Tbh, I only played the first one or two tutorials, I found them not very helpful overall, but checked out this little series to get myself started:
  8. Dear moderators, on behalf of my fellow Kerbals, I wish you all a Merry Christmas, have a good time with your family and loved ones.
  9. Did another test with this scenario, sequence: Launch, deployed parachutes, engine still running. Ran out of fuel, landed. No ribbon awarded.
  10. Two tests done, lift off with minimal fuel and letting the craft fall down when fuel has run out: With parachute: no ribbon Without parachute: ribbon awarded
  11. @Nereid It should be sufficient to hover a craft say 5m above the launch pad until fuel runs out and it falls down?
  12. Thank you very much, @Nereid, and I wish you and your family and friends a Merry Christmas! My little Kerbals got their extra X-Mas Ribbon today, what a nice touch
  13. Hi and welcome to the forum, @Marty_919 As this is an English speaking forum, I took the freedom to translate your post via Google Translate: The liquid fuel engines let me put them on but at the time of taking off the start but not consume fuel or advance the rocket. However the other engines do work. Try uninstalling and installing the game again, looked at tutorials and also looked at this same page, but I have no solution and I know my patience ends, please help me. Without a screenshot, I'd assume you either didn't enable the engine by staging (space bar), or didn't throttle up (Z for full throttle, X for zero throttle, Shift to increase, Ctrl to decrease), check the left gauge on the Nav Ball. Engine shutdown Engine active No throttle Full Throttle
  14. Self imposed rules (I've my own rules too, ofc, hehe) , or in other words: playing as YOU like it. That's for me exactly the point of KSP, we do have a common frame work, but everyone chooses his own way to play. What a wonderful game it is, oh yes!
  15. Not sure if you'll like my answer, but with a single and fast tourist contract, or a satellite contract, I make way more money in way less real time than by recovering spent boosters or other parts. Why would I want to go through all the hassle then? In real life, e.g. those space shuttles (talking about reusability here), while the basic idea was good, didn't keep their promise, neither regarding costs, nor security wise. Sure, if that's something you like to do / your own self imposed game rules, that's your choice then. As long as you enjoy it, it's perfect
  16. You just need to copy the respective .craft file from the <KSP Directory>\Saves\<Save Game Directory>\Ships\<VAB or SPH>\shipname.craft to your test game.
  17. What I did: Put my old KSP installation aside. Then made a fresh 1.8.1 installation and added all my mods. Finally, I copied my old save game folder into the new installation. This way I a) have my old installation always available as a fallback, and b) I can be sure that all mods are good for 1.8.1. From my about 100 mods, only three weren't available for 1.8.1, but I found good alternatives.
  18. Nope, Windows + DX11 Don't worry too much, with the shaders plus the visiors I mentioned, everything looks perfect I'm more than happy this way.
  19. Sorry to bother you again, @linuxgurugamer, but the latest version seems to have some issues: 1. The experiment display window opens initially on the top left corner of the screen, very small. 2. More serious is that the settings dialog does nothing but a click sound. This is regardless if I use the mod via Blizzy's or the stock toolbar. KSP 1.8.1, all mods are current (Toolbar, MM, ...). After reverting back to, everything works fine.
  20. That KSP.log should hopefully gives some information too, but from your outpot_log.txt, the last lines NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object at SimpleBoiloff.ModuleCryoTank.GetInfo () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 refer to ModuleCryoTank, I'd check if the respective mod is the culprit.
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