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Everything posted by VoidSquid

  1. For me, last one I do remember was a 120x120 km LKO, trying to raise the Ap to 2000 km after a fixed time , neither 0s nor any other time worked.
  2. Got this error recently too a couple of times when trying to create a node to raise the Ap from a circular LKO.
  3. Seems I'm lost here then, what is this thread about?
  4. I see, thanks. Reason I asked, I happened to send a probe to Eeloo, part of it was a satellite with probe core, ScanSat parts, and just enough RTGs to satisfy all EC requirements for scanning. On paper at least it was. Turned out, I was 0.05 EC short With this mod, I could have avoided this, I thought, but as I said earlier, I couldn't find the respective consumers, hence I asked
  5. You can check the calculation sheets from this thread: If you go with a Communotron 88-88, you should be perfectly fine, no relay antenna required for your probe.
  6. I found this mod pretty helpful: Also, this mod helps a lot with the bouncing issue when loading a scene: Additionally, you might want to define a different set of keys for forward/reverse/left/right movement, as WSAD include rotational forces.
  7. I don't know if we're on the same page here, but sunflares like this belong to another mod:
  8. Just what @bewing said. There are though a couple of mods which let you modify the content of fuel tanks, namely: and
  9. Got it this morning from CKAN, thank you again for this great mod!
  10. The very first mod I installed, years back when I stared playing KSP, and still one of the very essential mods I don't want to play without at all. Thanks, @NavyFish
  11. I'll test again and give you feedback, ok? EDIT: I'm happy to be proven wrong, @Shawn, after completely uninstalling, deleting the whole directory, and doing a fresh install, I can confirm that the twitching is gone. Thank you!
  12. There's a stock inventory (for surface deployed experiments and related stuff) and a KAS/KIS inventory (classic, from additional EVA, to fuel to parts), two different things... you're sure you didn't mix them up maybe?
  13. Hi there, @Nertea, and thanks again for this mod, quite helpful when planning missions. I have a question though, I couldn't find any of the stock resource scanner, not any of the ScanSat modules as EC consumers, what am I doing wrong here?
  14. Not much to add, @HvP and @Vanamonde already covered the main issues. What I see in addition: the fins at the upper stage are not helping at all, just the contrary, fins should be always placed as low as possible. Weight distribution: always try to have the center of mass as much away as possible from the center of thrust. If you have the parts available, best to use a SRB plus fins only for the first stage, next stage use a Swivel engine as that one has gimbaling (better: Reliant plus active fins, but you said those aren't available yet). I don't know if the functionality is available for consoles, but on PC, you can use F12 to show the aerodynamic forces, very useful to analyze why a rocket flips. Finally, I recommend you watch this video here:
  15. Cool, thank you Guess it will take a few hours until it shows up at CKAN.
  16. Another quality of life mod. Thinking of it, most of my mods actually fall in this category, and most of them are created or maintained by you, @linuxgurugamer. And then I'm asking myself, why didn't I install that mod earlier? Sigh... Again, thank you very much, it's always the sum of the little things that make life enjoyable.
  17. Check the "Use Cache" setting, enabling it stops the fps drop almost certainly. Not that I'm aware of, I'm using 2.3.0 with my KSP 1.7.3 installation, works fine.
  18. And stupid me didn't even check for this, tsk tsk tsk... Thanks for letting me know!
  19. Hmm... I do remember Kopernicus having some issues with the BG surface features, which can lead to severe FPS drops, but that's all coming to my mind now, but that's obviously not the issue you have. The MM log shows an issue with KAX. In the output log I see several lines similar to this PartCompiler: Cannot clone model 'SquadExpansion/Serenity/Parts/Robotics/Assets/RotoServo_03' as model does not exist. I'd very your installation using steam, if there are all required files present. Did you start your game before BG? If yes, the surface features won't be active by themselves as kind of a security measure to prevent a surface feature collide with a landed craft. You'd need to modify your save game manually to enable the surface features or start a new game. Scatterer 0.0540 worked fine with 1.7.3. At any rate, I'd first see if all mods are good for your 1.7.3 install.
  20. Not funny, SQUAD, not funny at all New features? Nice. New features having more issues than plain vanilla stock before? [snip]
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